That's all I got because this is a LONG one.
Friday morning started out with a leisurely run, but as soon as I arrived at work, it went downhill. Thankfully, I have some awesome work friends who are good listeners and they cheered me up! Spending time with my friends also made me step back and have some perspective on things. So what if I had a shitty morning? I have awesome friends, and that trumps a shitty morning!
After that, the work day was a whirlwind, but it was not bad like the morning. I even made a kid who was in a sour mood smile. It took 17 minutes, but I finally told a joke lame enough to make the 9 year old laugh. WINNING!
I ran a bunch of errands after work because my car was going to get inspected the next day and I needed everything taken care of before then. My first stop was Wegman's, a place I absolutely abhor because it is too big and I can't find anything in there. The only reason I go is because their boneless skinless chicken breast is $1.99/lb. I usually get a couple packs, but of course I go through chicken so fast that I wind up at Wegman's more often than I would like. Luckily, I got out of there without killing anyone.
Paul says, "Why does Wegman's have to look like a freaking castle?"
Next was the library. I got out of there without many problems. I had to pay $5.70 fine but I don't mind fines because the money supports the library and I think the library secretly likes getting the money!
Then I went to the bank and my head almost exploded. The guy at the teller beside me was RANTING about political stuff and he was clearly a whack-a-doo. Who rants about political stuff as loud as the can to the teller at their bank? Luckily, an old lady started to use the change machine so that drowned the whack job out for a minute. I was so happy to get out of there.
I went home before dropping my car off at the garage. We go to a place about a mile away from our house because I have to walk or run home to drop it off and pick it up. (We only have one car and Paul doesn't drive.) I decided to run home because it was cold, I was hungry, and I just wanted to get home and take a shower.
I don't understand all you runners who run after work. When I run after work I feel like Phoebe from Friends. I am all wobbly and weird. I am faster than in the morning but it doesn't feel good at all. I am definitely a morning runner through and through. Hey, know thyself, right?
As soon as I got home I showered, got in my jammies, poured a glass of wine, and broiled up some cheese. That's right. I broiled cheese. My brother made up this recipe. All you do is throw some shredded cheddar cheese on a pan and broil it up until it's all crispy. It is so yummy. I made the cheese and toasted to him. I will see him in about a month and I can't freaking wait!!!
Armed with my cheese and wine, I curled up on the couch to watch Sex and the City. I had the last couple episodes of the series to watch and it was making me cry. It really gets poignant at the end. I started to wish I had really close girlfriends. I did growing up, but not anymore. Friends move away and it's impossible to stay completely connected, even with social media.
Paul was out with his friends so I finished the night doing a puzzle and reading the new Mary Higgins Clark book I got from the library that day.
I awoke Saturday morning to snow on the ground.
It was nice having a day with nothing to do. I took my time waking up. Then while I was getting ready for my run, I noticed blood on the floor in the music room! Time for some Domestic Forensics. We still don't know where the blood came from, but I am on the lookout for a mouse carcass or poop with bones in the litter box.
I headed out into the cold, dreary day for a long run. My goal was to do a LSD. My pie in the sky goal was 15 miles. I wasn't sure it was going to happen because I was tired by mile 4. I did get a pep in my step toward the end. Mentally, I needed that long run to make me feel confident for my half in two weeks. I have no clue what my pace was because something is wrong with my Garmin. Hmmmm.... anyone have a Garmin I can borrow for my half???
I decided to skip my walking cool down and hop right in the shower. Fate had another plan. My car was ready for pick up at the garage, so I got a nice 1 mile cool down walk to get my car. Even though I wasn't hungry, I made myself a protein shake (banana, vanilla whey, water, ice) to drink on the way. Later on when I had an appetite, I housed a turkey and cheese sandwich with chips on top. It is my new favorite post run food!
That evening, we went to Geoff and Bree's for game night. But we didn't play any games, we just talked the whole time! It was great!

We had zero plans for Sunday, but by the time we rolled out of bed, we had made plans for ourselves. First we hit the gym. Paul has started working out again and he wanted to lift. I got on the treadmill for a couple easy miles.
After we came home and showered, we headed over to Union Deposit to putz around Gabriel Brothers and Burlington Coat Factory. The reason we were in that neck of the woods was because Empire Asian Bistro has half priced sushi on Sundays. We picked some up and took it home to eat while we watched Survivor.
Here are some of my deals of the day!!!!
Ooh, look at the cool sneakers I picked out for Paul. They were only $19.99!!!! I have good taste, don't I?
And duh, here's our sushi dinner!!!!
And we shall end on a beautiful picture of Chrissy, just because...
After we came home and showered, we headed over to Union Deposit to putz around Gabriel Brothers and Burlington Coat Factory. The reason we were in that neck of the woods was because Empire Asian Bistro has half priced sushi on Sundays. We picked some up and took it home to eat while we watched Survivor.
Here are some of my deals of the day!!!!
7 puzzles!!! $1 each. I am so happy.
