I like to do "A Day In My Life" posts once in awhile. Well my friends, today is one of those days! Here is more detail than you probably ever wanted to know about yesterday. Enjoy!

alarm went off at 5:45 on Tuesday morning. That is a normal wake up time for me
these days. Unfortunately, I could not
fall asleep the night before, and was still lying in bed wide awake at 1:00. That’s
what I get for being all cocky on Friday!
cats had already had their breakfast around 2:45 (Paul gave in to their
antics), so I didn’t have to feed them. But I did say good morning!
Jelly, looking bright eyed and bushy tailed.
Christmas says it’s too early for pictures!
coffee and fiddling on the computer for a few minutes is a great way to wake
Although the weather report looked a bit scary…
it was time to layer up…
Layer #1 Layer #2
Clearly, I am thrilled.
bad part about my run is that I felt like I was running through thick molasses.
I know my pace didn’t end up being bad, but the whole run felt like a huge effort.
I got home, I stretched and foam rolled for 15 minutes, which is my new
Sucking back coffee during my stretching session.
If I tell you how long it takes me to shower, get dressed, and head out the door to work, you will hate me. 15 minutes. Give or take 2 minutes. This is almost entirely because I lay out all my clothes and pack my lunch the night before.
I try to leave the house by 7:30, but I do
take a moment to say goodbye to the kitties, even if it means I’m a minute
late. They are worth it!
If they look a little perturbed, it’s because they just got done fighting!
Breakfast gets poured at home, but eaten in the car on the way to work!
was CRAZY. It was a cycle day 5, which meant not only did I have duty in the
morning, but I had 10 classes with only a ½ hour break for lunch. Here are some shots of my classroom so you can get an idea where I spend my days...
You have a recorder on your desk at work too, right????
The obligatory running related motivational poster that is on my window.
4th Grade is learning recorders... fun times!
I have the same thing for lunch every day at noon. Chicken, broccoli, and some sort of carb. Today it was quinoa.
I waited until 3:00pm to have my snack. I was hoping it would hold me through piano lessons. Sometimes I have trouble spacing out my food on Tuesdays...

I get off work at 3:40. I get home at 4:00pm- just in time for piano lessons! Tuesdays are long... I have six lessons, so I teach until 7:00pm. By the time I was teaching my last lesson, I had lost my voice.
Where the magic happens.
I munched on some string cheese and wheat thins during one of my lessons.
It was either that or I was going to faint from hunger.
After a full day of work and 3 hours of piano lessons... margarita time!
After piano lessons, we played cards. Paul whooped my ass in Quiddler, but I whooped him in Casino and Monopoly Deal!
I got bored and started stacking cards on Jelly.
Christmas looks huge in this pic but he has actually been losing weight!
Dinner: lettuce with potatoes, chicken, cheddar cheese, and ranch on top!
Christmas wishes. He WISHES.
Dinner in front of the TV is the norm for me!
Paul is a dork and got a close up of my stupid socks.
After dinner, I watched some more of The View and Dr. Phil while I typed up this post and edited pictures. It was a lot of work! I did stop for some dessert. I eat dessert(s) every night because I love them so much.
Peanut butter and jelly cookie, milk, and vanilla pudding cup with chocolate chips.
Almost right after that, (9:30) I headed to bed to play Scrabble on my phone and fall asleep. I was exhausted!
That was my day! And it is very, very typical! The only thing I would say, is if it were a non piano lesson day, just insert a lot more computer/cards/TV time in where the piano lessons would occur. I love to be lazy, if given the chance!

