I am one of those people who gets EATEN by mosquitoes. Unless I generously cover my entire body with bug spray, I can easily suffer 11 bug bites in less than ten minutes. (That's what happened to me a few days ago when I dared to go outside and do yard work without bug spray!)
I use the spray with 7% deet. I know deet is controversial but nothing else works for me. And after some research, I found out it is generally considered safe and the most effective/safe amount of deet is 20%-30%. Looks like I am well within in "safe" deet range!
Do you get bit by mosquitoes like crazy? Any strong feelings for or against the use of deet?
Running Selfies
The other day while I was running, I decided I should try to take a running selfie. I suppose it would have been easier if I had a selfie stick, but I already looked like an idiot trying to snap a picture of myself mid run, adding the selfie stick would have taken it to a whole new level!
Do you take running selfies?
PS I think that is cruel but funny!!
Babies at MoviesOn Friday night, Paul and I saw Jurassic World. (I know we are probably the last people in the world to see the movie.) We really enjoyed it! However, the one part I did not enjoy was the fact that there was a screaming baby in our theater! A couple brought their 1(ish) year old kid to the movie. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? It's no wonder the kid was screaming. Two hours is a long time sit. Adults can't even sit through a whole movie without checking their phones. Then there's the noise factor. Oh, and the fact that the movie is freaking scary! I don't blame the kid. I blame the parents. I feel it is completely reasonable to expect that at a PG-13 movie you will not have to listen to a screaming baby. I would have complained but I am not sure what the theater would have/could have done.
Babies at a PG-13 movie- yay or nay?

Yes, to bug spray w/ deet or anything that will keep them off of me. I get eaten alive and we have West Nile Virus here so we don't mess around and always have bug spray. I don't take anything w/ me when I run to take a selfie but I wouldn't. Knowing me I would either drop the phone or drop myself. I find parents taking kids to so many places I find inappropriate. Taking an infant to a movie is just all around rude and insensitive to the child and the people at the movie.
ReplyDeleteI take pics on my runs if I think I may blog about it. Otherwise no camera! I was totally prepared to be embarrassed in case I tripped while taking that selfie and someone saw me. I would have deserved it hehe.
DeleteI get eaten alive by mosquitoes too. We also have EEE, and West Nile, so it is a necessity!
ReplyDeleteI don't running selfies, or really selfies for that matter. I have driven a running route and taken pictures of the route after I have run it though.
I would never take a baby to a theater--for all the reasons listed above. How would even the parents enjoy the movie with a baby there? (if I pay money for a movie, I want to see it!)
Yeah I don't understand how they could have enjoyed it either! And honestly, it has been out for awhile, I am sure they could have downloaded it and watched it at home!
DeleteIt makes me cringe when parents take their infants or children to PG-13/R rated movies. If I am going to an "adult" movie, I am making it a date-night or turning it into me-time. I think it would be hard to sit through and enjoy a movie when you are watching over a little one. A kid movie is one thing (probably why I don't see these in theaters...yet) but an adult movie....come on... respect others.
ReplyDeleteI agree, a kid movie is one thing, but if it's an adult movie I feel like we have a reasonable expectation to not hear a baby screaming!
DeleteI guess you have to weigh the risks and benefits of using bug spray...you could forgo and get bit by a mosquito carrying West Nile, right? DEET is approved for infants down to 2 months of age, so I think occasional use is probably ok!
ReplyDeleteOh wow thanks for that info! I had no idea it was approved for such young children. I now feel invincible. ;)
DeleteI totally take running selfies, not because I'm vain but because it takes my mind off of being tired! I tend to get eaten alive by mosquitos - I feel like some people are more prone to it. Bug spray is always a must!
ReplyDeleteI think certain people are definitely more prone. My hubby gets bit through his shorts!
DeleteOMG I get eaten up by mosquitos like crazy. I am a natural repellent for anyone I'm with because they all just latch onto me! If we were together I wonder what would happen? I guess it would be like a delicious buffet for the mosquitos!
