This wrap up is a little late, but better late than never! I hope your week started off well. For teachers, it's our last full week before having a couple days off for Thanksgiving. Man, am I ready!
This wrap up is VERY wordy. Sorry about that. (Why am I apologizing for WRITING in a BLOG???)

Friday started with a MUCH needed run. After being away from home for a couple days, it was nice to start my day off in my normal fashion. I kept the pace easy, as I was still recovering from my race on Sunday. That course really kicked my behind.
Work was fun because I took the fourth graders to see the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra perform at The Forum in Harrisburg. I love orchestra day and and am thankful the HSO provides a free educational concert for my students twice a year.
After work, I took Christmas to the vet. He developed a spot on his chin which I assumed was feline acne. I was right. I paid for his vet exam and some expensive shampoo and then dropped him off at home so I could go to Rite Aid and pick up his prescription. The prescription was under his name, so I felt extremely odd rolling up to the drive thru and saying, "I'm here for a prescription for Christmas Cooney." I am laughing just thinking about it! The script was extremely expensive, but I sucked it up and figured the vet knew what they were doing and that was just how much it cost.
They needed to break out the muzzle for Chrissy. He can be... combative at the vet.
This picture makes me laugh SO HARD. That's my Chrissy boy!!!
I drove straight home and put the dang stuff on Christmas' chin. As soon as I applied it, the vet called and asked if I got the script yet. "Yes and I just put it on him!" I said very quickly. My brain always goes to the WORST CASE SCENARIO and I worried they were going to say it was the wrong script or something and that the cream was going to hurt Chrissy. Well, of course that wasn't the case. They called because they didn't realize the prescription was so expensive and that I could have gotten an ointment instead. They didn't say what kind of ointment it was, just that I should call the pharmacy and see if I could return the expensive stuff and get the cheaper stuff instead. I felt sick to my stomach. The script cost over $100 and I couldn't believe there was something cheaper they could have given me! When I called the pharmacist back, he said the ointment was $88. HOLY CRAP. At that point, I was too tired and hungry to drive back to the pharmacy and just decided to keep what I had. Besides, I had already used it, and didn't know if they would allow me to return it already used.
After a shower and dinner, I was ready to relax and go to internet-land or TV-land, but unfortunately our cable had been down all day. It's a good thing I had a puzzle to do or else I would have been very bored. I went to bed early because Saturday was going to be very busy.

On Saturday morning I went for a very early 8 miler around my neighborhood. I didn't have any great podcasts to listen to since I couldn't download new ones, but I sucked it up and ended up enjoying a crisp, windy run. I was starting to feel a little bit like my old running self again, so that was good.
Then Paul and I headed to Millersburg (my hometown) for a visitation and viewing for my Uncle Jack who passed away. It was so nice to see family as well as look at lots of pictures of my uncle. Following the viewing, we quickly stopped in and visited my grandma, then we attended the luncheon. At the luncheon, we told some Uncle Jack stories. The holidays just won't be the same without him.
When we got home that afternoon, we still didn't have internet or cable, but Verizon said they were going to stop by and check things out. When the technician came out, he discovered some tree trimmers had cut the Fios cable for our block. GREAT. He gave us a 25% chance that it would be fixed this weekend and a 100% chance it would be fixed Monday. UGH! It's a first world problem for sure, but I was sad that Paul was probably not going to be able to watch football the next day!
I made use of my time away from the computer and TV by carrying all the Christmas decorations up from the basement and putting away some knick knacks and pictures to make room for the Christmas stuff. I also got in a lifting workout. I have really been slacking with my lifting lately, so this was much needed!
That evening, I went to a school event my 4th grade students were performing at. They danced and sang the song Footloose and they were a HIT! I was so proud of them for having the courage to do that in front of hundreds of people! The sad part about the night... somewhere along the way, I lost my wedding ring. When my hands are cold, my fingers shrink a little and my ring falls right off. Usually I notice, but that night I didn't. The sad thing is, even if someone happened to find it, I don't think they would realize it's a special ring since it is just a thin, plain white gold band. There is nothing special looking about it and I doubt anyone would think it was anything worthy of finding it's owner. Sigh. This is the second time I had to order a new wedding ring due to it sliding off my hand. Seven years of marriage and I am already on my third ring... I think I need to order a smaller size!
