Well, I'm going to do this post a little different than usual. I didn't do anything super exciting this weekend, so I am sensing the best way to wrap everything up is with a list. So here ya go!
1. Friday was such a blaaaaah day. I was sick and feeling lousy, so I took the day off work. I needed to get my energy back, and the best way to do that was to do nothing. The majority of the day was spent watching Survivor All-Stars. Yes, that season is from 10 years ago. Can I just tell you how much I hate Rob Mariano as a Survivor player? He says the meanest things about people in his confessionals and he is so arrogant.
2. On Saturday, I picked up a sweet puzzle at Good Will. It is called "Candy Shop Kittens".
3. I also had a great run on Saturday. I was feeling 100% and resting the day before really did me good!
4. On Saturday evening, I remembered I had a blog, and that I actually had to write some content for it. So I spent a couple hours getting some posts ready for the next week. My creativity was lacking, but I hope you enjoy the posts coming up.
5. I dyed my hair this weekend. The only reason I dye it is because I have a TON of greys. Yup, 32 years old and my head is FULL of them. Not just grey- WHITE. Anyway, every time I dye my hair, it burns my scalp. Ah, chemicals. They are probably seeping into my brain right about now.
6. I hit up the gym on Sunday morning. I was scared to do so. I thought it would be crowded, but luckily it wasn't and I could get to all "my" areas when I wanted to. I lifted back. I needed to. Plus I had recently read Rachel's blog and it inspired me to go to the gym and lift something HEAVY!
7. Sunday was wonderful because my parents got back from a super long vacation to the West Coast. They took the train there and back. (My mom is afraid to fly and my dad works for Amtrak, so it is a match made in heaven.) My mom's birthday is on Tuesday, so we had a party for her at my brother's house. I love my family!
2. On Saturday, I picked up a sweet puzzle at Good Will. It is called "Candy Shop Kittens".
3. I also had a great run on Saturday. I was feeling 100% and resting the day before really did me good!
5. I dyed my hair this weekend. The only reason I dye it is because I have a TON of greys. Yup, 32 years old and my head is FULL of them. Not just grey- WHITE. Anyway, every time I dye my hair, it burns my scalp. Ah, chemicals. They are probably seeping into my brain right about now.
6. I hit up the gym on Sunday morning. I was scared to do so. I thought it would be crowded, but luckily it wasn't and I could get to all "my" areas when I wanted to. I lifted back. I needed to. Plus I had recently read Rachel's blog and it inspired me to go to the gym and lift something HEAVY!
7. Sunday was wonderful because my parents got back from a super long vacation to the West Coast. They took the train there and back. (My mom is afraid to fly and my dad works for Amtrak, so it is a match made in heaven.) My mom's birthday is on Tuesday, so we had a party for her at my brother's house. I love my family!
Mom (Nanny!) and Clementine
Ellie dominates the lemon meringue pie. Just like her Auntie Megan.

When do you write the majority of your blog posts?
Do you dye your hair?
What were you up to this weekend?
Do you dye your hair?
What were you up to this weekend?
Happy Monday! Glad you got some wonderful rest on Friday. Sounds like you needed it. Always so nice to hear when someone listens to their body!!
ReplyDeleteI ran this AM and now it is pulsating! I don't know why. Same spot as before. More rest...
DeleteI don't write ANY of my posts in advance unless I am going on vacation! I write them all at night while drinking a cup of tea before bed.
ReplyDeleteI really want to do the ombre thing but my intern told me my hair is 2 inches too short right now. She's young, trendy and in a sorority so I'm sure her advice is solid ;D.
That is so funny that your intern was so direct with you! Well, 2 inches... that's what, 2 months to wait?
DeleteI usually get the majority of my blogging stuff done on Sundays, but this weekend was way too busy! So I will probably have another week of 2-3 posts which is ok. Its just too hard to get everything done once the week gets going! Im so jealous of your day off on Friday- I feel like I need a day like that!
ReplyDeleteHopefully this Friday you have off? I don't know if you get off for Good Friday. They still don't take that away as a snow day, which is surprising to me because I don't think to many people make Good Friday plans, you know? But it's just a custom here in Central PA that will prob never go away... or else it will be awhile before it goes away.
DeleteI try to get most of my blog writing for the week started on the weekend buuuuut it usually doesn't work out that way. I always end up putting it off for later and then running out of time. I can't tell you how many post ideas have gone to the graveyard because I said "oh, I'll just draft that this weekend and finish it up the night before!" and then time got away from me.
ReplyDeleteI have a different style of blogging than a lot of bloggers I follow - I post less frequently, but I like to write more in-depth posts that are more like articles or essays. They take more time to craft and edit and if I don't start them in advance it's hard to see them through. I really need to get back into the habit of starting things on weekends, but sometimes it's hard to find the time to sit and write for a while.
Yours are very in depth so I definitely understand why it wouldn't make sense to try to do that every day. If I have an in depth one it is usually something I worked on for awhile.
DeleteI rarely write my posts in advance - mostly because I tend to write about things that come up from day-to-day.
ReplyDeleteI have my hair colored every 4 weeks - one of my biggest splurges in life is getting my hair done!!
Well your hair always looks awesome! I just buy the boxed stuff. I would love to splurge though. If I splurged, I would go back to my natural color, cover up the greys, and then do blonde highlights. :)
DeleteI'm a terrible planner and write all my blog posts the day before I post them usually. I just don't have that much original material to plan ahead!
ReplyDeleteIt's not fair that as men go gray they look more dignified but it's not always the same for women. Although Carol on Th Walking Dead does rock the gray.
That puzzle is cracking me up and I don't know why!
Men DO look awesome grey.
DeleteThe puzzle cracks me up too. It's either for an 8 yr old or an 88 yr old.
I went to the Dollar store the other day and saw puzzles and thought of you! I write all of my blog posts either the night before or the morning I post them- I'm a terrible planner!
ReplyDeleteNiceeeeee. I am honored to be thought of when you see $1 puzzles. :)
DeleteI usually do all my blog posts suddenly on a whim...as you can probably tell, lol. I have not dyed my hair since our wedding in 2010 and I'm going to leave it as my natural colour for as long as I possibly can! My dad is in his mid-fifties and he doesn't have any grey so I'm hoping I turn after him, except that he is pretty much bald. I don't want that, lol. My mom however would be completely white if she didn't dye her hair.
ReplyDeleteYou are so lucky you don't have any grays to cover up. I don't know how I got this lot in life to be covered in grey hair....
DeleteI am SO behind on reading blogs that I finally read this! Thank you so much for mentioning me and I am glad I inspired you to lift something heavy! I've recently been an injured runner, so thankfully I have lifting to turn to in order to get out my frustration.
ReplyDeleteI bet your parents did pass through my way. You should've connected us. I could've shown them around! :-D
I am sorry you are injured. :( Lucky for us girls who lift we don't need to depend on running to keep us sane!