ReplyDeleteI've taken a mid-run selfie a couple of times, but it's really not easy! I only do it if there is no one else around :)
I would have been so mad to hear a baby crying during that movie. I would understand if it was Inside Out or something like that, but no baby should be in Jurassic Park where there is bound to be a lot of loud, scary noises. Also, the parents should have been considerate and stepped outside of the theater. If we're supposed to put our phones on mute, we should also put our babies on mute!
Confession: I took like 6 selfies and only one turned out okay- the one I posted. I looked like an idiot in all of the rest of them!
DeleteThere was a sign on the theater door that said "No talking and no cell phones during the movie." Unfortunately it didn't say "No crying babies!" I don't understand how the parents could have even enjoyed themselves.
SO sorry I haven't commented in so long! I have been reading still though...just lots going on. So happy about the knee news, by the way. Yes to anything that keeps the mozzies off. I was on a 10 day Pacific Crest Trail backpacking hike and the mosquitoes were like nothing I have every experienced. I would have died without DEET. Don't take running selfies, but I do take walking selfies with the dogs. With my clumsiness, I would surely drop my phone. I would have been really upset if a baby was crying in the theater. That is SO annoying! I do plan on having a child one day, and by no means would I take an infant to a movie theater. If I somehow ended up in that situation, I would leave the moment the crying started!
ReplyDeleteHEY EUGENIA! I hope everything is going okay for you. I would love to hike on the PCT. That is so cool you got to do that. Thank goodness for bug spray! Glad to hear I am not the only one who uses deet. I always thought it was bad for you. I guess like Wendy said, so is the WNV.
DeleteYeah, I'm totally not down with babies in movie theaters, no matter what kind of movie it is. It's just a hassle for everyone involved - the other moviegoers, the parents who have to deal with that, and the baby.
ReplyDeleteI don't take running selfies. I usually don't take selfies period. There is just a level of inherent vanity in the selfie that I'm not comfortable with. I don't mean that in a holier-than-thou way. It's just that I hate the way I look in photos and don't like taking pics of myself, so I feel like others would be just as appalled. If I looked as naturally flawless as so many other bloggers do while I was exercising, I might consider it. But as it stands, I have crappy skin and I'm not photogenic so pics of myself will rarely happen. I do often take pics of the scenery on my runs though.
Well I will tell you this, when I post a picture of myself- whether I am exercising or not, I will purposefully pick the one in which I look like the best version of myself! I will not alter the picture in any way, but if there are 3 pictures of me from an event and in one I look like I am 4 months pregnant, well that photo gets deleted! I have bad skin too. :( It tends to look better in the summer due to be a little bit tan. Again, if my skin looks super bad in a photo I won't post it.
DeleteI love seeing pictures of bloggers during their workouts, races, whatever. I don't think people would be appalled to see pictures of you, whether it's a selfie or whatnot! You are beautiful, and whenever I see race pictures I think, "Now that is a girl that looks like she would be fun to run with!" I just remember you have cool compression socks and sometimes wear skirts. :)
lol I love your philosophy on bug spray, Karen!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe they brought their baby(kid) to Jurassic World!!!! There were two parts where I actually screamed! Bugs don't tend to bite me, I usually end up with them in my eyes or swallowing them. :(
ReplyDeleteI screamed too. I laughed when the one guy was shooting and the dino just walked up to him with his mouth open and swallowed him up. :)
DeleteI haven't swallowed a bug in awhile! But ugh I hate when that happens!
I think there's a reason for movie ratings and the existence of babysitters. Babies do NOT belong in adult movies. In kids movies, no one will think twice if a parent has to walk the aisles with a baby or bring a little toy to keep them occupied; restless babies in movies is like my #1 pet peeve. I never see movies anymore because I hate dealing with old people, too. They always talk to each other at full volume through the entire show.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I use Deet...mosquitoes like certain bloodtypes more than others and I get bit a lot!
Movies are so expensive, it stinks when others ruin the experience!