Happy Monday!
I hope you had a great weekend.
Here's what we were up to...
What a week! While I felt pretty good all week, Paul didn't feel great at all. It makes me so sad when he is sick.
Work was just fine and dandy. Third grade played recorders, fourth grade played the ukuleles, kindergarten sang their little hearts out, and second grade did rhythm stations.
Funny story: I told the third graders they have to keep their recorder somewhere safe because it is THEIR RESPONSIBILITY to take care of it. A boy raised his hand and asked, "Should I keep it in my dad's gun safe?"
My answer: "Well, you need to keep it somewhere SAFE, but you need to be able to have access to it. How about your backpack?"
When I got home Paul was camped out on the couch so I continued working on a tricky puzzle. I hope to finish it this weekend. As you can see, I'm almost done, but the end is taking me forever.
Paul's tummy finally starting rumbling and asking for food, so we had Chinese delivered from Chef Wongs. I do not eat Chinese a lot, but when I do eat it, I expect it to taste very saucy, salty, and basically very unhealthy. This stuff tasted borderline healthy. I did not like it at all. Any suggestions on where I can get real junky tasting Chinese food????
We both went to bed very early. Paul's sickness has been making him tired and I had a trail run bright and early the next morning!
Woah. The Chinese food gave me weird dreams! I dreamed that...
1. I was running trail in my knee high boots.
2. I brought rye chips for my friends to snack on during our trail run.
3. Dauphin had a beach and there was a festival going on.
4. I accidentally showed my students video footage of September 11th.
5. A teacher came to my classroom to steal a chair I had painted.
6. Me and my SIL were in a field with baby jack rabbits that kept doing cartwheels.
7. I rented a car but couldn't find my keys. Then I found the keys and couldn't find my ticket to get out of the garage. Then I found the ticket and couldn't find the keys... and so on, and so on...
8. Paul got a new cell phone that looked like a pen.
AND THAT'S JUST THE BEGINNING. Omg guys, there was some crazy shit going on in my brain last night.
After the night of crazy dreams, I met my friends Kristen, Anne, and John for a trail run on the AT! We started at Clark's Valley. I ran to Peter's Mountain (10 mi) but they ran to Peter's Mountain and then BACK (20 mi). They're training for ultras and I'm just running for fun. I wished I had time to do the whole 20 with them. It was so nice to be on the trail with friends!
When I got home I showered and practiced some music before Godspell rehearsal. Until someone stole my spot...
We rehearsed from 1pm until after 5pm but we got A LOT done. We blocked all of Act 1 and cleaned up some choreography. It is SO MUCH to remember and my memory is not that great. I hope we rehearse it a lot so I can keep everything I need to say/do/sing in my brain...
I was starving and tired after rehearsal so I stopped for a coffee and a snack at Sheetz. I'm going to have to remember to start packing food. It costs about $3.50 to park in Gettysburg on Saturdays and then if I spend $5 on food/coffee that starts to get expensive...
Paul was feeling A LOT better and requested Subway, so I stopped there on the way home and get him a foot long flatbread. I wanted soup. They had cheddar broccoli and baked potato. Because I was so hungry, I got both.
That night I finished my puzzle, then scared myself senseless reading this book!
It is about a woman's journey to recover physically and psychologically after a teenager sneaked into her family's house and attacked them with a knife. This is a true story and the woman actually worked in my school district. She is retired now. When I worked with her (she was a principal at one of our schools) I did not know about this scary event in her past.
Oh, I love waking up at 4:30am on a Sunday and not being able to fall back asleep! NOT. I dragged my tired butt out of bed at 5am. I wanted to run all of my errands but nothing was open (obviously). Instead, I drank coffee, blogged, and then started a puzzle.
At 9am, I went out and about running some errands so we'd be ready for the week ahead. Then I came home and went for a 6 miler which included 6 hill repeats! I'm proud of myself for switching it up a bit.
Then it was off to Gettysburg for another 4 hour rehearsal. We mostly worked on music. I love singing and I love the challenge of the difficult music.
When I got home, we had one of our favorite wines!

Omg this wrap up was so long, I don't even know what to ask!
If you read the whole thing, I commend you.