This post is kind of picture post, day in the life post, and WIAW post all wrapped up into one big gigantic pile of.... blog.
Here is how a snow day begins for a teacher:
5:13 am - You wake up with a call saying there is a 2 hour delay.
You reset your alarm for 7:30
7:12 am - You wake up with a call saying school is closed.
You deactivate your alarm, try to fall back asleep, but end up getting up anyway.
I don't know why this bunny makes me laugh so hard, but it does!
Anyway, ONWARD with the day!
That's me in all my morning glory.
You think this looks bad? It looked worse before I changed it to back and white!
It snowed A LOT, and it continued to snow for most of the day.
Here's my little neighborhood:
Chrissy finally joined the land of the living. We have two huge bay windows in our house, and when Chrissy got up, he decided to watch the snowstorm...
(I tired to embed the video but it didn't work. Click on the link above if you want see it. I'm talkin' to you, Aunt Betty.)
(Fast forward to 1:09 to hear the loudest purring in the world. Christmas doesn't do anything delicately.)
Next it was time for ME to do my workout...
Of course I had a visitor...
After a workout, I spend my shower dreaming about what I will eat. I had the perfect idea!
Half an "everything" bagel with turkey breast, cheddar cheese, olive oil, and salt.
Also, an apple with peanut butter and a lime seltzer water.
I ate it all while we watched Jeopardy.
Then I sucked it up and shoveled our sidewalk and carport. Someone already beat me to most of the sidewalk, though! Thanks neighbor!
Freakin' A, look what came in the mail:
Paul and I had fun playing a ton of card games that afternoon. Then it was time for margaritas, Friends on Netflix, and finally dinner- A HUGE SALAD in which I ate before I could get a picture. But please know, it was huge and glorious. (That's what she said.)
Dessert.... animal crackers. I would have preferred to dip these in ice cream but we didn't have any.
Oh, and I found out we had a 2 hour delay the next day!
All in all, it was a great SNOW DAY!

Did you have a snow day yesterday?
What's your favorite thing to do when you are snowed in?
Would you survive without coffee?
We ran out of coffee a few weeks ago and ended up making a trip to Starbucks. So no, I don't think I could survive without coffee. Schools here are closed again today. And its like 6 degrees outside!! Where is spring?!
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a nice extended weekend! :) It is supposed to be in the low 40s here in Sunday- hopefully B-more sees some of that warmer weather too. :)
Delete"You deactivate your alarm, try to fall back asleep, but end up getting up anyway." <---you all will hate me for saying this but people like this are sooo lucky. I'm serious. When I try to fall back asleep I am always successful, I never have this problem so many people talk about of wanting to sleep in but not being able to. I wish I did - you guys get so many more hours in your day than I do! I wish my body didn't love sleep so much. And I got to bed at a decent hour too!
ReplyDeleteWe only get snow days if the City closes down for the day, and it would take the storm of the century for that to happen. No snow days for me :(
I guess every body is different and requires different amounts of sleep. Sometimes I am glad to get up early. Like you said, it is nice to get a head start on the day and get stuff done. But sometimes it stinks, of course, because you really need sleep but can't get it cause ya can't turn your damn brain off! That's my problem anyway. The brain.
DeleteSnow days are such a nice surprise. There is no pressure to go out and do things, and the day goes from "work" to a lot of relaxation and fun. It sounds like you guys made good use of your day off. I work from home, so I can't really take advantage of a snow day. But, when we are snowed in I love drinking coffee, watching movies/Netflix, blogging, doing little projects around the house, and planning trips. Somehow my husband and I always plan trips when we have down time. :) I love that you guys watch Jeopardy and play cards.
ReplyDeleteI love that you plan trips on snow days! That was on my to do list yesterday but I didn't get to it. I am ironing things out for our summer trip.
DeleteWe have never, ever had a snow day. It hasn't snowed here in at least 5 years. And it's not even snowing in the mountains. This is terrifying and means we will be in a drought state again this year. We did have a tsunami day when Japan had their huge earthquake a few years ago. This has been our warmest winter ever and I have running tanlines already. I'm not going to complain because I HATE snow, but we really need colder temperatures and snow in our mountains. Send some our way please!
ReplyDeleteOMG a tsunami day! That is terrifying. I have nightmares about Tsunamis, even though I am a 3 hour drive to the beach haha.
DeleteI can't believe you have tan lines!
PS what were the answers to those Jeopardy questions?? Inquiring minds are dying to know! I think I know the first one...
ReplyDeleteOh my you will have to Google that! I was too busy taking pictures haha.
DeleteOoh you too! Enjoy your snow day, Karen!
ReplyDeleteI think that margaritas are definitely a necessary part of any snow day!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen I worked at a school I used to hate those early morning calls because I got up at 4:30 and the calls came after. Once I'm up I can't go back to sleep. I always told our principal that I wanted the call the night before - rarely happened!
Ugh how frustrating! I've been there before, but lately I have been sleeping later so the call comes in the knick of time!
DeleteI'm soooo jealous you have snow days! I miss snow days. There's no way I'd get up at 7:30 when school had been canceled ;o)
ReplyDeletelol maybe if Archie was pecking at your face you would??? :)
DeleteI definitely could not survive without coffee! We had a snow day and a delay last week and there wasn't even snow!
ReplyDeleteOh dang! That has happened before here when they thought it was going to be bad but then it wasn't.