What time do you normally get up in the morning? Go to bed?
How long does it take you to get ready for work?
Teachers, is my desk neater or messier than yours????
Thanks for taking us along! That was fun!
ReplyDeleteI am up at 4 am so that means in bed by 8 pm. It's not lost on me how pathetic that sounds, but I am truly a morning person and during the week, it's my thing.
I always plan out super fun weekends to make up for the fact that our evenings together are only about 4 hours (helps that I work from home 3 x per week).
Today will be my first outside run since Monday due to the bitter cold. I know it will be a shock since it's still cold but hoping it feels good to get that fresh air into my lungs!
I have some friends in CO and according to their FB it is so freaking cold there! Like, even colder than it is here, which is hard to believe how anything could be colder! I can't believe just a week ago we didn't have the heat on because it was reaching 65 by the afternoon. :) I like getting up early and getting a head start on the day too. And now with it getting dark by like 5, going to bed at 8 doesn't seem that crazy! Hey, you are getting your 8 hours!
DeleteYeah, I do get plenty of sleep! Except for when we go out on the weekends and I get to bed closer to 11 pm. I am still up early so then by Sunday night I am very ready for my full 8 hours. And yes, we were 14 below zero last week. Ugh. Was not ready for it. But got out today--it was 24 and felt wonderful!!
DeleteAwesome, I am glad it "WARMED UP" hahaha for your run! I do like a brisk cold run, but there is def a thresh hold...
DeleteI love day in the life posts! Two things that stood out to be...1) YOUR BLAZER--love 2) YOUR SOCKS loll patterned and fuzzy socks are my jam.
ReplyDeleteOMG if you are freaking complimenting my clothes choice, I am doing something right because I looooooove your style and how you dress. :)
DeleteI always love these types of posts!!!
ReplyDeleteI get up at 5:00 every day and try to be in bed by 10:00. It used to always take me an hour to get ready (I like long showers!!) but now I have scaled down to about 30 minutes!!!
NICE! I like a longer shower after work, but if I stayed in the shower that long in the morning, it would put me right back to sleep. I am in the shower two minutes at the MOST in the mornings! Obviously if I shave it's a different story but I usually do that in the afternoon or something.
DeleteJust out of curiosity, what is your favourite cereal?
ReplyDeleteGoing by taste alone? Probably Lucky Charms probably... w/ extra marshmallows! :)
DeleteBusy day! I typically get up between 6:15-6:45 and go to bed around 10:30. Even on the weekends I try to stick to this schedule so I don't through my routine off. I haven't heard of any of those card games before. Where do you learn all of these?
ReplyDeleteWell Quiddler and Monopoly Deal are actual games that you need special cards for. But Casino you just use a normal deck and you gotta know the rules! I think there are several ways to play Casino, I don't know which way we play. Paul taught me! Quiddler you spell words and Monopoly Deal is like Monopoly but it's a card game. It's our FAVORITE game and we make up our own variations on it.
DeleteI am usually up at 6am, but on days like today, when I volunteer, 5:30. I am falling asleep on the couch at around 9:15--I need my sleep!
ReplyDeleteHave you tried bananagrams??
How many days a week do you give lessons?
I have not tried that game- I'll check into it as I assume it's fun if you're mentioning it. :) I teach lessons on 2 days a week. That is why those days are so jam packed... Gotta get 'em all done on those two days!
DeleteIt is fun...we call it "no rules scrabble". You don't have to wait to take turns, you build your own word puzzle simultaneously, and different age players can play competitively in the same game, because the winner is whoever uses their last tile after all the "bank" tiles are finished--
DeleteYou are one speedy person to get ready in the morning. I can be too if I don't have to wash and blow dry my hair. So you eat a bowl of cereal while you are driving to work? You must be a very clean. I'd have that all over. -L
ReplyDeleteI've never spilled the entire bowl but I've spilled spoonfuls! :)
DeleteI love your work outfit! So professional chic!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how fluffy your kitties are. Do they get fluffier in the winter, or does that not happen since they are indoor kitties?
I go to bed around 11:30pm, get up at 7:30am and leave the house at 8:30am! I can get ready pretty quickly if I need to, but I like to ease into the day slowly. That's why I don't run in the morning :)
They are just always fluffy :) But I guess they do shed in the spring, you know?? They went to the vet tonight- Christmas was 19 a yr ago and now he is down to 16!!!!!
DeleteI LOVE your outfit! So adorable! It also takes me about 15 minutes to get ready in the morning. I am so lazy, I don't do anything with my hair and just brush some eye liner on. I grab something that might look kind of cute from my closet. I am pretty sure everyone at work thinks I own approximately 4 outfits that I just rotate the clothes from! ;-)
ReplyDeleteHaha well I don't know about your school, but at my school, we're more about comfort than fashion! most people anyway. that's why I normally LIVE in leggings and tunics at work!
DeleteI would say they have a good brawl every 2 days or so! It is all in fun and they never hurt each other, although I have seen them get annoyed with one another! Thanks, I like my kitchen too but it is just a really small galley kitchen! Luckily, the lady that lived in our house before us updated a lot of things, like the counters. :)
ReplyDeleteI love your day in your life posts- I love the fact that you have a recorder on your desk (two of my friends are classroom music teachers) and teach piano- One of said friends has a similar day, except viola lessons.
ReplyDeleteDessert every night? This is why we are friends. (It's definitely NOT the cats)
LOL is the disdain for cats an Aussie thing or and Arman thing???
DeleteYes, dessert every night. I love sweets! Life is too short to not eat some damn ice cream after dinner!
Are Jelly and Chrissy alike or not? Those pictures of them in the morning cracked me up!
ReplyDeleteThey are alike in that they are very,very lovey. But other than that, they are really different. Primarily, Christmas is not afraid of anyone or anything, and Jelly is TERRIFIED of other people. He runs and hides when company comes over. It is ridiculous because I raised both of them from the time they were kittens, so they grew up in the exact same environment. I guess Jelly is just innately a fraidy cat!