I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving! This is what we were up to...
I woke up to Christmas laying on top of me... purring... his cheek on my cheek. I definitely thought about how extremely thankful I was to have him and his unconditional love!
Then I geared up for some speed work. I definitely didn't feel like doing it, but once i was out there in the warm sun and crisp fall air, I felt alive! Oh, and it didn't suck too bad, which probably means I didn't push myself hard enough!
I was in front of the television stretching just in time to see the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and the arrival of Santa!
Then it was time to shower and get ready to go to Paul's parent's house. We stayed all day and had a blast!
I woke up to Christmas laying on top of me... purring... his cheek on my cheek. I definitely thought about how extremely thankful I was to have him and his unconditional love!
Then I geared up for some speed work. I definitely didn't feel like doing it, but once i was out there in the warm sun and crisp fall air, I felt alive! Oh, and it didn't suck too bad, which probably means I didn't push myself hard enough!
I was in front of the television stretching just in time to see the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and the arrival of Santa!
Then it was time to shower and get ready to go to Paul's parent's house. We stayed all day and had a blast!
Swiper is a very sweet little kitty! I gave him a lot of attention.
Paul chilling and watching football.
Paul's parents- wonderful people and GREAT cooks!
All this for six people. Typical Thanksgiving!
My favorite bite includes: turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, and some cran sauce.
I only took a little mac and cheese because it was gluten free and I have a gluten free intolerance.
I love this meme. But seriously, I didn't stuff myself, yet enjoyed every bite!
We played games, then things got crazy and Bob got out his banjo!
We got home around 9pm and settled down with leftovers to watch the double episode of Survivor from the night before. Oh my word, they were the two best episodes of the season!
And that was our Thanksgiving! It was a lot more low key due to skipping my family's festivities. I really missed them.

How was your Thanksgiving? Or are you sick of talking about Thanksgiving!?