(PART 2!!!!)
That's right. I wrote about things I suck at before. But as it turns out, there are so many things I suck at that I felt like doing a whole other post on the topic!
ps. I swear I wrote this blog post before I looked back at the first one. Turns out, I still suck at a lot of the same things! Especially those involving focus, patience, and butt cheeks!
1. Relaxing. Either my shoulders are hunched or my butt cheeks are clenched. If I lower my shoulders, my butt clenches. If I un-clench my butt, my shoulders go up.
2. Taking care of/styling my hair. It is really long right now, and I don't know what to do with it. I am really unmotivated in the morning to actually put gel in it so it doesn't get frizzy at work. It gets really tangled after a shower and twice I have had to rip out knots.
3. Keeping my jewelry cabinet organized. Every couple months I go through it and arrange everything into their own little separate compartments. But after about a week it is back to the same ol' mess.
4. Focusing on one task at a time. I jump from one thing to another too often at work. I used to not be like this!
5. Answering my phone. If you want to get a hold of me, the last thing you should do is call, because you will never get a call back. But if you text me, I will answer it right away!
6. Being patient. I know I said this before, but I really need to work on this one!
7. Sleeping. When I woke up this morning, after the third night in a row of sleep troubles, I told Paul, "Now I know how Michael Jackson felt." Dramatic? Maybe. But I get dramatic when I am tired!
7. Sleeping. When I woke up this morning, after the third night in a row of sleep troubles, I told Paul, "Now I know how Michael Jackson felt." Dramatic? Maybe. But I get dramatic when I am tired!

What do you suck at?
Any suggestions on REALLY good conditioner that will help untangle my fine, curly hair?
Any suggestions on REALLY good conditioner that will help untangle my fine, curly hair?
I have a friend with curly hair and I think she just uses the deep conditioner from the Garnier Fructis a couple of times per week! From what I can tell your hair is really similar to hers, so that might work for you.
ReplyDeleteI suck at cooking, getting up early, jumping to conclusions and answering my phone (I'm all about the text too)!
Thank you for that rec!
DeleteI think more and more people prefer texts. I actually feel like I am bothering someone if I call them and invading their personal space. Isn't that silly??
I feel the same way! Sometimes I start a phone call apologizing for having to call! haha
DeleteI wish I could help you out on the hair advice. I think I have the opposite hair as you--blonde and straight!
ReplyDeleteI suck at feeling like I want to control every aspect of my life. Really working on accepting "what is" and just being more go w/ the flow. Planning is great but can be taken to an extreme and I just want balance. I also suck at staying up late. I fall asleep by 8 pm each night during the week!
Growing up, I always wished for straight hair. :) Now I am so indifferent about my hair.
DeleteI know you are such an early bird! It makes sense that you go to bed early because you are such an early riser.
I wish I could help on the hair advice. I have really thick wavy hair, but I can't grow it long. Seriously, I can't. I once went over a year without cutting it and it only got down to my shoulder blades. Anyway, maybe you could cut it shorter? Makes morning styling MUCH easier, although it kind of sucks not being able to pull it back when you work out.
ReplyDeleteI suck at letting things go and taking things personally. I can hold a grudge like nobody's business. Well, I'm not nearly as bad as I used to be, but I still struggle with this and probably always will. I also suck at waking up early in the morning.
Ooh I hold a grudge too. Mainly with work related stuff and when people don't at least RECOGNIZE that they wronged you.
DeleteI used to wear my hair short and it is WAY easier to style. I think that is going to be ultimately what happens I am just putting it off.
If you find a good conditioner, I would appreciate it if you would post. I have thick wavy hair, but one of my daughter's has A LOT of ultra-fine, wavy hair which snarls very easily. Currently, I French braid it before bed which helps with snarls...
ReplyDeleteThings I suck at...
staying up late, singing, drawing, doing running paces/splits in my head, writing things on the calendar...I could go on & on...
I will definitely let you know!
DeleteI'm right there with you on the sleeping thing. I've started reading after about 10-15 minutes of being awake and that usually helps me fall back asleep quicker than laying there - I think because it forces my mind to shut off!!!
ReplyDeleteI went back and read your other post. Road rage is something I suck at (or maybe I'm really good at it since it comes so naturally!) - I think we just have a lot of stupid drivers and I don't have the patience for it!!!
lol I like your philosophy about the road rage! That is clearly it. But seriously, PA has the WORST drivers. A lot of huge pick up trucks that ride your ass.
DeleteI also suck at relaxing and answering the phone. If I'm home sitting on the couch I am always thinking about what I'm forgetting to do or finding something to clean. I never answer my phone if someone calls, I prefer texts!
ReplyDeleteOh no cleaning! That is one thing I never worry about haha.
DeleteWhen people hear I'm a teacher, they always say "you must be so patient!" And I'm like ugh no. I'm so impatient!
ReplyDeleteI hate doing my hair and that's why I chopped it off. I hope you figure out your insomnia soon!
I am comforted to know that there are other teachers who are impatient. I thought patience was a teaching requirement and that I somehow slipped through the cracks...
DeleteHa-I am so bad when it comes to my hair. I have thick, wavy, frizzy hair that I usually let grow for 2 years until it is waist length and I can no longer stand it. Then I chop it to my shoulders and repeat the process. I always go to the cheap places like Hair Master's, but I got a gift certificate to a fancy salon and actually got it styled. I left with Kerastase products, and they are amazing. I used them about 10 years ago, and highly recommend them. I always get my shampoo/conditioner from Costco, so they are expensive in comparison, but you only need a tiny bit. You should treat yourself to a conditioner from that line designed for your hair!
ReplyDeleteThere are so many things I am bad at, but I won't list them all or this would turn into a novel. I am horrible at focusing on just one thing, and I never had that problem. At night the TV is on, I am working, I am playing games on my phone, talking to my mom, reading...it's crazy. I am also bad at "spur of the moment" decisions. I need to have it planned-I hate that about myself. I used to sleep great, but my injury screwed everything up. I was couch bound, so I somehow started being awake until 4 am and sleeping until noon during that time! It was horrible-I was always someone to get up before everyone else. Luckily it is not nearly that bad, but I still struggle with waking up in the middle of the night. Hopefully it will work itself out ;)
I think you are right. I should spend some money and get good products to take care of my hair. If I want to keep it long and looking nice, it is just what I have to do.
DeleteI am amazed your hair grows to waist length so quickly! What you see pictured is like 2 years of growth for me.
I hope your sleep issues get better. I am working on a post about that. I think you will find it funny and relate to it!
I suck at math-big time! I also suck at not overreacting anything something technology-wise is not working well. We have the opposite hair problem. Mine is bone straight but not in the awesome way people with curly hair would sometimes like. I wish I had some curl! Hope you get some sleep soon! I know how frustrating that can be! One question: are you eating, or what are you eating/drinking before bed (around 2 hours before counts)?
ReplyDeleteGood question. I definitely eat dessert withing 2 hours of bed- even 1 hour. But I have been doing this for years. Maybe my body has changed and it now affects me?
DeleteYes to relaxing, jewelry organization, one task at a time, answering the phone vs. text, and patience. Oh, how I can relate all too well!!!
ReplyDeleteI use Moroccan Oil shampoo/conditioner and LOVE it!