Today I am participating in Marcia's Runfession's link up! Be sure to visit her blog and check out some of the other bloggers who are Runfessing today!
Runfession #1: I normally run 5 days a week, but last week I ran 6 days! The entire time I was doing it, I felt like I was doing something "bad"... and I sort of was, because I skipped my lifting session!
Runfession #2: A couple weeks ago, I committed myself to trying to make 3 new habits. The first was to use mouthwash every night. I am proud to say I have been doing this for over a month and haven't missed a night! The second was to walk for 1 minute per mile after every run. Again, this one has been very successful. There was only one time when I cut a walk short due to shivering from sweating so much on the treadmill. The last habit I wanted to do was stop eating right before bed. For some reason, I like to look in the pantry and shove something in my mouth right before bed, even when I am not hungry and not craving anything. I have no problem eating when I'm hungry or satisfying a craving, but when I eat just to eat, it doesn't make sense! I am sad to say that I have only been about 25% successful with this one. I need to be more committed!
Some of the things I like to stuff in my mouth right before bed: chips, Twizzlers, Apple Jacks, Airheads
Some of the things I like to stuff in my mouth right before bed: chips, Twizzlers, Apple Jacks, Airheads
This flavor SUCKS but we inherited about 6 jugs of it
and we're determined to now let it go to waste.
Runfession #3: I'm scared to run! After my speed session on Wednesday, I felt a pain in my hammy and it migrated to my butt. After stretching and a day of rest, it is practically gone, but I am afraid to test the waters. I have battled injuries before, so whenever something feels wonky, I immediately get so scared of injury and stop running for a couple days and/or lower mileage so I don't overdo anything. My philosophy: You can always run more, but you can't run less! I wish I could just relax about it though. Over worrying doesn't help anything.

Do you have something you want to Runfess?
I get so paranoid about pain and injury too. I only run 3 to 4 times a week because of it. But then again, I am probably 10 years older than you are !
ReplyDeleteI totally understand the fear! For the past 2 or so years, I have been a 5 days a week runnner because of it!
DeleteI'm glad the PIA is practically gone and I hope it stay that way. Oooooh yeah that flavor is nasty. Thanks for linking up!
ReplyDeleteIt is nasty and it HURTS my mouth!! Love your Runfessions, Marcia. Have a great weekend!
DeleteMy mom used to make us rinse with that when we were kids when we used foul language--so you know it can't taste good!
ReplyDeleteI am trying not to eat before bed too--doing better but still struggling. I am trying to make dinner later, and postpone the TV watching. Sitting watching TV is a big trigger for me!
TV is a trigger for me as well! And watching Survivor. They are so hungry and skinny on there, just looking at them makes me want to eat.
DeleteOh ho ho, I'm so over injuries...and then I had the stomach am I ever going to train for Big Sur? Which is in 4 weeks?
ReplyDeleteI can't believe it is only 4 weeks away! You'll be fine Wendy. I read your recaps. You are doing everything you can to prepare!
DeleteI have stuck to the commitment of cooling down with a walk too, but I have to runfess that I haven't been doing 1 minute per mile every day. The max I'll walk is 5 minutes after long runs.... that's an improvement over just moving right into a stretching routine though!
ReplyDeleteThat is a GREAT improvement! And really is 8 min better than 5 or whatever? Don't know. Where does it stop helping? No clue. I just picked an arbitrary rule because I am rule oriented! Sounds like you picked a good one to follow too! We are walking more, which has to be good.
DeleteI think it's probably good for the body, but I am always anxious during the walk - like "when is this going to be done so I can stretch and go home!" haha #STRESS :D
DeleteI tend to snack if I have to leave the dog out at night. I let her out than go down to the kitchen and see what I can snack on while I wait for her. I am SO NOT hungry but it's just a habit I need to stop!
ReplyDeleteYou know they say you're supposed to replace habits with something else. So what could we do instead of snack? I know! Whenever we want to snack at night we do a plank instead! We'll have six packs in no time!
