1. My knee feels great, my hamstrings are finally not tight anymore, but yesterday at mile three I felt a stabbing pain in an inner thigh muscle (either my adductor longus or gracilis... if you care). It was so sharp I had to stop at mile four. What the hell is wrong with the lower half of my body? I think I should just quit running, get fat, and wear stretch pants every day.
3. Speaking of motivation, I have very little motivation to do anything right now. I promise this won't become a blog dedicated to the memory of our little Basey Girl, but right now I am just so sad that I don't want to do anything. I don't want to clean, I don't want to write new blog material, I don't want to study, I don't want to book a Hawaii trip (WHO THE HELL DOESN'T WANT TO BOOK A HAWAII TRIP!?), I don't even want to work out. I pretty much just want to lay in bed and have Chinese food delivered to me through our bedroom window... That's where I am right now.
4. Fall is beautiful. I love the smells and Paul loves looking at the beautiful trees changing. But I HATE the cold. I want to do a front yard circuit workout this morning but it's currently 40 degrees! Where can we move where it will be summer all year round? Suggestions are welcomed. As long as there is a need for teachers, we could make it work! But yeah, it took all I had to get out of bed this morning, but it's going to take something special to get me to go out in the cold and workout.
Do you watch Hostages? Are you ready to Office it!?
I'm ready to office it too!