It's just sometimes I get ideas for random blog post topics. And you know me- I like to go rando sometimes. I kind of have to since I post every day!
Today's topic is talking about the most physically painful things I have ever experienced!
This is not meant to be a depressing post. You have my permission to be entertained by my pain. Just make sure you leave a message in the comments about the most physical pain you have ever experienced!
I'm actually going to put these painful events in order. Let's do a countdown, shall we!!??
The 3rd most physically painful thing I have experienced...
ART on my Plantar Fascia
I seriously should have vlogged my last chiro appointment. By the time he is done working on my foot, I am drenched with sweat and my heart is racing. It's practically a workout!
Active Release Technique is a patented, state of the art soft tissue/movement based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves.
So imagine you have plantar fasciitis and the bottom of your foot hurts really bad. Then imagine flexing your foot and having someone rub this tool along your plantar fascia REALLY FREAKING HARD...
Are you cringing? Sorry!
Also, that picture makes it look like the foot is being tickled by the tool.
Imagine a user that is 50x more aggressive!
But runners will agree with me, if a technique works and it gets us heeled up and running sooner, we will endure the pain!
The 2nd most physically painful thing I have experienced...
Unpacking and packing gauze in my mouth after wisdom teeth extraction
I believe I was about 27 when I got my wisdom teeth out, which is "old" in wisdom teeth standards. My biggest error in this whole fiasco was not keeping on top of the initial pain with Vicodin. I felt fine right after surgery, so Paul and I decided to go over to Penndot to renew my car registration. I know what you're thinking- STUPID, STUPID DECISION!!! Who the hell can handle Penndot let alone Penndot right after wisdom teeth extraction? But in my defense, the pain medication from the surgery was still working, so in my hazy brain, we'd just pop in Penndot, get the registration, and pop back out.
Well, by the time we pulled into Penndot, the medication wore off and I was in a lot of pain. I couldn't talk because not only was my mouth full of gauze, but it hurt A LOT. By the time we got home, I was bleeding through the gauze and it was dripping onto the floor. Uh oh. Time to change the gauze. Enter, Paul.
Poor Paul. I laid on the couch and wriggled, screamed, and cried until he was done shoving the gauze into the gaping holes in my mouth. It just had to be done because once it was packed in, it felt a lot better than when it was empty and the nerve was exposed. I really can't accurately describe how much this hurt other than saying it REALLY EFFING HURT!
Oh, a couple days later I got dry socket, which also hurt a lot but not as much as the actual act of unpacking and packing my mouth.
And now, the moment you have all been waiting for!
I wrote about this horrible incident when it happened two years ago. I urge you to read that post if you missed it because the pain was still raw at that point and I think I did a good job at describing everything!
But the short story is that a tomato plant scratched my cornea while I was working in the garden. The initial scratch hurt, but then it felt fine. The next day I went to the doctor because my eye was red and it felt like something was stuck in it. I was diagnosed with a scratched cornea and given eye drops to put in every three hours.
About 16 hours after the initial scratch is when shit hit the fan. My eyes wouldn't stop watering and light of any kind hurt. I sat in my bedroom with the shades drawn and sunglasses on. I was so tired and exhausted but all I could do about the pain was grown because crying hurt. I couldn't even close my eyes to sleep because closing my eyes hurt so bad.
I basically felt like I was continuously being stabbed in the eye and I will admit I went a little crazy that night. The pain was making me loopy.
But I survived!
Day #3, feeling a lot better.