Happy Monday!
I hope you had a great weekend.
Due to the three day weekend, I decided to do this wrap up in two parts!

Boy was I excited for a three day weekend! The theme of my work week was, "Kids will interrupt you all day long until you go crazy". That's basically what happened every day this week except Thursday.
Good morning!
Even though it was 60s degrees that morning, (you heard that right!) I stayed inside to lift. I had already run 5 days that week so it was time to get swole.
Ready to crush Friday...
A weird breakfast. Lebanon bologna and cheese sandwich with pickles.
Work was nuts. It was one of those days when there were a lot of little annoyances derailed the classes and then it never got back on track. Two kindergarten classes in a row... I can't handle it! I had to swipe some chocolate from my prize box...
At one point in the day our principal came into my classroom and said, "Is this your coffee mug?" I had left it in the stairwell at my morning duty. I don't know how he could tell the mug was mine...
Lunch was homemade chicken noodle soup I had frozen several months ago. I'm going to do this more often because it tasted fine even though it was frozen for awhile.
During lunch, I also practiced my Godspell music. My memory has been SHIT these past couple years and it has been a long time since I have had to memorize music...
Here's what the kiddos were working on:
2nd grade: Time signatures
How do you like my genius idea of using rhythm sticks for bar lines? Only took me 13 years to think of that!
3rd grade: Treble staff note reading
4th grade: ukuleles
Kindergarten: Peter and the Wolf
My ukuleles were SO out of tune that day and it took me a really long time to fix them. I found out that my room was 80 degrees in the morning but the heater was turned off and the temperature was back to normal by the time I got to school. No wonder the ukes were so out of tune! (I have to tune 14 of them before my day starts and it normally takes me less than ten minutes because they only need a tweak here or there.)
After work I went to the mall to get my hair cut. The normal guy who cuts my hair had my scheduled for the wrong day so I let someone else cut it. Spoiler alert: I love what he did with it and I'm going to write more about this in a future post as my Friday recap is getting pretty long!
Omg the greys!!!
When I got home, I dyed my hair (I have to dye it right after I get it cut really short because I have a lot of grays) and then Paul and I spent the night together drinking wine, eating dinner, and watching the news. I hadn't hung out with Paul all week because I was so busy! I went to bed at 8pm and feel asleep by 8:30. It was a long week!!!
Tortilla chips, grilled chicken, yellow peppers, tomatoes, CHEESE, salt, pepper, garlic.

I woke up at 7 on the dot and spent some quality time with the kitties as I drank iced coffee and did some writing on my blog.
Thanks to Beth @ Coffee Until Cocktails for my mug!
It looked really chilly out and there was some snow on the ground.
Doesn't my yard look so empty without the Christmas lights? I took the last of them down yesterday when it was really warm. A lot of my pathway markers and solar lights have stakes in the ground and were really hard to get out when the ground was frozen. With it being 60 degrees yesterday, they came right out!
I had to head out for my run by 10 so I'd be home by 11 to stretch and get ready for rehearsal. I had to leave for rehearsal by 12 so I could make it to Gettysburg with time to spare to park and get situated for a 1pm rehearsal start. Wow, that's a lot of scheduling for a Saturday! I'm not used to that! (People with kids involved with sports are probably laughing at this right now!)
We had a really long rehearsal- 4 hours! We sang for half and then we danced. I had so much fun dancing and I am getting more comfortable with the music. We are doing the revival of Godspell so the music is a lot more difficult than the original version.
Unfortunately, no pictures because I forgot my phone at home! I was without my phone for nearly 6 hours! It was WEIRD!
When I got home I was VERY tired from rehearsal so I just drank some wine, ate dinner, and then read for a bit before going to bed.
I only took one picture...
Do you remember Every Good Boy Does Fine?
Are your Saturdays normally relaxed or scheduled?
Do you have a chocolate stash at work?
Would you be able to survive 6 hours without your phone?
Are your Saturdays normally relaxed or scheduled?
Do you have a chocolate stash at work?
Would you be able to survive 6 hours without your phone?
Yes! I do remember EGBDF!
ReplyDeleteMaybe you need to get blow up Easter ornaments for your yard, do they make those?
When I first started teaching, I would leave my phone in the car because I didn't think I was allowed to have it at work...haha, so naive!
