Oh dear Jelly, thank you for waking me up at 3:17. Thanks to you, I had ample time to eff around on the computer, lift at the gym, and make it to work around 7am... nearly an hour before I am required to be there.
I have to get more sleeping pills. I am all out, and I really need them like once a week. I am okay with taking them occasionally, but I don't want it to be a nightly ritual. (Don't suggest melatonin. It gave me insane diarrhea for 3 months straight one time...)
Oh, at the gym, I almost went ape shit in the locker room because there were two women having a conversation while getting ready and they were practically SCREAMING. I just couldn't take it. I showered, got dressed, put gel in my hair, and skipped the makeup. If I stayed longer, I would have punched someone and have gotten kicked out of the gym.
Work was absolutely terrible. My classes just chatted and chatted and chatted... it was not good. I ended up having to get out my "grumpy voice" and being a big old bitch. I did not enjoy teaching today. Not one bit.
After work, I had physical therapy. I got some new exercises that are more challenging. My PT also told me I'm extremely fit, which made me feel good... particularly because you go to PT to fix your weaknesses, not to glow about your strengths. So it was nice to hear something POSITIVE in PT. (Please don't think I mean I was seeking out compliments... I just mean whenever I go to PT, I feel broken and weak, because that's why I'm there! So it was nice to hear something good about what my body is capable of.)
On the way home from my appointment, I stopped and got us Wendy's for dinner. We don't eat a lot of fast food so this was a treat! I didn't eat right away though.
I had a 6 piece nugget, two junior cheeseburger deluxes, and a small frosty. That is A LOT of food. However, I am eating a lot less during the week because I simply DO. NOT. HAVE. TIME. when I am at work. I know, I am the girl that always makes time to eat. But I am busy, stressed, and I just don't have a big lunch or snack throughout the day like I used to. Once the weekend rolls around, my body is ready to make up those calories.
I know fast food is technically gross, not good for you, and not good for the climate.
However, there is absolutely NOTHING that's like a Wendy's junior cheeseburger deluxe!!!

I slept very shitty but still got up when my alarm went off at 6:30. I was meeting Kristen and a bunch of other people at Boyd's Big Tree Preserve for a trail run to celebrate her 40th birthday! I heard it was archery season, so I put on all the orange I owned...
It was a weird run because I did 1.5 miles before everyone got there, 5.5 with the group, and then an extra mile with one other person I met that day to make it an even 8 miles for the morning.
I forgot how pretty it is at Boyd's. As you can probably tell from the picture, it was cold, rainy, and foggy. But I love a good trail run no matter the weather!
Me and the birthday girl!
After the run, I drove straight home to shower. Then we headed to Knoebels for their Halloween Fun weekend with my parents, Tyler's family, and Debby's sister Suzy and husband Josh. It was freaking cold! It was mid 50s but I am just always cold...
Clementine and Clark on the Kiddie Whip!
Clark is getting bigger so he is able to ride more rides now!
The corn pit is always a hit.
Ellie and Aunt Suzy
Oh Grandpa!
Grandpa and Clem
He's a big, big boy!
The first time he rode this, he slid down onto the floor before the ride started. The attendant marched over to his car, pointed to Clark, and yelled, "Whose child is this?????"
Mom and Dad/Grandpa and Nanny
Ferris Wheel Fun!
Josh and Suzy
It was a busy, fun filled day at Knoebel's. The kids got to ride a bunch of rides. I rode the Cosmotron with Ellie twice (that's our thing) and I rode the Grand Carousel with the girls as well. Clementine didn't want me to hold onto her, and I didn't. But I did stand beside her. The next time we go to Knoebels, it will be in the summer, and I think Clementine will be big enough that I can just ride the horse beside her.
Puddle jumping in the fall? Why not!?
Clementine did the Haunted House for the very first time!
Knoebels' Haunted House is VERY scary. Clementine kept it together throughout the ride but broke down soon after this picture. "It was scary!" she said. Tyler cheered her up enough to get a picture with the skeleton!
Tyler and Debby
Aunt Suzy!
Uncle Paul!
Uncle Josh!
Auntie Megan!
I ate some really good food at the park. I had a chicken cheese steak, cheddar broccoli soup, 1.5 pieces of pizza, and some kettle corn. Oh man, it was all so good and worth the calories!
Fun Fact: The night before Knoebels, Debby sent me "Flat Ellie, Flat Clark, and Flat Clementine".
Of course I had to send her a picture of Flat Auntie Megan...
There was so much to do today. I made a list and got right to it.
"Outer order, inner calm" is my mantra these days... Plus I have been REALLY slacking on housework, errands, cooking, and all that other stuff that's important to share in a marriage.
After all the errands were run, the house was cleaned, and the food was cooked, I felt like I was ready for the busy week ahead.
I did spent quite a long time at the gym today. It takes me an hour to do all of my PT exercises, stretching, and foam rolling- 40 min before my run and 20 min after. Then of course I had to do my ACTUAL workout (6 treadmill miles). I played around with the speed.
My toe is infected from cutting the nail to short and the run REALLY angered it. When I got home, I soaked it in warm, salty water. It really sucked.
Your trail run in the morning sounds lovely! I haven't done a morning run since summer but there were several days last week that I felt the weather was just perfect for a morning run!
ReplyDeleteI remember the Haunted House at Knobels being very scary! Kudos to Ellie for keeping it together while in there. That horn at the end got me every time.
I cant believe how much Clark is starting to look like the other two! I think it's the hair!
It's the amazon guy at the end that always scared me! Yes Clark is getting so big and cute!
DeleteI have not had an infected toenail, but Zach did. It looked horrible!! Super red and puffy. So gross. Hope yours is not that bad!
ReplyDeleteWe went to Cedar Point twice this weekend. On Saturday we drove all the way there only to find out the line to get into the parking lot was about an hour long (!!) so we just drove home. It's an hour 15 mins to get there, so that's a lot of driving for nothing. But, we tried again Sunday before noon, and it was much better. Good times of haunting fun! I got too freaked out in a haunted house and had to take the "alternate route". hahaha! it made me too claustrophobic!
Toe feels soooooo much better today! That stinks about your first try at Cedar Point! It takes 90 minutes to get to Knoebels if there is no traffic so it is a hike. I would hate to have had to turn back around.
DeleteI love the flat pictures! Too cute.
ReplyDeleteI rarely eat fast food, and if I do, it's McDonald's. I don't react well to the other places. Chick-fil-a actually made me sick and I only ate it that one time.
I ate Chick Fil A in college all the time. I really liked it. No more though. They openly donate money to organizations that work to limit the rights of gay people and were strong opponents of marriage equality.