Hey hey hey! It's officially summer vaycay! Here's a day in my life... my FIRST day of summer vacation!
Oh boo hoo, my alarm went off at 5:30! I know, that's no fun! But I had to workout before my 8:00 PT appointment. I hope in the future, all of my PT appointments are much later in the day...
I lifted chest at home and then headed to PT for my exercises. We are incorporating squats this week- only ten. I did my first ten on Monday and all was good. The ten I did today and they didn't bother me either! I'm supposed to really focus on my glutes and core when I do them.
On my way home, I stopped at CVS to get some spray on gray coverage.
I am really frustrated with my hair. I started getting it cut and colored at a salon and it's about $65... But the problem is, my grays really start showing after just 3 weeks! That's a lot of money for only 3 weeks of coverage. So I'm going to see if this stuff helps, and if it doesn't, I may have to go blonde. Gray roots are less noticeable if you have light hair, correct? Any advice you can give to me on this hair saga would be wonderful. I am such a newbie at it...
At home I just had one piano lesson!
It was a dreary day and I know why it rained...
1. It always rains on my first day of summer.
2. I watered my garden. As soon as I water my garden, it rains.
But look how green it was!
Later on it got sunny.
Despite not having to work, I had quite a long to do list!
Yes, one of those items says "Tot Mom".
Do you know what that means?
I tackled spring cleaning the bathroom before I lost my motivation.
We have a really small bathroom. Lower left hand corner is the shower curtain,
and there on the right is the toilet and the wall!
We do have a small ranch house but we love it!
Then we headed to Giant. Normally we shop at Aldi, but we have to get cat littler and cat food at Giant. I didn't do my hair, makeup, or anything. I looked like a hot mess!
At CrimeCon, I won't have a lot of time for lunch. I have a ton of sessions I want to go to and don't want to skip any to eat. I also don't want to spend a ton of money on hotel food. So I'm packing some snacks. One thing I found was tuna! I'll just stuff two of these in my purse for part of my lunch each day!
You can't tell they were on sale for $1, but they were!
When I got home, I started packing for my trip. I always forget how small our carry on suitcases are. My gray boots nearly fill up 1/4 of it! Then I realized I'm flying Southwest, so I could check two bags for free. But that's ridiculous. I'm only going to be gone Friday-Sunday. There is absolutely NO REASON I shouldn't be able to fit all of my stuff into a normal carry on suitcase and an over sized purse!
Next on the to do list was cutting up a watermelon and making pasta salad for Paul. There has been a seedless watermelon sitting on our kitchen counter for the past three weeks. Paul and I have been on a standoff about who was going to cut it. In my mind, he's the one that likes watermelon so much, so he should cut it. But I caved. I felt bad that I was leaving him all weekend. So I figured if I was leaving him, I may as well make sure he had some yummy food to ear!
I put pasta, tomatoes, broccoli, sweet peppers, turkey bacon, fat free Italian dressing, pepper, and garlic salt in my pasta salad!
Chrissy really wanted some turkey bacon.
We ate dinner and caught up on some Colbys. Then I headed to BED. I wanted to build up on sleep for CrimeCon! 

Any ideas for my hair situation?
Do you and your partner ever have standoffs?
Do you and your partner ever have standoffs?
You have inspired me to make pasta salad today--that looks fabulous! Rick always cuts the watermelon--apparently he has a special way he learned to do it and always wants to practice. We sometimes have stand offs about cutting the perennial flower garden but then I end up doing it because Rick is allergic to bees and if you don't get out there first thing, there can be a few of them swarming around.
ReplyDeleteThat is so nice of you to protect Rick from the bees! ;) I think Paul needs to learn a fancy way to cut watermelon...
DeleteI hate checking bags so I think you're doing the right thing by packing in a carry on. For just a few days you can definitely do it, and you really do not need a ton of clothes for the conference. Things like jeans you can re-wear anyway. If you want a coat or jacket, wear that on the plane instead of packing it. Also I love those little tuna packs- they are convenient and I think they are tasty!
ReplyDeleteAs far as hair goes, I'm really bad about it now but I dye my own hair. I guess I could get better coverage if I got it done at a salon, but we're talking $60-70 vs. $10 for a box of color from Walmart that may not be AS GOOD but it is good enough. I'd rather save the money.
So I ended up not needing all the clothes I packed. Typical! I *almost* wore all 4 pairs of shoes hahaha. I didn't even eat the tuna! But I am gonna save it for a power snack here at home.
DeleteI am with you- dying hair can be soooo expensive and I bought the store dye for a long time. I mean, up until I got my hair cut.
Chrissy looks flippin adorable in that last photo. Can I have him? I'll treat him well.
ReplyDeleteAdam and I have arguments all the time about which is harder: loading the dish washer (my job) or taking the trash out (his job). I mean it's OBVIOUSLY loading the dish washer, c'mon. Taking the trash out involves taking 10 steps out the front door and then you're done. I'm fine with the dishes being my job, but at least let me complain about it being the harder job!!!! :)
I wish I lived somewhere you would want to visit because you and I could switch houses for a week in the summer and have a vacation WHILEST cat sitting for each other!
DeleteI have heard the dishes vs. garbage story from you before so I am now gathering that this is a VERY big strain in your marriage. ;)
10 hour days??? Ugh. You know what they do at my school so they can have Fridays off in the summer? They work and extra 15 minutes every day. It adds up enough to have Fridays off! Can you suggest that???
ReplyDeleteI tried my spray, it works really well! Now I just don't know if I should go back to the boxed die and then use the spray for roots.... I might.
I would say just add some highlights to cover the grays! My mom has done that for years : ) And it would be perfect for summer!
ReplyDeleteI would freaking LOVE highlights.