Heather @ Girl Goes Running does a Friday 5, and today I am doing one too! Thanks for the inspiration, Heather! Not only are you an inspiring runner, but you're an inspiring blogger as well!
1. Paul found my wedding ring! Remember how I lost it? Well, I put off ordering a new one because it would be my THIRD wedding ring (This is the second time I lost it.) I am glad I procrastinated in regards to this matter because last week, Paul found my ring on the floor of his closet under a pair of jeans. WTH?
Also, please don't think I spend tons of money on my wedding ring(s). My running shoes (when not on sale) cost more than my ring, if that gives you an idea!
2. I am going to the dentist. I finally made a dentist appointment. I have been putting it off for over a year. It could be two years. I am not proud of it. I am not having any issues, I just need a teeth cleaning- the kind you are supposed to get every six months! I do not have any cavities, but I also realize skipping the dentist is not the way to go about things if I want to keep my mouth cavity free! Ugh, we all have that stuff we put off, right?
3. Got a minute? Hop on over to Budget and the Beach Tonya's post from a few weeks ago: 15 Traits of a Strong Woman. I really enjoyed it and it prompted me to do some self reflection!
4. No means NO! This week, I said NO to something. I am so glad that I did. I was worried that it wasn't the answer the other person wanted to hear, but guess what? TOO BAD! I'm too old to deal with crap like that. Actually, I did feel bad at first, but then I coaxed myself to be a big girl and get over it. Sometimes I still need to work on that part!
5. Snow! Central PA is supposed to get a HUGE snow storm tonight and all day tomorrow. Don't worry, I am ready!

Is the snow going to hit you?
Are you able to say NO when you really want to?
Awesome news about finding your ring. What a relief! I also put off the dentist. I go once per year, not twice like they suggest. The eye doctor, internist, etc. I don't mind going to. Just my dentist. I will be so curious to see how much snow comes with this blizzard. I hope everyone stays safe if it ends up being as bad as they say. We are supposed to get a little bit Sunday night. I am totally OK with a little bit. We have been enjoying 40-50 degree weather this week and I don't want it to end. I can generally say NO to things. This week I said NO to a Mary Kay Party and next week I said NO to a Pampered Chef Party (which people would just quit inviting me to those damn things....)
ReplyDeleteI never go to the eye doctor! I have glasses but never wear them. I'm so bad.
DeleteI didn't realize you were having such warm weather this week!
All those parties where you have to buy things- I never go!
Ugh I went to the dentist for the first time in soooo long... 13 cavities. 13!! That's half my mouth! Then I moved, so now I need to find a new dentist to fix them all...
ReplyDeleteI'm up in RI so apparently not much snow. But I was planning on visiting my friends in NJ and NY..... Might have to postpone that hahah.
Oh man that is a lot of cavities! I hope that is not my punishment for not seeing the dentist lately!
DeleteYes you may have to postpone your NJ and NY trip!
I'm so glad you found your ring!! What a relief that you don't have to get it replaced again. What a pain. I used to be awful about saying no, too. But more and more often I just don't care. Actually, now when I say no, I worry less about upsetting the other person and more about the fact that this could mean I am ever so slowly becoming a hermit...
ReplyDeleteHAHA I can understand your worry about becoming a hermit. :)
DeleteYay, you found your ring!!!! I'm so glad! You need to get that thing sized down haha. Or next time, get a QALO ring.
ReplyDeleteI said no this week, too! I said NO to students and parents begging for extra time to turn in waaaay overdue assignments. I feel like I'm doing them good by saying no, and it makes me feel like a better teacher.
You are doing them good by laying the law down! :)
DeleteI know, if I lose my ring again, at this point, it is my own fault for not getting it resized or whatever needs to be done.
I have a cholesterol test i've been putting off since August! That's right I got the orders in august and still have not gone to do it yet!
ReplyDeleteHey, you should link up your Friday 5 posts with the DC girls. A link is at the bottom of my post.
Are they the source of the Friday 5 phenomenon? I was looking around... I'll check them out!
DeleteYAY for finding your ring!!! Honestly, I got the chills reading you lost it. I would DIE, absolutely die if I lost mine. I've had nightmares. I'm kinda sorta a lot obsessed with my ring--it cost a fortune too which is a big reason I would die if I lost it. It's insured, but still, lol! Have a great weekend! xoxo, Helly
ReplyDeleteAnd that is PRECISELY the reason I don't want to be in charge of a fortune! I am too afraid something would happen to it. :) Glad you have yours insured!! :)
DeleteIt's hard for me to say no, yes. No. And no we aren't getting snow anytime soon, which is good. And I put off going to the dentist and I ended up with MAJOR PROBLEMS. Worst thing ever. I won't ever wait that long again. Good luck with all the snow and the dentist stuff, and I'm proud of you for putting up healthy boundaries and saying no!
ReplyDeleteOh no I hope nothing bad happened during my dental break. :(
DeleteHaha, I can just picture you getting ready for a snow storm. Puzzles, lots of boxed wine (maybe a bottle if you are feeling fancy), cozies, a good book, and some Netflix! A snow storm actually doesn't sound so bad. :) Stay warm!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's not bad at all! So pretty. Paul and I even went for a little walk in it about an hour ago. We only lasted 15 min but it was nice. :)
DeleteUm...yep, I need to schedule a colonoscopy and I keep putting it off. Not that I"m having issues but because I'm a certain age...and who has time for that prep?
ReplyDeleteYah I hear the prep for that is no fun!
DeleteOh I have gotten the flossing lecture! It annoys me because it's like, okay I brush my teeth a couple times a day. I can't be perfect at EVERYTHING teeth related.
ReplyDeleteI wish we were getting some snow here. Looks like my part of Ohio will be missed :( We need to get the sleds out and enjoy winter, but we have barely any snow!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear you found your ring!!
Last year I was putting off getting gum surgery. But, losing dental insurance lit a fire under me to get it done pronto!!
Oh dang that would certainly motivate me to go too! Isn't that terrible? I have perfectly good dental insurance and can go twice a year but I don't.
DeleteSo I finally had time to log into my Feedly and I had 20 unread posts of yours! Sorry that I'm not going back to read them all... which are the amazing ones I really should?
ReplyDeleteI'm also terrible about going to the dentist. I shouldn't even admit this, but I went like 7 years after college without going to the dentist. Still didn't have a cavity, though!
Wow that is a long time! But that means there is hope for me. :)
DeleteOmg I don't think there is anything super amazing you should read of mine! Maybe my race recap because it was a cool/different kind of race.
That's so awesome you found your ring! I always panic if mine isn't where I thought I left it. Matt NEVER takes his off, ever.