Happy Monday! I hope you all enjoyed and extra hour of sleep on Saturday night! I know I did. Turning the clocks always messes me up. I have to think really hard to figure out whether it will be light out on my morning runs or not and what time it will start getting dark at night. So after about five minutes of very careful thinking (and then Googling), I have deduced that it will start to get light out a little after 6:00am here in Central PA... which is good for this morning runner! Then it will begin to get dark a little after 5:00pm... which is the most depressing thing in the WORLD!!!!
Christmas had a rough morning on Sunday with the time change.

Friday started with the dreaded speed work! I got the scare of my life during my warm up mile! I cut onto the sidewalk since it was pitch dark and I had to run on a semi busy road for about a block. I was looking down because the sidewalk was uneven and I didn't want to fall. Well, I looked up right as a dude was walking toward me. He was dressed all in black with his hood pulled up over his head. His face was painted white and he had the most demented looking CLOWN MAKE UP on. I am not afraid of clowns, but I am afraid of dudes in hoods dressed like clowns! Boy did I pick up my step for a minute and I kept glancing over my shoulder to make sure the guy didn't turn around and follow me or something. Where the hell was that scary dude walking at 6:15 in the morning??? I know some people dress in costume for work but I can't imagine any workplace that would be okay with a costume like that!
At school, the Reese's started rolling in. A couple 4th graders didn't think I could do 15 push ups, so they bet me some Reese's Cups. I did 30, so they had to PAY UP!
That evening, we went to Randy and Michael's Halloween party!
Paul as Jeff Probst and me as Vanessa, the girl I hate from Big Brother
"Dude, game theoretically speaking, I did it all for Mel!"
Michael as Elf on the Shelf and Randy as Buddy from Elf
Maren was Amy Poehler's character from Mean Girls (the cool mom) but in zombie form. Max was just a zombie!
Doug and Jen as Daddy Warbucks and Annie
Randy and Mar, my besties!
Paul and Max. Max looks very similar to the dude I saw on my run that morning, except Max looks a little more "mass shooter-y" and the other dude looked more "mass shooter clown-y".

I was supposed to do a long run on Saturday but I was just not feeling it. Usually I look forward to a long run, but today I was tired and freezing. I just could not get warm. I tried to psych myself up. I downloaded my podcasts, ate some shredded wheat, charged my Garmin, and even got suited up! In the end, I decided not to go. Why go if I wasn't looking forward to it? I could always do the run on Sunday when I would hopefully have more energy!
All dressed up with nowhere to go!
We vowed not to turn our heat on until November 1st, but we cracked with just 10 hours to go! It really hadn't been that bad, but for some reason on Saturday, the shit hit the fan and we could just not get warm.
It turned out to be a "homey" type of day. We ran errands and then cuddled up at home watching TV, playing Xbox (Paul) and doing puzzles (me). We topped off "homey" type of day with the most homey meal I can think of... a rotisserrie chicken and cream of broccoli soup! YUM!

I went to bed at 9:30pm on Saturday night and slept until 7:30am Sunday morning. With the time change, that's 11 hours of quality sleep! Yeah, no wonder I wasn't feeling my run on Saturday- I was clearly exhausted! I spent the morning sipping coffee and blogging. I was much more in the mood for a run today than yesterday!
I'm not going to lie... this run was tough. The plan was to just RUN and not care what my pace was. I didn't look down at my Garmin until mile 7 and was disappointed. It just seemed like with the effort I was running, my pace should have been faster. I was spent from the run. I guess it just wasn't my weekend! Or rather, I was supposed to just run 10 EASY miles, and I didn't. So I didn't run the workout I planned, and I have no one to blame but myself!
Splits: 7:50, 7:48, 7:50, 8:04, 8:01. 8:00, 7:56, 7:47, 7:43, 7:26
I had a turkey and cheese sandwich and dill pickle chips after my run. It hit the spot! But I have determined dill pickle chips are the same as salt and vinegar chips. Does anyone disagree?