DeleteHows your booty and hammy feeling today? Hoping much better. I was so sore from my killer weight routine that I almost just did a walk and not a run but then I ended up running :) to showtunes which was quite fabulous!
ReplyDeleteWhat showtunes did you listen to???
DeleteHammy and butt felt good all day yesterday and feel good now. Going for a short little run here in about 20 min to test the waters. I hope I feel good!
Good luck! Keep me posted. I am sure it will go great. I have a playlist that has "Wicked" "Aida" "Annie" and various pieces by Andrew Lloyd Weber. It was super fun and just a total change for me!
DeleteI loooove ALW! Superstar, Phantom, and Joseph are my faovorites. :) The run went well, no pain during or after. I am cautiously optimistic!
DeleteThat mouthwash looks like something my grandpa would soak his dentures in. But I'm the same way--I'd never throw it out! I'm worried about your hamstring. Have you been icing it? ICE IT.
ReplyDeleteNo I haven't iced because the pain went away on it's own. I am going to go running here in about 20 min. Hoping there is no pain or niggles. I'm going to do an EASY pace.
DeleteI know what you mean about a few of these! I have a hard time breaking the eating when bored habit at work. And I know I'm not hungry, I just do it! Lots of times it is chocolate but lately there have been sour skittles over at the candy bin.
ReplyDeleteSkittles! I ate those the other night AND I DON'T EVEN LIKE THEM! I have a problem.
DeleteHow do you inherit mouthwash?!
ReplyDeleteI had a pain in my butt after my hilly half Sunday and I ran Tuesday...I regret that. Now I'm resting two or three days to make that weird cramp go away!
When my Uncle Jack died, my parents cleaned out his apartment. He would buy things in bulk all the time so we "inherited" all kinds of things... wrapping paper, napkins, and about 6 huge bottles of that listerine!
DeleteI hope your cramp goes away soon! Do you roll it? When my butt feels weird, rolling feels GREAT.
You already know mine. I never stretch. The only time I've ever stretched was when I ran with TnT and Coach Mike made us. Aside from right now, that was the only time I ever had an injury.
ReplyDeleteI guess my other one is that I'm probably going to go run today even with my achilles acting like a punk. I'm getting twitchy. I shouldn't have been in the stupid ass shoes I'm in on the stupid ass trails I was on last Friday. I know better.
Oh, and I've been trying to floss every single night. I'm pretty good, but I miss a night here or there.
I don't think I stretched when Mike made us stretch! I hope your achilles calms down. Is it feeling better at all?
DeleteMouthwash is something I simply cannot do. I saw a thing on Pinterest where you could mix a combo of (mint) mouthwash with vinegar (I think) and soak your feet in it...I don't know if any "flavor" mouthwash would work for that or not (?)
ReplyDeleteHmmmm maybe? But I am sure it is better to have your feet smell like mint than this stuff!
DeleteI'm only doing the mouthwash because my dentist told me to and I thought I got off easy because he didn't tell my to floss. Flossing just sounds so... time consuming to me. Which I know it's not lol, I mean what does it take, 2 minutes?
I'm with you! I took an additional rest day on Wednesday because my right hip was tight and pulling on the SI joint AGAIN. :( It feels much better now but I'd rather be cautious then reckless when it comes to wonky things.
ReplyDeleteWe have similar MOs for pains and niggles! I just would never forgive myself for running and making something worse you know? Hope yours feels better with the rest day!
DeleteI confess I've gotten into a habit of having a small glass of chocolate milk before bed some nights, why is this so hard to give up??? I like the idea of walking 1 min for every mile. I really need to do this, it would help with just running to the car and jumping in it to go home!
ReplyDeleteOh man I would never walk to cool down when I was younger and do just what you described. Even if it was 20 miles, as soon as the run was over I'd be like, "See yas!" and leave lol.
DeleteKaren I am sorry. :( I think about you often.
ReplyDeleteAs a dental hygienist: Good job on the mouthrinse! :) I hate running injuries. It's so hard to know when to quit!
ReplyDeleteThank you!!! It's nice to hear validation from a professional. :)