My wedding ring in happier times... when it was on my finger.

When I woke up Sunday morning, this was parked outside my house:
Hallelujah!!!!! It was the most wonderful sight to be seen! Paul got his football miracle because our internet and cable was fixed before the games started!
I went for a run and REALLY felt like myself. I did 8 miles at a sub 8 minute pace and it felt natural. I'm back!
When I was done running, I discovered Paul had left to watch the one o'clock games at a friend's house and locked me out! This was seriously just not our weekend. So his friend had to drive him back to our place so he could let me in.
After showering and eating, I went for a lovely walk with my friend Bree. She had quite a dramatic reaction to learning that Dr. Ben Carson is leading the Republican polls. I know, it is sad. You have to laugh or you will cry.
That evening, Paul watched football and I started decorating the house for Christmas! It is a PROCESS since I have so many decorations. I am about 60% done. There is more to do in the coming days... Don't worry, there will be pictures! I go ALL OUT for Christmas!
Christmas the cat is very excited for all the new decorations. "Yay! New stuff to pee on!" he says. "Yay! I am going to eat all of the fake pine needles!" he says!
I finally had time to catch up on some blog reading and replying to comments. Kristina informed me that her cat has had acne before and that the ointment her vet has her use is only $20. Again, I felt sick! Why did my vet tell me to use something that was extremely expensive!? I was irate and called the vet office and left a calm message. I look forward to getting some answers on Monday! I need to be able to trust my vet. I don't think I trust them anymore, but I may be jumping to conclusions...

Do you decorate for Christmas or other December holiday?
Does Ben Carson make you laugh or cry?
Have you ever lost your wedding ring?
Does Ben Carson make you laugh or cry?
Have you ever lost your wedding ring?
100 shampoo?! I'd question that too. Also, I've never heard of cat acne and I'm super impressed that you knew that's what it was and stayed calm about it. Christmas in that muzzle is hilarious! But what is even more funny to me was that you managed to snap a pic of him during the calamity!
ReplyDeleteI only knew what it was because I have ONE friend who like 10 years ago had a cat with acne! Other than that single conversation, I had never heard of it!
DeleteThe vet and vet tech laughed at me taking the picture but I am sure they are used to weirder things! Hey, it's my appt and you're charging me an arm and a leg, so at least let me snap a pic!
Oh no, I am so sorry about your ring! It could still turn up. Definitely get a smaller size f you do need to get a new one!
ReplyDeleteI can't remember what size I got to begin with hehe. My fingers really fluctuate in size because there are times my ring feels nice and snug and then times at school when I am cold and it slides right off.
DeleteI am sorry about your ring. That stinks. Here's to a better week. I am excited to decorate for Christmas, but it will have to wait! I have started playing Christmas music on the piano though!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to have my students start Christmas music! Luckily most of them are game well before December. :)
DeleteSo sorry about your ring! Knock wood I haven't lost mine but the Caveman lost his twice. I replaced it and then it was found in a pants pocket months later so now he has 2. Bummer about the pricey ointment. Vets are always $$$. Boo.
ReplyDeleteThe RX cost more than replacing my ring hahahahhaa. BUT my cat is IRREPLACEABLE :)
DeleteIsn't it amazing how much better you feel with internet? LOL!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry about your wedding ring. That's too bad. Guess you'll have to shop for a new one...
It's on sale, I am so happy!!