We needed new hand soaps. I love lavender. 99 cents each from Gabe's.... can't beat that!
So I have been needing some oversized black sunglasses. I am not a name brand girl, but these Guess sunglasses were the best ones they had at Burlington... $14.99!
I love new, cushy running socks! 6 pair for $5.99!
We needed protein like WOAH.
My favorite Pringles were not on sale BUT sometimes you just gotta treat yo'self!
These sports bras were $3.99 at Gabe's! Normally sports bras are like $15 and I refuse to pay that much for something that's just going to end up stinking in a couple weeks anyway.
I love Yankee Candles. When you have a cat that pees, you have to love Yankee Candles. Meadow smells like a spring day and Sage smells like Christmas! (The holiday, not the fancy feline.) They were only $9.99 at Gabe's. Regular price is $27.99. Boo-yah!
And duh, here's our sushi dinner!!!!
And we shall end on a beautiful picture of Chrissy, just because...
Talk about an awesome Sunday!

Do you tend to rack up library fines?
What is your least favorite grocery store?
Any fun purchases this weekend?
Do you like to pick out stylish items for your partner?
What is your least favorite grocery store?
Any fun purchases this weekend?
Do you like to pick out stylish items for your partner?
Wow--you scored some great deals! And sushi is a perfect way to end a wonderful day like that. I do check out from the library but am really good about returning on time (I can also renew my check out online which does help). My least favorite is Super Walmart--so I never go if I can help it & shop online instead. This weekend I had to buy some travel size hair products because we are going to San Francisco and if we carry on our bags, it's free. NICE!! Both Rick and I hate shopping but I gladly go with him because he's the one having to try things on while I sit and play on my phone and then be the clothes judge. We just had to pick out something for this upcoming wedding so we went into Macy's and found a mannequin wearing a nice, dapper outfit and just went with that! I am so happy they have people style the clothes for idiots like us :) P.S. any progress on the feline forensic file?
ReplyDeleteYou know what is funny I can renew online as well I just forget to! :) Hey that is awesome you're going to SF!!! We love SF!!!! What is the occasion?
DeleteFeline Forensics.... Both cats are acting completely normal and not sick, but I am starting to scare myself and worrying about maybe one of them puking up blood?? What if Chrissy swallowed a puzzle piece??? I really have no reason for thinking that, now I am just going to worst case scenario. I suppose if he swallowed a puzzle piece and threw up blood from it he would show other symptoms of being sick but he isn't.
I will say, however, whenever I have to pay any fee I think like you do "supporting the cause". We love SF so much and did an awesome 4 day, see everything, do everything trip there in 2006. This is for my cousin's wedding so we are actually going to be in Half Moon Bay and we are going to be mostly doing wedding/family stuff. It will be fun but trips where you have your own agenda are better. IDEA: if you ever want to go back and do the SF thing, we'll meet you there. We are due to go back & well...how fun!?!
Delete...and I am glad the cats are not acting sick but this would simply drive me crazy not to know (it actually sort of is driving me crazy and they aren't even my cats)
DeleteThat would be fun!!! We spent about 5 days there but still missed some things. I would like to do Angel Island next time and drive up to Stinson Beach again and run MORE of the Dipsea Trail. I only got to run some of it. Omg, I miss Northern Cali!
DeleteIt is driving me nuts too. Everyone at work is asking me if I figured it out!
My dad loves Wegmans but I find it too intimidating! We don't have one close by here anyway so I never go there. I always feel really weird running in the afternoon/evening too! Like you, I think I am a little faster (probably just because I have eaten more and am more awake) but I feel like my body doesn't know what it's doing!
ReplyDeleteIt is very intimidating. It's huge and I fear an SUV running me over in the parking lot.
DeleteI tried to find SATC this weekend so I could possibly DVR during the week but I couldn't find it. You'll have to let me know what time it comes on. It's crazy that I stalk the TV to see when it is on when I own the entire box set. I guess it's just laziness..lol. Or the fact that it seems impromtu when I "find" it on tv!
ReplyDeleteAs far as grocery stores, I hate walmart!!!! (if you consider that a grocery store). I rarely buy groceries there but I went yesterday cus I wanted to get a few items that were not food related and thought I might as well pick up what I need for lunches while I'm here. Well needless to say, after I picked up a few things I drove directly to Weis Markets! The only thing I do like at Walmart is their Greek yogurt. It seems to be thicker than all the other brands I've tried.
Oh, and keep us posted on the forensics! I read your story on FB last night and am intrigued. Did you actually search inside the liter box? Perhaps they buried their kill?
I bet it is better to watch your boxed set though because nothing will be censored or cut out! I just finished the last season with the Russian. He was so gross and creepy. I don't know how he was considered good looking.
DeleteI did scoop the litter box since and didn't find anything out of the ordinary- but that was a good thought! No I have not figured it out yet. Still a mystery. Both cats don't seem sick though. Maybe Chrissy did house an entire mouse.
