Thank you to Amanda @ Running With Spoons for this Thinking Out Loud link up!
I have been quite absent from this Link Up for awhile, but since I have a lot of random things I wanted to share with you, I figured this would be a good week to jump back in!
1. I am addicted to provolone cheese. As I write this post, I am ripping up a piece and eating it section by section. There is no guilt in this new obsession. Cheese is full of yummy fat and protein that my body needs. Hoorah for CHEESE!
2. If you see me at work (or some other function that requires makeup) and I am without eyeliner, you can assume I did an upper body workout that morning and my arms were much too shaky to apply it. Seriously, try doing 60 push ups and then putting on eyeliner without severely messing it up. It's hard to do!
3. I decided to try Proactiv. I have never had great skin, and lately, stress has reeeeeeeally taken it's toll on my complexion. I have been using it precisely the way it is supposed to be used. At first, my skin got really, really, really, really dry and the acne cleared up.Then, about a week later, I started getting acne in places I had never gotten it before. What the hell!!?? According to Katy Perry, Cameron Diaz, and Adam Levine, this shit is supposed to work. Well, it hasn't. I'm going to finish the bottles... just on the off chance that I am not giving it enough time, and if I'm still not satisfied, I'm going to get my 60 day money back guarantee!
4. I'm ready for Christmas. I haven't bought a single present yet, (and I don't even know what I'm going to get people) but I am so ready for the holiday season. Let's skip Halloween (I'm not going to get invited to any parties anyway) and get right to the good stuff! Oh hey, check out this Christmas Clock!
2. If you see me at work (or some other function that requires makeup) and I am without eyeliner, you can assume I did an upper body workout that morning and my arms were much too shaky to apply it. Seriously, try doing 60 push ups and then putting on eyeliner without severely messing it up. It's hard to do!
3. I decided to try Proactiv. I have never had great skin, and lately, stress has reeeeeeeally taken it's toll on my complexion. I have been using it precisely the way it is supposed to be used. At first, my skin got really, really, really, really dry and the acne cleared up.Then, about a week later, I started getting acne in places I had never gotten it before. What the hell!!?? According to Katy Perry, Cameron Diaz, and Adam Levine, this shit is supposed to work. Well, it hasn't. I'm going to finish the bottles... just on the off chance that I am not giving it enough time, and if I'm still not satisfied, I'm going to get my 60 day money back guarantee!
5. I should have included my parent's house in my previous 6 Places post. It is the house I grew up in and all my PERFECT childhood memories take place there. This was the only place I ever considered HOME until I married Paul and moved to Camp Hill.
Millersburg, PA

Tell me something random... Think Out Loud!
Have you ever tried Proactiv?
What's your favorite type of cheese?
Are you all about Halloween or Christmas?
Have you ever tried Proactiv?
What's your favorite type of cheese?
Are you all about Halloween or Christmas?
Random is that I am Italian and despise Italian food! I do like mozarella cheese, but that is about it. For yummy fats, I eat eggs, nuts and avocados! I haven't tried ProActive. Sorry it didn't work for you but you are beautiful just the way you are. Christmas is much better than Halloween, I think. A good excuse for Rick and I to treat ourselves to gifts since we have no kiddos to buy for.
ReplyDeleteWho despises Italian food??? You are a mystery. :) We don't have kids to buy for either, but we do have a couple nieces and nephews!
DeleteI've tried Proactiv on two different occasions when I was younger, and it only made my skin worse both times. I know some people that swear by it, though, so I guess it really depends on the person. I've recently started using Clinique's 3 step program after my skin started acting up, and it's done WONDERS for me. You could try looking into that to see if it helps!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the tip about Clinique. I will have to check it out and compare ingredients. :)
DeleteBeautiful House! Congrats on your 500th post! Have you ever tried Sharp Provolone cheese. If you like the regular you will probably Love the sharp. I had never heard of it until about a year ago. I have to avoid it because I get REALLY carried away. Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteNo I have never even heard of sharp provolone but sounds like something I will have to lookout for. Thanks for the tip! :)
DeleteAlways loved your parents home! and on the cheese note... there are very, very few cheeses I am not in love with!
ReplyDeleteIt is a great/unique house! I love most cheeses too, except the prepackaged american slices- gross!
DeleteYour parents home is really gorgeous! It's like a castle!
ReplyDeleteI am in love with mozzarella cheese and most definitely tear it apart and eat it as a snack if we don't have mozzarella sticks in the house. Cecil LOVES it too! When he sees cheese he gets a crazy look in his eye! I just imagine him channeling Gollum and thinking, "my precious!!!" when he sees it!
Thank you, it is a gorgeous house! Looks a lot bigger than it is due to the wrap around porch and such, but it is a beautiful victorian style home. LOL about Cecil and Gollum! There isn't much Christmas WON'T eat if given the opportunity, but I feel like he does genuinely love cheese.
DeleteIt took a while for my new house to actually feel like MY Home, instead of my parents house. But now my house is definitely more my home and I feel some what like a visitor at my parents house. I think that comes from the fact that they have changed so much about that house since we were kids ( new rooms, new kitchen, new carpets, etc).
ReplyDeleteOh, and I did start buying a few random Christmas presents already!
