2013 sure was an interesting year. A lot of wonderful things happened, a lot of stressful (to say the least) and sad things happened. But here we are on the last day of the year. This morning I awoke happy and healthy with my man and my kitty cats at my side. Any day I wake up next to the love of my is the best day, in my book. So here is a quick re-cap of some of our big events of 2013....
1. We celebrated 5 years of marriage! I can't believe it has been this long already. Looking back at this wedding pic... dang we look so young! I know I married the perfect person for me. Paul makes me laugh every day. I am the luckiest gal in all the land!
August 9, 2008, Hidden Brook Farm, Carlisle, PA
2. We took a trip to NYC to sit in the studio audience of The View (one of my long time favorite shows!). And then I got to go back and be featured on a segment. What a dream come true!

Yes, we purposefully color coordinated. I wanted to look TV ready!
3. I hit two running PRs- 19:51 5k and 5:41 mile. Then spent the rest of the year injured. What's the song? "There is a season, tuuuuuurn, tuuuuuurn, tuuuuuuuurn...."

Mile Madness!
4. We went on a couple mini vacations, including visiting my alma matar (IUP), Fallingwater, Atlantic City, and Ocean City New Jersey.

Paul organized the Western PA trip to IUP and Fallingwater!

Posing in the Oak Grove at IUP.
5. I gave up fake sugar. I had consumed enough fake sugar to last 5 lifetimes. I was due. Now I drink a ton of water and a ton of milk!
6. My husband had brain surgery to remove a large portion of a brain tumor at Johns Hopkins Hospital and it has helped his symptoms tremendously. The scariest time in our lives, for sure.
7. We lost our Basey Girl. I still can't believe I'll never get to pet her again. I miss her a lot. The day we lost her was one of the saddest days of my life.

Isn't she the prettiest?
8. I decided to become a a certified personal trainer. I have to register for my test soon. Gulp.
9. We booked a Hawaiian Vacation! We didn't go yet, but we booked it and paid for it, which is half the battle!
10. I discovered butternut squash. Yes, butternut squash gets a spot in the re-cap.
So tell me the highlights of your 2013!!! The good, the bad, and the squash!