This wrap up will be in LIST format... because I feel like it!
Apparently I like to go to the doctor when nothing is wrong. (Or I just really like paying co-pays or something...)
Example 1: A little over a week ago, I found out there was nothing wrong with my knee.
Example 2: A few days after that, I woke up with searing eye pain and was convinced there was something in my eye. I went to Urgent Care to find out there was nothing in my eye.
Example 3: (Warning! This is where the poop talk starts! Skip if it's TMI for you!) Then on Friday I went to the doctor again because I have had diarrhea for TWO WEEKS! Once again I was told there was nothing wrong with me! I'm supposed to try over the counter meds and if it persists for another week, try eliminating dairy from my diet.
Couldn't the boxes be a little more discreet!?
(Poop talk DONE!)
On Friday evening, Paul and I went to see Jurassic World at the Harrisburg Mall. There was an armed police officer patrolling the premises and popping into each darkened theater from time to time. Armed officers do not normally patrol the theater. It was clearly in response to the theater shooting in LA.
It's sad. We live in America. We should feel safe. We should not need police officers patrolling our movie theaters. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH OUR COUNTRY? Why are there so many random mass shootings? This doesn't happen in other developed countries. Why are our citizens so violent? Why do so many bat shit crazy people have access to guns? WHY DOES THERE NEED TO BE SO MANY GUNS?
There is a New York & Company OUTLET STORE at the Harrisburg Mall! (I discovered it on our way into the movies.) Every single thing in there is CHEAP. I tried on a bunch of things but didn't buy anything because I really don't need clothes right now. But I can't wait until I do need clothes, because this is where I will go! The general style of clothes in NY&C is a little too preppy for my style, but I am usually able to find some things that are a little "fun", or some basic pieces that I can add my own personal flare to.
Saturday morning was Pride in Harrisburg. It was my first time attending Pride and my first time attending a drag show! I can't tell you how moved I was to see everyone out and about being who they are.
Later that night, we went to the Shippensburg Fair where we traded rainbow flags for Confederate flags. That's right. I live near places where apparently people drive around in pick up trucks with huge Confederate flags flapping in the breeze. Hey, I am all for freedom of speech and expression. Keep waving those Confederate flags and make it easier for the rest of us to know who the idiots are!
Despite all the cigarette smoke, we still had fun at the fair eating junky food and listening to a band play.
I'm bulking up for the beach.
That popcorn chicken was 40% chicken, 60% "fried". IT WAS AWESOME.
Annnnnnnd that was my weekend! Or at least, the parts that are worth mentioning!

What's your favorite crappy fair food?
What outlet stores do you like?
Ever attend Pride?
Are there many Confederate flags waving in your neck of the woods?
What outlet stores do you like?
Ever attend Pride?
Are there many Confederate flags waving in your neck of the woods?
Ugh, I hope you can get your poop situation figured out. Seriously not fun. Try eating more bananas and rice in the meantime. Helps slow things down. That would scare me w/ the police patrolling the theater. We live in such crazy, scary times and I often think (which sounds bad): if I am involved in something like that I hope I just die quickly because I really don't think I could stand the trauma of that. I love getting hot dogs and funnel cake when we go anywhere they serve them (washed down w/ a beer of course). My fave is the Lucky Brand Jeans outlet! I have not attended Pride but would love to and yes, we have a bunch of idiots in NoCo flying their confederate flags. You and I are on the same page w/ this :)
ReplyDeleteSee I am the opposite, I think about how I could SURVIVE. Play dead? Hide? Ugh isn't that horrible that we have to even think about the fact that something like that could happen to us when we're just innocently going about our lives? Funnel cake is sooooo good!
DeleteOh thanks for sharing about the New York and company outlet store! I love the actual store and now an outlet??? I will have to tag along next time Scott goes to Bass Pro!
ReplyDeleteYes you should! That would be a great way to kill time.
DeleteConfederate flags in PA?! I'm originally from PA as well (Bethlehem!) and don't recall ever seeing any in that area. These people DO realize they live in the NORTH right?!? So confused right now. Hope your stomach issues get under control. I've been lactose intolerant since the 6th grade and I can tell you it's a HORROR if I ingest dairy so maybe try phasing it out if the meds don't work.
ReplyDeleteWell, I am in south central PA, and not to use a stereotype, but there are a lot of "hicks" around here. LOL I guess they forget we are the north? That's what makes it so stupid! I am sorry lactose causes HORROR for you! I think I know the type of horror you are talking about due to my troubles these past two weeks.... I hope it is not lactose that is causing it as I love my cheese!
DeleteIf it is dairy, and you do not want to give it up, try Lactaid. It is an enzyme supplement and will make it easier for you to digest Lactose. Megan and I were both lactose intolerant for years and years. Lactaid did the trick. I know there are Gluten intolerance skeptics all over the place but at least consider it.
ReplyDeleteI would rather die than have Celiac. OKay, maybe that is a bit dramatic, but I can think of soooooo many other ailments I would rather have! I freaking love dairy too, so I am glad you mentioned lactaid. I drink a lot of milk, eat a lot of cheese, and while I don't eat as much ice cream as I used to, I still enjoy it from time to time. Thanks for the lactaid tip! Oh and I only had to stop 3 times on the way to DC for emergency bathroom lol. Luckily Paul is understanding.