Nice job being ahead of the game for Christmas already! I feel like I will just have to have a whole day devoted to online shopping and bang out a lot of presents all at once that way. I do love actually going out to stores, but I really hate people, so the closer to Christmas it gets, the more dangerous it is for me. ;)
DeleteNOOOOO on Christmas! I love Halloween and Thanksgiving and then we can just fast forward to the new year. :) I heard Proactiv can be super drying on your skin. My friend used it and thought her face was burning off. :( Sorry it didn't work for you, and no I've never tried it myself. I love the house you grew up in!
ReplyDeleteI thought my face was burning off the first few days, too! So I can definitely see where your friend was coming from. Apparently, that is what makes it "work". Not that it's a good thing that it is so drying and full of chemicals haha.
DeleteI DO NOT get Proactive? It never works for me and instead breaks me out EVERYWHERE. Apparently it only works on popular celebrities? Or at least that's wht I tell myself, haha!
ReplyDeleteHAHA maybe that is what I am missing, I am not a pop star and I never dated Justin Timberlake!
DeleteBRING ON CHRISTMAS! My favorite!
ReplyDeleteNever tried proactive...
I don't think I have ever met a cheese I didn't like--well, except American--I don't think that is cheese...
Baked Brie with apricot jam...YUMMMMMMM
Mmmm brie is so good! I like cheese paired with grapes too.
DeleteI hate to say it but some people find that their acne clears up when they stop eating dairy. Especially cheese!
ReplyDeletelol how ironic! Good point too. I used to eat A LOT of Greek yogurt but when I stopped, some of my acne got better. Maybe I need to make some tough decisions...
DeleteWhat's the name of the product you use? Is it cheap? Proactiv is expensive!
ReplyDeleteAh I am so not ready for the holidays yet! but that's probably mostly because I am not ready for the cold and I also haven't given any thought to gifts. I also know that I will be traveling a lot which I'm not really looking forward to...although it always ends up being fun!
ReplyDeleteIm not ready for the cold either, so I hear ya on that one! Traveling can definitely be stressful. I try to do everything in my power not to have to travel more than 45 min over the holidays! Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.
DeleteYour parents house looks gorgeous!!!
ReplyDeleteI sort of hate Halloween - I'm just not a costume kind of person.
Christmas, on the other hand, I LOVE!!!
I do like dressing up there is just nowhere to go anymore! My friends need to start having Halloween parties so I have a reason to celebrate the holiday.
DeleteGuess where doesn't have provolone cheese.
ReplyDeleteGuess whose favourite cheese is provolone.
Oh no!!!!
DeleteThank you! It has benzoyl peroxide in it- same as proactiv. May be worth a shot. It is definitely cheaper.
ReplyDeleteProvoline! YES! I also love muenster and gouda!
ReplyDeleteI'm chuckling at the eyeliner thing! You really do take your upper body workouts seriously! (And they're clearly paying off!)
I used Proactive when I was in highschool. I've been on Rx facial meds for years, and I used to take oral antibiotics for acne. These days I'm trying to wean myself off. I use Simple facewash because it's really gentle, an anti-wrinkle serum from Neutrogena, and vanicream for my moisturizer. Honestly, I have acne and likely always will, but I've perfected my makeup routine so now it hardly bugs me. But yeah, trying new face stuff is so frustrating!
I always wondered about Rx stuff.... do they work? Mine isn't BAD normally. But I always have some lingering...
DeleteWhile I was on the antibiotics I had the CLEAREST skin but they don't want you on it forever. I was on it for 6 months and then was weaned off...the hope is that the acne won't come back, but mine did. The topical stuff hasn't done much for me for a long time. It used to work I think but I feel like my skin is used to it, which is why I'm trying to wean myself off of it, so I can use topical OTC stuff when I have a bad breakout.
DeleteWhen you went to the derm, did you have to go without makeup? That terrifies me!!!!
DeleteYour parents' house is amazing!!!! I'm sort of sad to hear that Proactiv didn't work :( My skin has gone completely puberty style since the marathon. Probably because I sat around for hours with salty sweaty pores. :S Your skin always looks so great in your pics I was shocked to hear that you were having problems! P.S. I tried to post this comment several times on my phone so if it pops up 3 times, I'm sorry. :)
ReplyDeleteWell it is not BAD and is covered up well with makeup. I mean, it definitely has it's bad moments. And of course I would not post those pictures haha.
DeleteYour parent's house is gorgeous!! I love the architecture of it!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe Christmas is right around the corner. I do enjoy the holiday but the stress of gift shopping is one I am not ready to deal with!!!!!
I know the shopping is stressful... I am going to try to do a lot of it online this year.
DeleteI love your parents' house, but I am quite flummoxed to say that I cannot for the life of me place where it is in Millersburg--I am a Millersburg girl as well. I am absolutely in love with Victorian houses, and I have a not-so-secret obsession with a certain Victorian house on Center Street that was recently for sale. Hubby and I talked about buying it, but we just don't have the funds right now. Oh well. I am going to place that house in one of my novels.
ReplyDeleteUm...never tried Proactiv, but I do love cheese. My favorite is Muenster (MONSTER, lol).