DeleteBummer about the ring for sure. Rick almost lost his onetime when we were swimming in a river. He barely caught onto it before it floated away. Another time when he was unmasking a house it ended up getting stuck in the ball of tape and paper and got thrown away! He didn't even think about it until later when it was gone and for some reason he decided to go to the job-site and dig through the dumpster! And he FOUND it! That story still amazes me to this day. Maybe you should get a ring tattoo. I have thought about doing that since I don't travel to any foreign countries w/ my ring. It would have to be something really cool and classy though. I am hoping you can get yours replaced quickly and not too much $$.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe he ended up finding it in the dumpster!!!!!! I found mine on sale for $83. That's not bad! Less than cat acne treatment hahahahhaa!
DeleteThat is not bad at all! I actually need to get a gold band to wear when we travel. Where did you get it?
DeleteI got my first, second, and now my THIRD band at http://www.iweddingband.com/. Sounds so ghetto ! :) The first time I bought it, it was $70, second time white gold was up to $150, now it is back down again to $83. I lost mine at a good time.
DeleteYes, you totally did (ghetto girl)
DeleteI have the same problem with my wedding ring and now you've got me freaked out about losing it! I always assume that it won't really slide off my finger. Yikes. I am sad for you that you lost yours. I do decorate for Christmas but not that much because it gets to be too much clutter with so many people and all of Callum's toys and stuff. And I don't know why animal medicine costs so much more than people meds. SUCKS.
ReplyDeleteI can understand how a ton of decorations can turn into a lot of clutter. I have to be really careful that when decorations are out, we do not clutter up the house with the other "stuff" or it just doesn't look right. Easy to do when it's just 2 humans and 2 cats!
DeleteMy fingers fluctuate in size too. Sometimes they feel nice and snug (especially when I am dehydrated during a long run...) and sometimes I move my hand too quickly and my rings go flying off. I have had several occasions where I had a mini heart attack thinking I lost my rings for good. I don't even know how I would begin to tell Adam ... I think I would just re-order my rings and say they were getting cleaned while I waited on the package to arrive ...which I would definitely have delivered to my office at work, haha.
ReplyDeleteDid you ever hear back from your vet about the possibility of using dermalone?
I left a msg Sunday night and a secretary called me on Monday morning to confirm the spelling of dermalone and she was going to ask the vet. They did not respond yet! Don't worry, I will call back if I don't hear in a couple days. I am not letting this go.
DeletePaul lost his band once and I wasn't mad because at that point I also had lost mine once! Luckily mine isn't expensive, but it is still a waste of money to keep losing it. :(
Hi Megan - Ben Carson makes me weep - his ideas are confounding to me.
ReplyDeleteI have never lost my wedding ring - it actually fits perfectly - my husband inherited it from his family- it's from 1931 : )
I love Christmas, so we decorate full tilt!
that pic of your kitty is hysterical !
Hope you are having a great day!
I am glad you never lost such a precious ring. I bet it is beautiful. :)
DeleteI do decorate for Christmas, but currently I am still stuck in Halloween because the Christmas decorating will begin the day after Thanksgiving (and no sooner!!), so I'm taking advantage of not having to put stuff away and dust twice in a short period :)
ReplyDeleteI almost lost my wedding ring at work. I took it off to put on hand lotion. I accidentally put it on a book, which I shut and put on the shelf. When I realized my ring was missing I went into a hyper panic and actually was in tears. I had to drive home to look for it, but luckily I found it when I got back to work again. OMG, that is the worst feeling. I'm so sorry you lost your ring!!
That is a good idea to do the switch of decorations at the same time! I normally don't decorate this early but I was bored without internet and cable! Usually I do the weekend before T-giving or the weekend after- whichever is less busy. And I have so, much. stuff. that it takes more than one day. I am 80% decorated INSIDE right now. I don't think outside will get done this year unless Paul shows me how to do it.
DeleteI am glad you found your ring! Sounds like it happens to everyone at some point...
I'd like to hear about what happens regarding Christmas's acne!! I'm so confused about the cost difference!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you had a very active weekend!
Short story is that the vet fucked up and we could have gotten the same medication for $15 had we tried a different pharmacy. She apologized profusely. : /
DeleteWhat did you do with the one you outgrew?