DeleteFavorite fair food, hands down, fresh cut French fries cooked in peanut oil...Haven't had them in YEARS.
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen any confederate flags here in NH. The whole state is--"Live free or die". Personal rights are taken SERIOUSLY here.
I have GI problems from dairy, and gluten when I am training hard, which is usually worse if I become dehydrated on a stuff.
Ugh I am sorry that stuff causes you GI problems. I am glad you at least figured out what causes it. I am just wondering how all of a sudden I could be having such a sudden, substantial GI problem for such a long time! It seems weird to me that a particular food would so suddenly give me problems but heck maybe that's how it works. There's nothing I really eliminate from my diet.... as you can tell by the fair food we had!
DeleteThat's probably a good idea to not even get into a discussion with those types of people because clearly they are not the type of people to be reasoned with on the topic!
ReplyDeleteYou are right, there are crazy people everywhere. :(
Oh man, those boxes ... nothing like the cashier knowing your business! Dealing with GI issues and getting back into running doesn't sound like a fun combination. I hope things clear up for you soon!
ReplyDeleteThat's exciting about the NY&Co outlet! I love NY&Co but don't have one near me any longer. I recently learned that outlets are kind of a sham. I always thought the outlets were always filled with overstock or items undesired at full price. It turns out most brands make clothing specifically for their outlets. They call it "designing for the aspirational shopper." That kind of ticked me off a little bit because I think it's totally unclear that is the case. I read that they use cheaper materials and things for their outlet brands. If that is the case then why do they show an original price and then a marked down price? It feels so sketchy to me and now I don't want to shop at outlets... but I do like Nordstrom Rack. I'm boycotting them due to this ... for at least the next 2 days ;)
I know!! I was embarrassed. But not too embarrassed to post about it on my blog. But that's because I know yas all have been there before and can relate!!
DeleteThat is very, very interesting what you bring up about outlets. See, I have never been a big outlet shopper because those big name brand places... well, even the outlets are more than what I want to spend on clothes! When there are places like Ross, Kohl's, and things like that, the Anne Taylor "outlet" is still twice as much as those places. Now NY&C- their "normal" store sale prices are things I am willing to pay. So then I go to the outlet and it's even more discounted than that! I tried on several things and they fit just as well as their normal store does. Maybe just the high end places do this? That is really shitty though to use material that is not as good.
"Aspirational shopper" sounds so condescending. I think in the eyes of those high end stores, I will always be considered an aspirational shopper because I know you can get high quality things for a lot less money than what they charge. Sure, it won't be a name brand but who cares? One of the cutest dresses I wear to work (and I always get compliments on) is from K-MART. I got it like 7 years ago. It is the perfect material that doesn't wrinkle or pill. It is a sleeveless wrap dress. It's pink. I love it. And it's from freaking k-mart. So of course when someone compliments it I HAVE to tell them it's from kmart because I like to see their eyes bug out of their heads.
Wow. I just talked way too much about clothes. :)
All that junk food looks amazzzing. Living in TX... we have a lot of confederate flags, but luckily none in Austin since we are the little blue dot in a sea of red. :)
ReplyDeleteLucky you to find that little blue dot! PA I think is mostly blue, I just am in a red section, it seems.
DeleteOh goodness, you're dinner looks AMAZING. I love fried everything? Also, I'm not a dr, but diarrhea for TWO weeks sounds excessive..
ReplyDeleteI know it is excessive! The dr. wasn't concerned since other than that I feel fine, but still, my brain is thinking that it is still not a good thing to have going on.
DeleteOh I love crappy food but try to only have it every once in a while. I had lots of it when I was on vacation in Newfoundland though.
ReplyDeleteMe too! I really love fried stuff but like you said once in awhile.
DeleteCrappy fair food would have to be elephant ears. So bad, yet so so good. There’s nothing wrong with a little splurge here and there. Plus, the fair only comes to town once a year (thank goodness).
ReplyDeleteMy favorite outlet store is probably the Lululemon outlet up in Washington. I can handle the prices a lot better and always find something I like.
I know what you mean about guns and feeling safe. It's so sad that there have been so many gun related issues lately. Scary!!!
I never heard of elephant ears, I will have to google that! Yeah I definitely don't eat fried food all the time... but once in awhile I thoroughly enjoy it and love it. :)
DeleteIn 2009 I had diarrhea for months. Anything I'd eat seemed to go right through me. I thought it was celiac-related but it wasn't. I gave stool samples and they never figured out what was wrong! But after like 4 months it passed. It may have been stress-related.
ReplyDeleteDid you give a stool sample/check for bacteria/SIBO, that kind of stuff?
The doctor didn't recommend a stool sample. She didn't seem to be concerned. I started taking the probiotic and it seemed to help- I don't go all day long, just maybe 2-3 times. But it is VERY urgent and has been hindering/embarrassing! That is so weird you had it for 4 months with nothing wrong. I don't feel stressed. But I will be stressed if I go back to work and still have diahrrhea!