To go along with my new training goals, also wanted to write down some nutritional goals.
If I had to categorize my style of eating right now, it would definitely be intuitive eating. I don't count calories and I eat what I crave. I don't deprive myself of anything. The only "rules" I have are related to pre and post workout fuel.
However, I believe there are a few things I could improve upon, and I thought if I wrote them down and was mindful of them, I would me more likely to adopt some new habits. (Or readopt some old habits, in some cases!)
1. Eat veggies at 2 of my meals. I used to eat veggies at lunch and dinner, but I have kind of phased them out during dinner. I want to go back to the way I was doing it before!
2. Keep apples, Greek yogurt, and eggs on hand for snacking. I slowly stopped eating these foods on a regular basis and have started snacking on crackers, protein bars, and those peanut butter Nature Valley bars (the Aldi version!) because it just seemed easier.
3. Drink wine only when craving it. Sometimes I have a glass after work even if I don't really want it. I'm like, "Ooh, time to whoop Paul's ass in Jeopardy, I better get my wine!". And don't tell me red wine is good for the heart. It's full of sugar my body surely doesn't need.
4. Drink 67-100 oz of water a day. This is a recommendation from the book Ready to Run. I will be peeing a lot, but I think I can do it! (Spoiler Alert: I have already been doing trying this for several days!)
5. Stick to one dessert a night. I am the queen of hitting up the pantry right before bed for another cookie, a handful of chocolate chips... you name it. I eat a very substantial, satisfying dessert every night. There is no reason I need to be having something else right before bed. I am not even hungry I am just being mindless!

Do you have any nutritional goals for the year?
Any "rules" you follow?
The 5th one is so me haha, mindless snacking at night. I need to stop that.
ReplyDeleteI am trying to get back to a routined eating schedule. It worked so well for me, then I got lazy with it. I really want great abs, and I had them when I was eating right soo :)
I also need to drink more water. Aaand I need to stop replacing my main meals with protein bars because I'm too lazy to make real food haha xD
It is definitely time consuming to make a real meal. Especially for busy folks! I am lucky my hubby makes me a big container of chicken breast on the weekend and either a big thing of quinoa or a big thing of sweet taters. Then for lunch, I just dump some frozen broccoli, chicken, and the carb into a tupperware container and take it to work. It easy to eat healthy at lunch because I am FORCED to eat whatever a bring. I get a little wild at dinner though... :)
DeleteI am so happy someone else thrives in the comfort of handfuls of chocolate chips before bed too! LOL. I seriously do. Now they are all gone from the Christmas baking and what not so I am NOT buying anymore! For some reason I crave sugar right before bed as well. Weird.
ReplyDeleteOh my I hope others reply and say they do this! I thought I lacked self discipline!!!! :)
DeleteI try to go easy on an "rules" but stick to some basic guidelines. I try to avoid sugar as much as humanly possible but I have a little dark chocolate each day. I don't keep anything that I like too much, like peanut butter or any kind of chips or crackers in the house. I've been upping my protein intake a bit, and I try to avoid carbs, especially any simple carbs in the evening. At 44 your body is a lot less forgiving about certain things than when you are younger. :) I'm doing a fitness challenge right now and our trainer had a great suggestion that when it comes to any kind of food you eat, stick with one with ONE ingredient.
ReplyDeleteI like the stick to one ingredient thing- so basic and simple! Sounds like you do a good job setting yourself up for success by not keeping things you don't want to eat in your house. I mean, I could just stop buying chocolate morsels, right!? :)
DeleteI am trying to eat more veggies, too. It means I keep Ranch dip in the house, but at least that's better than pretzels dipped in Nutella haha.
ReplyDeleteI've also gone back to apples as a snack. I forgot how much I love them. I can't wait for summer when I can eat peaches all the time!
Red wine gives me headaches and makes my angioedema act up. It sucks because I LOVE red wine, but I've basically gone back to cider and GF beer.
Oh I love peaches! I would love to eat more berries and grapes and all the REALLY yummy fruit, it is just so expensive. I can get a 2lb bag of apples from Aldi for like $2 so apples it is!
DeleteI had to google angioedema. I can totally see how red wine would instigate that. If I drink too much red wine, I don't feel great at all. A glass is usually okay as long as I drink water too.
I do have really strange rules. It goes back to my disordered eating days, but I'm obviously much more flexible now. I eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch every single day. I keep grapes and strawberries on hand for snacking on. Chocolate chips are my one dessert every single night.
ReplyDeleteI cannot do wine. It gives me the worst headache. My drink of choice is vodka soda with lime. :-D
That drink sounds yummy! Liquor makes me EAT ALL THE FOOD! What do you eat for bfast and lunch?
DeleteOh my gosh!!! I’m not the only one who drinks wine while watching Jeopardy??? My husband and I actually record it because we enjoy it so much. Haha. We were meant to be friends.
ReplyDeleteI have started drinking a lot more water and seltzer water, even though I have yet to really acquire a taste for seltzer. Apples and eggs are a great snack. I always forget how easy it is to have hard-boiled eggs ready to be cracked and snacked on instantly. I need to do that more often.
Great nutritional goals!
Oh yeah I love wine and jeopardy. :)
DeleteDo you get the flavored seltzer? It helps make it a little more palpable!