I do not have a chocolate stash at work because I probably couldn't contain myself from eating it all at once!
I hope rehearsal is going well for you! Enjoy your day off today!
I really dislike the holiday Easter. I don't think I would decorate for that! Although my mom did growing up. (Indoor only.)
DeleteI remember my first year teaching I would never let my students see me text. Now they see me on the phone ALL THE TIME because well sometimes it is for personal use but all of our classroom music is on my phone.
Why do you dislike Easter? I don't really decorate for Easter either. Maybe a spring wreath and some plants but I guess that's really for spring.
DeleteThere's no decorations, no songs... just gross candy!
DeleteThat's crazy how just a little bit of temperature fluctuation made your ukeles go so out of tune! The homemade nachos you had for dinner Friday look delicious!
ReplyDeleteI think it also had to do with the humidity.
DeleteI love your cat mug and how it actually looks like your cat. I do remember Every Good Boy Does Fine, I was in band for years in school and it was pretty awesome. It really "made" my childhood and teen years, I guess you could say.
ReplyDeleteI work from home and I even have a special stash in a desk drawer. Mostly foods I hide from Clay like Quest bars and Reese's Cups.
I had to survive SIX DAYS without a phone last year because mine died and my new one got lost in the mail. You can survive without one... all in all I didn't miss one particular app or feature but really missed the peace of mind of having a phone.
Mmmm Reeses Cups are good! What did you play in band? My guess is flute or saxophone, am I right??
DeleteI remember when you didn't have a phone! Did you have so much more free time? I know I would read books more if I didn't have my phone. I am guilty of falling asleep reading Reddit rather than books.
That’s a long time to go without your phone! Did you miss it ?
ReplyDeleteI hope you are enjoying your three day weekend!
I don’t have emergency chocolate, I have an emergency bag of doritos and a coke hidden in my desk.
Well I don't get it out during rehearsal anyway BUT I did want to record some of the dance combos. And I did want to use my parking app to park in gettysburg. So that was annoying.
DeleteI do remember EGBDF! But truth be told, I am terrible at music and signing (doesn't stop me from doing it though). Your Saturday was super busy! Ours can be both but mostly it's "scheduled relaxation" meaning it's rare we lay around all day so we have a few things planned and then come home and relax in the afternoon. I have forgotten my phone before and at first I am anxious but it's actually good. I am trying to sometimes leave it behind for things like going to the store...because sometimes it is just annoying and I have my nose in it all the time!!
ReplyDeleteI like knowing I have my phone for safety purposes and of course my podcasts. But I have been listening to my Godspell CD in the car and rehearsing so I didn't even notice I didn't have my phone until halfway there. Otherwise, I would have known right away because I'd realize I didn't have my podcasts!
DeleteHow early do you get up on the weekends?
I've been so into making soup lately. I just made a new ramen style soup yesterday that turned out so good :). I never thought about freezing it though, I love that. Mostly I like that after it's a meal one day I can use it as a side dish for multiple other days.
ReplyDeleteSpending 6 hours without a phone sounds crazy but also I know I could do it because sometimes I forget my phone at home when I leave the house and I never feel like it's worth it to go back and get it. I think I'm more lazy than I am addicted to my phone, which means I am pretty lazy :D
We are known for making big batches of food and eating it throughout the week. Our staples are: pasta, ground turkey, chicken breast, chicken noodle soup, chili, stuffed pepper caserole, quinoa surprise. But when I make my chicken noodle soup I always make WAY TOO MUCH and since Paul doesn't eat it like I do, I just decided on a whim to freeze it. Best idea ever! Way easier to make one big batch then a medium batch and then two months later do it again.
DeleteLOL @ your lazy comment.
I hope you share your ramen recipe on your blog!
Oh, I love that you have lebanon bologna for breakfast. I had never heard of lebanon bologna, but tried it at the butcher shop a few months ago because it looked like a German salami that I used to eat back home.... and I loved it. Need to get some more on my next shopping trip.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I would probably not survive 6 hours without my phone. LOL (I am exaggerating - maybe).
I actually wasn't sure if anyone would know what Lebanon bologna was because I am pretty sure it's a Pennsylvania Dutch thing. I looked it up and it definitely is! But I guess it has spread out around the country and other people eat it to? My g-mas side of the fam is PA dutch and there are a lot of WEIRD foods common here in central PA.