My morning routine can certainly vary depending on what my workout is for the day. But let's just make things easy and say it is a running day. Here is what goes down!
Jelly hijacked my laptop before I could get to it!
"Poooooo"! My cat is a genius!
Then it's into the kitchen to pour my iced coffee. Paul makes it by the jug fulls. My cup is already out on the counter because I am anal retentive and set everything out the night before.
Then I sit at the island and check out what is going on in the interwebs... I'll post my blog to Facebook, check my email, and see if anything newsworthy or earth shattering happened overnight! I'll also download any new pod casts that are waiting for me.
Around 5:50, I get dressed for my run. My clothes have already been laid out. I warm up with the couch stretch (4 minutes each side), and gear up for my run! If I am good, I drink water at some point before my run, but mostly I suck and only have coffee.
I warm up with a quarter mile walk, run my 5 miler, then cool down with another quarter mile walk. Then it's inside for another round of the couch stretch, plus some knee strengthening exercises and mobility work. If I time everything right, I am completely done cooling down and stretching by 7:15 am.
I look THRILLED to be doing couch stretch!
I shower, get dressed, put my make up on, and do my hair in a matter of 15 minutes. My clothes are already laid out (of course), my hair doesn't require much, and my showers last maybe 2 minutes. That's the secret to my speedy "get ready" time!
I also just let my hair dry in the car.
Then I gather all my bags for work, grab my lunch (already in Tupperware in the fridge), pour some more coffee, and make my cereal. I say goodbye to the kitties and if I'm lucky, walk out the door between 7:35-7:40.
Breakfast is eaten in the car and I'm at work by 7:55 am!
And that's my morning!

What's your morning routine like?
Do you set everything out the night before?
Speedy morning! I am a 530am girl too! However, I don't get my run in until after taking my kids to school...Ice coffee? In this weather? Brrrrrr....
ReplyDeleteTake care...both of you!
When we make regular coffee at home it makes me sick! But the iced coffee doesn't... I know, it's weird!
DeleteYour mornings are so efficient!!!! A 2 minute shower? That's crazy. I love standing there in the warm water!
ReplyDeleteI start my morning now at 4:30am because Cecil's new thing since we moved is that he demands his breakfast at 4:30.... but I usually climb back into bed after feeding him :)
The longer I stay in the more tired I get and I don't want to get out!
DeleteWhat time does school start for you? I have to leave for work by 7...kids come in at 7:45 and we have to be there by 7:30 at the latest. It sounds like you have your routine down to an art! I love those pics of Jelly. Archie is the same way...what is with pets and keyboards?!
ReplyDeleteI leave for work by 7:38, I'm at work by 7:55 (that is the time I'm supposed to arrive) Kids get there between 8:40-8:50. Teacher day is over at 3:40.
DeleteMegan, your morning makes me feel totally inadequate and inefficient. You rock!
ReplyDeleteIt's just my never ending yearning to sleep AS LONG AS POSSIBLE :)
DeleteI wake up, put on my work clothes, make sure my gym bag is packed, make my bed (I am OCD and can't leave the house with it unmade), put on make-up, grab my computer, and head to the kitchen. I watch Netflix while I get breakfast ready, then I sit and read blogs until I have to go. Our kids don't get to school until 8:40-8:50, so I don't have to be there until 8:15 or so. I enjoy having time to relax in the morning before a stressful day at work.
ReplyDeleteI really like my house to be in order, but making the bed is one thing I have never been concerned with... and I know why. Growing up, my parents NEVER made us make our bed! Isn't that ridiculous? So now as an adult, my bed is always a mess.
DeleteI do set everything out the night before - makes life so much easier.
ReplyDeleteI'm one of those people who takes long showers - basically until the hot water runs out unless I'm in a big rush!!
That sounds so relaxing! :)
DeleteYou eat cereal in the car??
ReplyDeleteYup! I can teach you.