A blog about my life, fitness and fun! (...and maybe a few cat pictures...)

A blog about my life, fitness and fun! (...and maybe a few cat pictures...)

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Yeah, I was vacuuming.

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Oh boy did I have fun reading your guesses on the cause of my chipped tooth! (I chipped my tooth while I was at the beach. If you missed the post, check it out here.)

So yeah, I was vacuuming. Of COURSE I was vacuuming! You vacuum your Air BnB on the second night of your girl's beach vacation too, right!?

Congratulations to...


I wish I could give you a prize. The chipped off part of my tooth perhaps? No, that would be gross. Also, I don't know where it went. I probably vacuumed it up.

My dentist will be fixing it tomorrow. I don't know what they're going to do, but I will be sure to fill you in!

I hope you are having a great weekend! And if you decide to do some cleaning, be careful vacuuming! It's dangerous out there...


  1. Glad to see that I wasn't totally zoned out when we talked..lol

    Good luck at the dentist tomorrow.

  2. See what you get for being neat and tidy! Good luck getting it fixed!

  3. IDK how I missed this!

    I am terrified of chipping/losing teeth. It's one of my biggest fears because dental work is EXPENSIVE but bad teeth make a bad impression. I honestly live in fear of losing my teeth. It's bizarre. I'm glad your dentist can fix it!!

  4. It sounds like an interesting story and good luck with your dentist appointment!
