The days leading up to Christmas and Christmas Day were full of excitement. But starting the day after Christmas, I have done hardly anything! Sure, I did a lot of puzzles, watched a lot of Jodi Arias trial footage, and read a lot of books. But nothing got cleaned, decorations did not get put away, and I think I only shaved once. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!
I did get into a really bad habit of staying up really late several nights in a row (3:30am!!!) and sleeping in really late because of that. I was very worried about how I was going to fix my "new" sleeping schedule by Monday when I go back to work and have to get up at 5:30!
Well yesterday, instead of doing NOTHING, I got my ass out of bed before the sun came up, drove an hour and a half, and RAN A FREAKING RACE!!! It was called Last Man Standing and I got to run most of it with my dad. We had the BEST time! Expect a race report on Tuesday.
I don't know what is up with my leg!

Teachers: How would you describe your holiday break?
That exciting that you ran a race! Sometimes its really nice to decide something like that at the last minute- less pressure! I never stay up late anymore. I think 10pm is the latest I have been up in months! Which means I still get up by 6 most days, so its not too tough to adjust back to work from time off.
ReplyDeleteYes, having no pressure at all is exactly what made this race so much fun. :)
DeleteThat is good you stay on a schedule. Reality is going to smack me in the face tomorrow morning!
Oh my sleep schedule definitely gets off track sometimes. After my first back surgery, I was on bed rest for a month, and this was back before DVR and Netflix and all that so all I had was cable tv. So I switched my sleep time to be 4am (when the last infomercial started) to 4pm (when daytime tv was finally over). It was weird but useful hahah. Can't wait to hear about that race!
Wow that is an interesting way to alter your sleeping on purpose. I understand though. There is NOTHING on that is good during the day. Except The View ;)
DeleteWow...awesome job to you and your dad on the race. That is fantastic, Megan. I can't stay up late so I didn't get off track while being away from work. I actually am a very routine person so during break it was get up, work out, see a movie then relax for the rest of the day. Seeing a movie took place of going to work and I am going to be sad tomorrow when it's back to reality. I haven't worked since 12/18!
ReplyDeleteI love that seeing a movie replaced work. Maybe you should consider a career change and review movies!? Wow you haven't worked in a long time!!!! I am gonna be sad tomorrow too. Just took down all my Christmas decorations and cleaned the whole house.
DeleteI have really gotten off schedule being off work. I'm not a teacher, but I did the same school break as my kids, so it's been a long time off. Enjoyable, but I do like my routine of getting up early and being productive! Everyone is so sad we need to go back to work and school tomorrow :( Good job on that race, and I hope you day goes well on Monday!!
ReplyDeleteI bet the kids are sad! Thanks for the well wishes for tomorrow. I am going to need it. Time to get out the patient part of my personality. Wait, I don't think I have that!
DeleteI was happy to be off 4 days in a row! Working in healthcare, that is unheard of. I slept until 7! Went to see a movie! Now back to reality.
ReplyDeleteI am sure that is very rare to have 4 days off. I am glad you got it! What movie did you see?
DeleteI think New Year's day was the only day that I did absolutely nothing! It drove me crazy because I didn't accomplish anything but on the other hand, I can't believe I didn't rest as much as I wanted to!
ReplyDeleteI bet getting up and running that race felt good. That's cool that you got to run it with your dad. I bet it was a chilly one. We've seemed to get a cold snap here ( and I don't like
Wow you must have been extremely busy!
DeleteYes, getting up early and running did feel good. It WAS cold up there! Mifflinburg... is that near you?
Same! Since I got home from New York I haven't done anything productive. I've been staying up way too late as well, and I know I'm going to be totally screwed tonight. I'm hoping getting in a long run after the Dolphins game will tire me out.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the race!!! Look at your cute parents!!!
Aw thanks, I think my parents are totally cute too!
DeleteGood luck tonight and tomorrow. WE CAN DO THIS.
We can do this, with coffee :)
DeleteThat is so cool that you can run with your Dad! Great job you two!
ReplyDeleteI feel energized, I guess, but I also let myself fall into the sleeping in habit. Lola has as well so tomorrow morning should be interesting for the both of us.
Aw poor Lola. She is going to give you those cute little eyes tomorrow when you go to work! What time do you have to leave the house in the morning? Does she go back to bed when you leave?
DeleteI leave at 7 and she definitely goes back to bed when I leave! I just feel bad for dragging her out in the dark and cold when she's so sleepy. :(
DeleteI love your cute little leg all up and posie like that. Glad you dragged your ass out there and raced! You're all kinds of awesome. Most of my family and friends are teachers and we always seem to be on opposite emotional schedules---they're sad to go back and I'm in thrillsville on the first day of school. I could never do what you do. I am forever indebted to teachers, that is for sure. Jesus Santa God has a special place with a special drink for you amazing people.
ReplyDeleteI think I was trying to stave off a calf cramp!
DeleteI don't blame you for being happy your kids are going back to school! I love my job, and I will have fun when I'm there. But right now I just want to go back to bed and snuggle with Paul!
Here is what I don't understand: The teachers that are also PARENTS. They are with kids all day, being selfless, giving their all.... then they drive home and the responsibility continues with their own children! I could never, EVER do that.
Aw, just put the tree on Kenny's Honey Do List. :)