The shit hit the fan this weekend as far as my hair was concerned. I was just so sick of it! It was longer than ever. So I got out the scissors and marched over to Paul. "Cut my hair," I told him. And he did.
"Don't get my whole outfit in the picture," I told him.
It is 90% even!
Paul went to a friend's house to watch football so I was on my own. I had Jelly, wine, a puzzle, and old Jodi Arias trial footage on Youtube.
This is 750 pieces! I am going for a puzzle PR!

Have you ever put off a long run because you were tired and not feeling it?
What did you dress up as for Halloween?
Have you ever let your S.O. cut your hair?
What did you dress up as for Halloween?
Have you ever let your S.O. cut your hair?
last weekend I put off my long run until Monday (13). We had too much to do. I used to let my sister cut my hair! No costumes for Halloween here. I always say, "I am going as a frazzled mom."
ReplyDeleteHaha I am sure you can pull off a great frazzled mom!
DeleteI have never let Adam cut my hair but he had me cut his hair once. I felt so much pressure that I never did it again. Now he has his dad cut his hair, haha. It's not so much of a cut, just a buzz but I felt so nervous. What if I left him completely bald?! I would never in a million years let him near my hair. What if he left ME completely bald?!
ReplyDeleteI have definitely put off a long run because I was tired. That's the beauty of planning them for Saturdays... you can always push off to Sunday if you need to! :)
I can totally understand why you wouldn't let him near your hair. I know with straight hair you can't be as liberal with the cutting and it actually has to be 100% even, not 90% even!
DeleteI really try to listen to my body (even when it tells me something I don't want to hear). If I am not feeling it, I might bike or swim instead or just a short run....or even go back to bed for a bit! My friends and I were boring...didn't dress up but all the kiddos did so it was a blast at the party. Rick used to cut my bangs all the time--even my hair dresser said he did a nice job!
ReplyDeleteWow, go Rick!!! Hey who is he rooting for in Survivor these days?
DeleteI will ask him!
DeleteHe said he wants Joe to win, but that he won't because he is "too good". Who are you rooting for?
DeleteI am rooting AGAINST Tasha and Cass. Rooting for Kelly Wentworth and... um... Stephen?? Jeff Varner was my MAN but he is gone. :(
DeleteOh, and he's right, Joe won't win!
DeleteHey psst. Don't do your speedwork on Friday. ;) Try to do it earlier in the week if you can. I'm willing to bet your body was just maxed out after that. You didn't have enough time to recharge.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping you would explain your costume! I'm glad I am not dumb. I have never watched Big Brother and I was sitting here trying to figure out who it was! Hahaha! I was even googling current images of Paris Hilton trying to make guesses. The elves had me cracking up. I had to show Jere the elf on the shelf costume. :D :D
Paul might have a new career in hairstyling! It looks great! But you are still very very brave. Haha!
lol thanks for the tip! That is probably a tweak I need to make!
DeleteDid you google image Vanessa then? I think I nailed the costume even though nobody knew who I was! I tweeted her a picture but she didn't respond. Don't worry, I didn't tell her that I hate her. ;)
I am getting a ton of compliments on my hair today! Creation By Cooney is a hit!
Seriously. Timing workouts is so key. The training plan I follow looks like this: Sun: off; Mon: recovery run; Tues: hills or speed depending on the phase of the training; Wed: recovery; Thurs: semi-long effort or goal pace miles depending on phase; Friday: off; Saturday: long and long goal pace depending on phase.
DeleteA lot of that comes down to nutrition and just something you can't get around, which is that when you're doing the hard effort of speedwork, you're burning off any built up supplies of glycogen in your body. While most runners carb-load the day before a race/run, it actually takes several days to rebuild a decent store of energy.
Now I sound like a knowitall and I almost deleted this, but then I figured I'd leave it up in the off chance that you or someone else you know doesn't know this and wants to know it. Because once you get me talking about training and patterns and programs, I won't stfu. Basically. If I could just be a running coach for life, I would.