Yea, things are not censored on the box set. I actually enjoy watching it on TV for that reason. I love those girls but they can be a little MUCH!
DeleteAw you are Charlotte. <3 :)
DeleteLove the deal you got on the bra's! I hate paying for those things. I really don't like Wegman's either. We went on Saturday, Mark's birthday. He wanted some good sushi. So we braved Wegman's for lunch on a Saturday! UGH!!! It was horrible. I did look at their produce and their leafy green lettuce looked better than any other grocery store around here. So I may have to start buying that there.
ReplyDeleteOh man you are a good wife to go to Wegman's on a Saturday! Is that your favorite place to get sushi?
DeleteMy fiancé had an old Garmin Forerunner, I'll check when I get home to see if he still has it, i'll let you know... can't make any promises, he gets all crazy and throws out random things.
ReplyDeleteI love Wegmans! But I have had to create a route to get through the store. It's weird, but it's my route. And even if I'm only there for yogurt, I must follow my route. The one store I love to hate is Giant.... their shelving stresses me out.
Wow!! I read the Domestic Forensics and I'm intrigued !! what happened? I hope you figure it out!
I am sure that I fund half of the new books at the Camp Hill Library, returning movies late is my biggest fine problem.
I was mad when the Gabes by TJMaxx in Mechanisburg closed. My sister and I used to go to the Gabes and browse their racks for random things. Great finds for you! Those are some pretty cool glasses!
Still no clue on the Domestic Forensics front!!
DeleteLate movies can really rack up the fines!
I barely remember the Gabes by TJ Maxx. I do love TJ, Marshall's, and Ross though!
I love those shoes you got Paul. I actually want a pair like those but in white for myself! The only reason I've hesitated is because the last pair of all white sneaks I bought got dirty so quickly.
ReplyDeleteThat person at the bank sounds so annoying. I had a similar experience this weekend at a restaurant. I met my mom for breakfast and at the table next to use was a family with a little girl. The waitress said to her, "you're so adorable, you're going to be our first woman president because it's *definitely* not going to be Hillary."
First of all, can we not teach little girls to get by on their looks alone? That comment seems innocent but it reinforces the idea that women need to look a certain way and can somehow get by on their looks alone. Second of all, even if you don't agree with Hillary's politics, doesn't she embody the qualities that we want little girls to aspire to have? Determination, strong work ethic, intelligence, good communication skills, etc.
Finally, the look on the parents face after the waitress made this comment definitely said it all - they were unhappy. Why would anyone feel the need to make this politically driven comment to a customer knowing politics (esp. in an election year) are so derisive? SIGH.
White sneakers do get dirty. :( But they are very flashy!
DeleteUgh that Hillary comment would have made me so angry. Why do some people hate her so much? She has done SO MUCH over the course of her life to help women and children. I believe Hillary does embody the qualities anyone should want to have. Did you know my middle name is Hillary??? :)
That waitress should not have said anything, it was completely inappropriate. If someone said that to Christmas, I would have shot back with, "I would be honored if my cat grew up to be as smart, determined, and successful as Hillary!"
Seriously! Another reason to like Hillary. So many presidents have been dog people but the Clintons are cat people and I think this country needs another First Cat :).
DeleteSuch a good job on your 15 miler! Glad you got that in before your half. I was going to ask which protein powder you use than then whoop there it is! I'll have to look out for it. I wish we could sample different types first before we invest in a huge canister.
ReplyDeleteI have had several kinds and honestly they all taste the same to me. This kind here is a store brand version and it's the cheapest they had!
DeleteOkay I should clarify, all the WHEY protein I have had tastes pretty much the same. Casein tastes different, to me at least. I didn't really like casein but a couple years ago I decided I would drink a casein protein shake before bed hahaha. That didn't last long.
DeleteYou know they had my wal mart running shorts at Gabe's but they were not in my size. I think I have enough running shorts as it is. I have more than 7 pairs soooo as long as we do laundry once a week we are golden.
ReplyDeleteAw me and Paul shop together too BUT if I am alone we're much faster. ;)
I don't rack up library fines because everything I read is on my iPad now. If I don't finish it in 2 weeks time, too bad, so sad, the book just disappears!
ReplyDeleteHow convenient! And no trips to the library! I like holding a book though.
DeleteGABES! I LOVE GABES! I drive out your way JUST to go to Gabes! My sister in law introduced me to it. I got so excited reading that! She was just there and got THE CUTEST sports bras for pole dancing. Omg. I need a trip!
ReplyDeleteLOL! I wonder where the nearest Gabes is to you?
Deleteps. Isn't it fun having summers off to drive all over the place to shop??? :)
DeleteSorry you had a crappy Friday morning. Hope my class didn't have too much to do with it ; ) I think the same thing about the library. Except I have been avoiding going because my current fine is more like $30 dollars...
No way it wasn't your class. I will tell you next time I see you but the crappiness occurred before the students even arrived!
Delete$30!??? That is a nice donation though. :)