Thank you everyone for the kind words of wisdom yesterday. I really appreciate your support. I feel like when I am happy, you are happy with me, and when I am sad, you have all the right things to say in that situation. I really appreciate it. :)
Here are my workouts this week... Despite my lack of sleep, they DID happen.
Here are my workouts this week... Despite my lack of sleep, they DID happen.
3/22- I was feeling extremely lazy so I lifted back in my PJs while I watched Dateline. I did get a good workout in, though.
3/25- Chest at the gym. Some guy started heckling me while I was doing shoulder press. I was scrunching up my face trying to get the last couple reps out, and he was heckling me! This is how the convo went, to the best of my recollection:
**I am standing in front of the mirror doing a set of shoulder press with 25lb- the max I can do at this point. My face was scrunched up and it was taking every mental effort I had to complete the set**
Guy: Awwww I haven't seen you in awhile, where have you been?
**I continue to do my reps.**
Guy: (noticing I am struggling) You see, now I am catching up to you!
**I put my weights down as my set is complete.**
Me: I have been working out at home.
Guy: Ohhhhh....
Me: Yeah, I have some weights and a bench there. It's nice to be able to watch TV and workout in my pajamas if I want to.
Guy: Haha.
Me: Although some people come here in their pajamas... who knows, maybe someday that will be me?
Guy: Hahahahahahaha.
And that was the awkward conversation.
**I am standing in front of the mirror doing a set of shoulder press with 25lb- the max I can do at this point. My face was scrunched up and it was taking every mental effort I had to complete the set**
Guy: Awwww I haven't seen you in awhile, where have you been?
**I continue to do my reps.**
Guy: (noticing I am struggling) You see, now I am catching up to you!
**I put my weights down as my set is complete.**
Me: I have been working out at home.
Guy: Ohhhhh....
Me: Yeah, I have some weights and a bench there. It's nice to be able to watch TV and workout in my pajamas if I want to.
Guy: Haha.
Me: Although some people come here in their pajamas... who knows, maybe someday that will be me?
Guy: Hahahahahahaha.
And that was the awkward conversation.
3/26- 8 miles before work. I just felt like it. I felt a weird pain on the side of my knee at mile 7.5 but it went away. I am going to be super cautious and take a couple days off of running! I mean, it could have just been a random pain, but it was pretty significant so I am not messing around! It was weird how it just BOOM popped up with no build up that I noticed.
3/27- Rest day. Was feeling sick and lousy.

Are you proud of me for not being snarky to the guy heckling me? Give me a ZINGER for the next time it happens!
Hey, I ran 27 miles this week! That's kind of a lot for me!
When was the last time you had a weird pain that just popped up out of nowhere?
Hey, I ran 27 miles this week! That's kind of a lot for me!
When was the last time you had a weird pain that just popped up out of nowhere?
The main reason I don tike to lift weights at the gym is because I don't like being around other people who are lifting. I like when the group fitness room is free and I can go in there and lift free weights by myself. I used to be better about machines but now its been so long that it would be awkward to go back!
ReplyDeleteThat is nice you can sneak into another room sometimes. :) Normally it is okay for me, but it probably doesn't seem like it because whenever I have a problem or get annoyed, I post about it here!
DeleteDoes it sound awful when I say that I don't like to talk to anyone at the gym? And it's weird because I love to talk to people and always strike up a conversation w/ the check out person or w/ someone standing next to me in line. But at the gym, I just keep my headphones on and my eyes down. I want to be in the zone!! Even if I am just relaxing in the hot tub.
ReplyDeleteNice job on 27 miles!! Amazing.
No it is not horrible. I totally understand because I like to be in my own zone at the gym too. Plus normally I get there with just enough time to complete my workout, not time to complete my workout AND chat.
DeleteI think you should go to the gym in PJs some day! Lol. I can't believe you ran 8 miles before work! I could never get my butt out of bed early enough to do that and walk Lola. Kudos to you!
ReplyDeleteI have to catch up on reading, and I'm wondering about your knee?! When I get knee pain, it's usually from tight quads. I'm not saying I think I know your issue...trust me...it's just a random knee thing that happens with me every now and again. Rest up and take care of that thing! :)
Thanks Heather! I don't know how you run AFTER work. I am too exhausted to do so.
DeleteMy normal knee thing is actually doing a lot better. It's not BETTER, but I see some great improvements... as long as I don't lift lower body. Which is a pain, but if I have to take more time off of that I will. The pain I felt Thurs was like the total outside, like a tendon or something that connected lower leg to upper leg. I didn't look it up because I didn't feel like investing the time if it was just something that went away in a few days. Yesterday was rest. Gonna test the waters a little bit today. :)
I hate when people talk to me! lol
ReplyDeleteI would want to say something like, "my husband and I have thirty cats and each one requires a lot of attention, so sometimes I can't make it to the gym." In one quick line you let him know you have a husband AND you're potentially a crazy lady. He likely wouldn't talk to you again ;)
I <3 you Kristina!!!!!! I knew you would have a good idea!!
DeleteLMAO best reply ever.
DeleteI'm actually amazed you even talked to the heckler! You were way nicer than I would've been. Why can't people just mind their own business at the gym?!
ReplyDeleteI guess I was feeling extra special nice or something. Very unlike me. ;)
Deletehey meg, doing the cap city 10 miler tomorrow. hoping to pr in the 32 degree cold!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteGo Gary! Hey a little too cold is better than a little too hot when it comes to PR'in! Good luck!
DeleteGreat job on the 27 miles!!!
ReplyDeleteThat guy at the gym sounds like a jerk - why would he mess with you when you're lifting?!
I would never talk to someone when they're in the middle of a set. So stupid!
DeleteVery proud of you for maintaining your cool. Sounds like an idiot!
ReplyDeleteI am very shy, and like to do my own thing at the gym. I don't appreciate it when people interrupt me, or ask why I am using this machine, or why do I run on the treadmill more than I use the elliptical? (This is why I usually find ways of working out that do not require the gym). I am doing what makes me happy at the time, and what works for me, physically AND mentally. I have found that many people at the gym feel like they have the right to interject their opinion. If I want it, I will ask, thank you very much!
Great job on your running miles this week ;) I think you are smart to back off the miles a little next week after that brief pain you experienced, but I have had similar things in the past which never turned into anything at all. I feel you will be just fine, especially since you are so aware of your body and are so smart about changing it up/backing off for a bit before it becomes an absolute necessity.
Thank you, Eugenia! I did run yesterday to test the waters... I literally ran loops around my block in case the pain came back. I didn't want to be a mile or two away from home. It felt fine, but I am due to lift today anyway so I shall take another break. I wanna baby my legs, you know?
DeleteGonna force myself to go to the gym... Don't want to. Don't want to see Sunday morning peeps there. I agree, people feel like they need to interject their opinion when I don't even ask for it.