I am sure we all have our own workout rules that we generally follow. Here is one of my big ones:
I never run and lift on the same day.
Now, I know there are a lot of people who regularly do this, but generally, it is not for me. My philosophy is that if I have energy to go for a run after I lift, well then I didn't lift correctly. My legs should be jelly. I should be spent. Even if I'm only doing upper body and core, I still should not have energy left to go for a run. On the other side of things, if I go for a run, I should not lift afterwards because I need to have all of my energy to do the lifts I want to accomplish. Bottom line is I don't want to divide my energy between two totally different workouts.
I know everyone does not operate this way, and that is fine. This is just how I like to roll!
Of course, never say never. Because on Tuesday, I went for a run and I lifted on the same day.
May lightening strike me down!
I don't plan on making a habit out of this, but it actually worked out quite nicely in this instance for a couple reasons...
1. I only ran 3 miles.
2. I lifted chest/shoulders only.
3. I had already planned on lifting less weight than normal since I had taken more time off than normal from lifting while we were on vacation. I just didn't feel like going all out with my weights. (Example: I did 25lb for chest press instead of 30lb and 20lb for shoulder press instead of 25lb.)
For the reasons I lifted above, going for a short run and lifting "easy" worked for me today. I guess I should never say never, right!?
Here are the stats of my RUN!
Run: 3 miles
Weather: Really hot and windy.
Route: Neighborhood loops.
Podcast: Rob Has A Podcast for 2 miles, then my mp3 player died, so silence for the last mile. (TORTURE!)
Pace: Mile 1: 8:24, Mile 2: 8:12, Mile 3: 8:02 Average Pace: 8:12
Cool Down: 1/2 mile walk
Here are the stats of my LIFTING!
Workout Type: Chest/Shoulders/Core
Warm Ups: rotator cuff, shoulder press,
chest press
Chest Press- 4x12x25lb
Bicycles- 4x40
Push Ups- 8x10
Shoulder Press- 4x10x20lb
Stability Ball Pass- 4x8
Tricep Dips- 4x15
Planks- 4x45 sec
Cool Down: Stretching
The moral of today's workout story?

Do you ever run and lift on the same day? Why or why not?
Do you have any workout "rules" you usually follow?
Do you have any workout "rules" you usually follow?
I really have no rules. I just do what I can! -M
ReplyDeleteYou fly fast and loose! :)
DeleteNot that I'm a gym rat or anything, lol....evidenced by my serious lack of presence there during the school year, but throughout the summer months when I'm on Vacation I do double up. If I have a short run I don't mind going to the gym after. I just like to take my rest days as complete rest and with my training plan I have workouts 6 days a week.
ReplyDeleteIt is so much easier to double something up in the summer. I don't know how I would do it during the school year. I mean, I draw the line getting up any earlier than 5:00am on a regular basis.
DeleteI don't have many rules...Oh yes, never ever make decisions while running up a hill...
I don't lift enough weights to worry about doubling up. But I don't do strength/core on speed work or long run days.
That makes sense. I know after a long run I have no desire to do anything but shower, eat, an lay down!
DeleteHaha I love that you don't make decisions going up a hill. I will remember that. :)
My rules: 1 complete rest day per week (every few weeks I will do 2), no running more than 2 days in a row, 2-3 strength sessions per week, no stretching my hamstrings -- LOL.
ReplyDeleteI love your rules because they are perfect for YOU.
Delete...yep, and I think that is key for everyone. Find what works for YOU. Comparing to others will only cause misery, I think :)
DeleteI haaaaaate it when my iPod dies and I have no music! The last time that happened to me was during my race, and that's honestly probably why I never nailed my time goal. Music makes me move. And very true about never say never. I don't lift (well, besides a 23 lb baby doing the gingerbread man move in my arms while he kicks me in the stomach because he's mad that I'm taking him out of the pantry and away from the 10lb bag of spilled fishy crackers) so I can't relate to you on on the lifting thing, but maybe one day I can get into it.
ReplyDeleteLifting made me a much faster runner, but you are super fast already so I say just keep picking up that baby haha!
DeleteThat's funny your last ipodless mile was your fastest! Maybe you're onto something? I definitely am guilty of combining strength training and running on the same days. With that said, I don't do too many leg exercises (though I should). I tend to do my run first because I want most of my energy going to that. Then I will do my arm exercises. Maybe I need to be working harder during my lifts? Though I think I just have too much energy that needs to be burned.
ReplyDeleteIndeed- when I am not entertained I want the run to end as quickly as possible! :)
DeleteAs far as running and doing arms, I think it totally depends on what your lifting goals are and of course how much you are pushing yourself when you are lifting. I am trying to get stronger and build muscle, which means lifting the heaviest weight possible. If I ran, I wouldn't have the energy to do that. I just think for ME and what I want to accomplish, I get more of a quality lifting session if that is all I do for the day.
What is lifting???
ReplyDeleteI run and that's it lol....I know how important it is to strength train but I just enjoy running so much more.
Don't really have any rules, try to keep it natural and go with what feels right.
Haha you're funny. :)
DeleteWhat is that podcast about? I'm looking for some new ones! Nothing seems to keep me as focused as Savage Love and Wait, Wait.
ReplyDeleteIt's about Big Brother and Survivor. :) If you watch those shows, you would love his pod cast as he is seriously the best one out there!
DeleteSometimes when you get in the running zone and feeling good, it's hard to stop! I would be so tired if I saved my workout (even if it was my only workout) until the evening. Some people can't get going in the morning, but I can't get going after work!
ReplyDeleteBefore this training cycle I never lifted and ran on the same day, but my current coach has me making hard days HARD and easy days super easy. So, Tuesday are the days that I literally kill myself. I do my speed workout first and then I do a total body lifting day. Needless to say I am not really focused on achieving new weight PRs at the moment! All of my lifting now is just as a supplement to my running. Womp womp!
ReplyDeleteHey it's all about your goals! Right now, your goals are RUN A MARATHON. Everything is clearly focused around that.
DeleteI don't really have "rules" per say but if I'm doing a long run (8 miles or more) I tend to just run that day. If I'm doing a shorter run I'll normally come home and do some light lifting or body weight exercises.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a really good balance. After a long run, I don't feel like doing anything!
DeleteI have no rules. I have to get my workouts in when I can. Thursdays are my day off work, so I do a double workout. Always a run and then CrossFit. So yes, I run and lift on the same day.
ReplyDeleteIt is so nice you have the time and can do that! I am sure that would be hard on a work day.
DeleteAfter I run I try to make sure I do legs so that I'll be sore the next day and not for my next run. But I usually don't do arms the same days I do legs so that I can alternate because I'm weird!
DeleteHey whatever works! We all have our things we do and our reasons behind them.
DeleteIt really depends on what I am doing and who I am running with. When I run with my running friends, I don't usually lift afterward because we usually sit around talking to each other for too long and then I lose all motivation. If I run by myself, I always lift afterward. I've been seriously slacking lately on the lifting, but that's because my fast marathon friend moved away from the area yesterday and I had been spending all of my running time with him.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had running friends. I used to have running friends, but we never run together anymore. So now we are just "friends".
DeleteI am sorry your friend moved away. I am sure you can deal with your sorrows by lifting some weights!