Happy Monday!
I hope you had a great weekend.
Here's what we were up to...

As far as work, this was a much better week. But in my personal life, I was just in a funk. I think it was because I got my period on Thursday. Maybe being in a funk a couple days before my period is normal for me. It sucks being a girl. I'm pretty much guaranteed to have an entire month out of the year where I feel like a freaking pooping walrus with an achy back.
That's not to say I wasn't excited for the weekend! Especially after my awesome run that morning. I felt so alive!
That's not to say I wasn't excited for the weekend! Especially after my awesome run that morning. I felt so alive!
I hit a snow squall on the way to work. It was so weird. I thought I was driving into the apocalypse. Then suddenly, I crested a hill, and boom it was sunny out!
At work, I got to cut a lot of lamination. I love cutting lamination! I'm serious. I find it very relaxing.
A fun time was had by all...
Look at the beautiful picture Paul sent me while I was at work...
Oh, on the way home from work I treated myself (thanks to a 50% off coupon!) to a new puzzle!
Paul and I had a wine and cards date scheduled for that evening. WE PARTY HARD!
Then we caught up on Colbys... We watched about 8 episodes! (Not entire episodes.) We fast forwarded through most of the guests tonight. We even fast forwarded through Oprah. I like Oprah, but I didn't feel like seeing her interviewed. And I don't want her to run for president...
Dinner = chips with black beans, tomatoes, salsa, and cheese!

I was in such a good mood when I woke up on Saturday morning. With twelve hours of sleep, I felt refreshed. I spent the first four hours of my day drinking coffee, listening to podcasts, and finishing my puzzle! Then I went for an 8 miler around my hood. I felt great!
That afternoon, Paul and I drove down to Gettysburg for some wine tastings. First we parked at Buddy Boy and did the 5 for free tastings. We have tried most of Buddy Boy's wines already, so 5 tastings was enough for us. We left with six bottles to take home! (5% off!)
Then we parked in the garage near the square. It's only 75 an hour, which isn't too bad. We meandered into a store I always passed on my way to Godspell rehearsal. It was called Gallery 30. I loved it! But everything was a bit expensive...
Cool chess board outside a game store.
Then we walked to Adams County Winery. There are three wines of their's we absolutely love: Rusty Red, Rebel Red and 3 Ships to the Wind. We did the 3 for free wine tasting and then bought four bottles. If you ever want to try Rebel Red, it is in the liquor stores in Central PA. look in the Made in Pennsylvania section.
The last winery we planned to go to was Hauser's which is right on the square. They have quite the selection of cider too. The tastings were 5 for $5 so we did have to pay at this place. I liked one of the ciders I tried but I did not like any of the wines. Paul really liked the merlot, so he bought a bottle of that and a 6 pack of cider to go.
Then we were going to eat, but on our walk to the pizza place, we passed Knob Hill Winery. I bought a glass of one of their reds and Paul had beer from Gettysburg Brewery. We drank slowly and played cards!
(FYI if you're not familiar with wine tasting, you usually get about 1 oz. So even though we tasted at 3 places, we probably only had the equivalent of one glass of wine.)
Paul never made a card house! Please tell me you used to make card houses when you were a kid!
At the pizza place, we shared a buffalo chicken sub, fried mushrooms, and hydrated with Diet Cokes!
"This particular Diet Coke has a slight oak after taste."
Look at the cool light fixtures!
I was a little overdressed but I HATE being cold!
We are stocked!!!
Chrissy loved the box from Buddy Boy.
I had the absolute worst night of sleep. That's what I get for sleeping 12 hours the night before. I was still awake around 3am. FREAKING A. I'm pretty sure reddit had something to do with my sleepless night...
I was supposed to run trail with Kristen but I texted her in the middle of the night to bail. Then of course in the morning, I woke up naturally at 7:30am and was unable to fall back asleep. What a freaking waste.
I got up, poured some coffee, and blogged. I was feeling "meh". Luckily, Paul was feeling "meh" too... so we were "meh" together and binge watched some Big Brother Canada.
I worked on some puzzles while we watched.
I didn't feel like working out, but I decided to suck it up and lift. I am still playing it safe because of my shoulder. I tried pull ups and they felt great! I was worried about pull ups because they are so intense but they don't bother my shoulder at all.
Later on that night... more Big Brother Canada and puzzles. It truly was a "do nothing" type of day around here. Even the cats got in on the action...
Do you want Oprah to run for president?
What are your favorite local wineries?
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
What are your favorite local wineries?
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
I read an article (at the Dentist) about Oprah running for president and she said she didn't want to be president but she wanted to make a difference. Doesn't sound like she is going to run, but ya never know. I don't know much about what she would want to do as presidents so I can not say.
ReplyDeleteYes, you certainly are stocked on wine!
I hate to say it because I know "money" isn't everything, but with Oprah not having any experience in government, she could make more of a difference throwing her support behind a candidate who's platform she supports and throwing money behind causes she supports. Although she has done so much already! She opened a freaking school in Africa... I think instead of being president she should just relax and enjoy her life!
DeleteMy period should have started Wed/Thurs too but it didn't come until Saturday and man did it come in like a storm. I woke up around 7am with cramps like I haven't felt in years! My pharmacy was out of my normal birth control pills so they gave me an equivalent and my body did not like it apparently :|
ReplyDeleteI am glad Oprah has said she will not run. I admire many of the things she has done over her career, but I feel that way about a lot of people who shouldn't be president of our country. I don't think the right candidate has emerged yet, but I hope whoever it is emerges soon. I don't think it could hurt for that person to start gaining support and momentum now, especially (and hopefully) if it is someone young, relatively unknown and much more liberal than previous democratic candidates.
Ew that sucks! Is that why it was late also? I hope Oprah sticks with her decision not to run. I think she should just enjoy her life!
DeleteI would absolutely vote for Oprah, but I understand why people don't want to run for president. It's such a thankless job, and already one party is against you. She can make such a difference donating and campaigning for the causes she believes in.
ReplyDeleteIt really is thankless. I can't believe anyone wants to be president. It must be the most horrible job in the world!
DeleteLook at all that wine!! Are you going to start a wine cellar in your basement? how many bottles do you have?
ReplyDeleteWe almost went to Gettysburg this weekend, just to hang out and eat. Roger said that there were a lot of FBI agents in Gettysburg over the weekend, looking for a gold treasure... something along those lines.
I don't know if this happens to you, but a few days before my period, and the first 3 days, I can't sleep. My entire body refuses to sleep, I feel like I had 3 cups of coffee, even when exhausted.
We have over 20 bottles because we have a wine cupboard as well!
DeleteI did not know there was FBI there! I did see a lot of people out and about in their green for St. Patty's Day.
Hmmm I am not sure if any of my sleep problems are period related but it's something to consider. Last night I woke up at 1:17 and never went back to sleep. :(
I would like Oprah to run! She's a very strong individual and I think she has a lot less skeletons in her closet than most candidates I've seen lately! Which could totally be wrong, because nothing has been dug up yet...
ReplyDeleteAh, the kitties look so happy lounging!! :)
Good point, I'm not sure she has any crazy skeletons! Could you imagine what would be dug up on US if we were running? If they interviewed my community theater friends I hung out with in college they could get some ammo on me!