You should be a running coach as you definitely know your stuff! Previous weeks speed work + easy 10 mile run the next day felt fine. This week- NO. Maybe I was better fueled, who knows??? Even Sunday I didn't feel great. It just felt like a huge effort. Next week I have a race so I have some time to figure out how to switch things around. Thanks for the info and suggestions. :)
DeleteOmg that horse head sounds terrifying!!!
ReplyDeleteNot only did the kids wake up an hour earlier, but they woke up even an hour earlier than THAT just to kick me when I'm down.
ReplyDeleteBut how did you CAT react?? Hahaha just kidding!
DeleteI usually like to get my long run done and over with, so even when Im not feeling it I usually try to get myself to go knowing i won't want to do it on Sunday.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds so creepy to see that guy walking down the sidewalk dressed like that for Halloween! That would definitely freak me out!
It was creepy!
DeleteI normally love Saturday long runs but the fact that Sunday was supposed to be nice out and the extra hour of sleep made me not mind pushing it. I normally don't do that though!
I agree with Kim above that your speed work on Friday was probably the reason this run was so sluggish. Speed work is really hard on the body and you need time to recover. And, honestly, I feel like most of my runs for the past 3 months have been just like you describe, where I look at my Garmin disappointed because it feels like I'm going much faster than I am. I had a long run a few weeks back where my AVERAGE pace was 25 seconds slower than I guess. I was super bummed. I'm sure it's due to the fact that I haven't been training consistently, but it never stops being discouraging. So, I feel ya!
ReplyDeleteI hate that it's dark out earlier but I love that it's light out sooner. It makes it so much easier to get up in the AM. Seriously I've NOT been a fan of it being dark until 7 AM all month long. That shit is for the birds.
Why do we look at our Garmins??? lol. I just put expectations on myself that I should not have put on myself. The whole point was to just run 10 miles, but I know I secretly wanted to run 10 fast miles. Especially since I took a rest day the day before. My body was just not having it. I still do love speedwork on Fridays. I wake up on Fridays feeling like I can conquer the world.
DeleteI was loving the daylight this am but as I pulled into my carport after work (4pm) the SUN WAS FREAKING SETTING.
All of those Halloween costumes are seriously great! You look good as a blonde!
ReplyDeleteAw thanks girl. :)
DeleteOh my gosh, you seriously pulled off Vanessa. I wish I could have seen your interactions with people - I have a feeling you would "act" the part perfectly. My husband and I were rooting against her the entire summer. She was definitely "all about me!!!" So glad she got taken out by Steve --> EPIC.
ReplyDeleteI love that you are drinking wine and going for a puzzle PR. Results?
The results are in: Door puzzle FINISHED in probably a total of about 8 hours. 750 pieces. Totally a PR.
DeleteYay I am glad you knew who I was dressed up as! We rooted against her too! And I screamed so happily when Steve won and voted her out!!! :)
So brave on the hair cutting! I've actually tried to talk my husband into cutting mine, because it's a straight cut in a line, but he won't do it. I got sick of paying $25 at the salon to cut in a line, so I just go to Great Clips before my hair coloring appointments!
ReplyDeleteTell him if Paul can do it, he can do it. And with all the money you guys save in a year you can buy a case of beer!
DeleteOkay, I LOVE that you extorted Reese's from kids. BEST EVER.
ReplyDeleteI taught them an important lesson to never underestimate their old ass music teacher! Although the one girl who does push ups in her dance class did give me some pointers so I could clean up my form!
DeleteLove the Halloween Costumes!!! I was a NERD.... our whole office station dressed as nerds... we were the revenge of the office nerds!!! Hey, we won the costume contest!!!
ReplyDeleteI always pay to get my hair cut.... it is quite pricey, but I think so worth it because I get the latest "around town gossip." HE! HE!
That's cool you won the contest! We went as nerds a couple years ago, it wad fun. :)
DeleteI normally pay to get my hair cut as well (just like Holiday Hair or something) but that day I was just having moment and needed it GONE.