Hey all! I am linking up with Fairytales and Fitness!
Last week, San @ The In Between Is Mine posted her Reverse Bucket List. A reverse bucket list is a list of things you never want to do. It was hilarious and thought provoking, so I thought I would post my own Reverse Bucket List.
Can you guess what's on my Reverse Bucket List?
I won't keep you in suspense...
- Go to Disney World. I know people love Disney. I am glad they love Disney and I hope they bask in their Disney loving and are able to visit. However, it is just not for me and I know I would simply not enjoy it.
- Take a cruise. For awhile, I really thought I would enjoy a cruise! And I think 30 year old Megan really would have liked it. But 36 year old Megan is a lot more high strung and controlling. I know I would feel trapped. I would not feel relaxed. I'd worry about getting in lines to disembark or reembark early. I'd worry we wouldn't get a place at dinner or a show. It is my own faults that will cause me to not enjoy a cruise.
- Join a book club. I enjoy reading but it never crossed my mind to join a book club. I don't think I would like the expectation to have read something by a certain date.
- Sky dive (or any other extreme activity). This is something 20 year old Megan would have liked. But as I got older, I got more catastrophic.
- Run 100 Miles. I have friends who have done multiple 100 milers. I have seen them train and heard about their races. I respect the distance and I don't have the desire to put in the time and the tax on my body to do something that extreme. I did a 50 miler once and I believe that's as far as I will go.
- "Go off sugar". As an athlete, my body needs sugar- the good kind and the bad kind. As someone who suffered from disordered eating in the past, totally eliminating something from my diet is not a good idea for me. I currently have a healthy relationship with sugar and I hope I maintain that relationship for the rest of my life!
- Tweet. I do too much on social media as it is! I will leave the Tweeting to Paul!
- Have kids. I've known for over 10 years now that they're not for me. Luckily, I deeply love my nieces and nephews. Also, I have hundreds of current students and thousands of past students. My life is already full of kids, even if they aren't my own!
That's all I can think of for now! I'm sure as soon as I post this I'll think of more...
HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL- Love these.
ReplyDeleteI will never run 100 miles- total. (I actually have a magnet on my car that says "0.0 I don't run"
I love my book clubs with my students- but they have over a month to read the book, and I only do it 2-3 times a year- I like talking about what I've read. I don't think I could do it on a monthly basis- too much pressure.
As for cruises, I've been on one (almost 4 yrs ago)and enjoyed it, and would go again, but I'd be fine never cruising again as well.
I want to think about my "anti-bucket list" now!
I love those funny magnets. My husband has a shirt that says "O.O... someone has to rung the cowbell"!
DeleteWhat books do you choose for your student book club?
There are some fancy riverboat cruises in Europe that I would totally go on. But they are so expensive.
I am with you on Disney! Everyone tells me I would love Animal Kingdon, and I'm sure I would love the Harry Potter at Universal, but I can't do roller coaster type rides anymore (fear of heights/motion sick/hate crowds), so that's out for me.
ReplyDeleteOther Reverse Bucketlist items:
1.) Tattoo- can't commit to anything permanently on my body.
2.) Have a home device like Alexa, Amazon Echo, google home thing, etc.- um...1984, anyone
Crowds are a big reason I don't want to go to Disney and the surrounding parks. It's definitely much more than the fact that it is "Disney".
DeleteI think a tattoo is on my list as well!
I'm not techy enough at this point for Alexa. We have a Nest that came with our solar panels but we only use it for heating/cooling. I think it could potentially do other things but like I said... I have no clue!
I could never picture you and Derrick with Alexa!!!!
Getting a tattoo is something I would never do!
ReplyDeleteI am curious why so many people who have never been to Disney say they never want to go? I get that they think it is for kids, but there are SO MANY other things there that are just for adults. You and Paul seem to like Knobels, so obviously you don't mind parks. You are such a curious person, so I really feel you would just love EPCOT with all the sciency stuff, all the cultural stuff you can learn about the countries, and all the amazing food. Now if you just really can't stand the Florida heat, well now that's another thing..haha
The longest distance I've ever ran is obviously a marathon, but the most extreme sport I've ever done (in my mind anyway), is downhill skiing. It's so exhilarating, yet terrifying until you make it to the bottom unharmed, and then you think "wow, that is awesome. Let's do that again! However, I think my downhill skiing days have come to an end. I'm glad I use to do it though. -M
I agree, no tattoos for me!
DeleteSo the Disney thing for me is the crowds, the lines, the cost, the travel... I just don't think I would enjoy such a busy, crowded place. I would get anxiety. Knoebels is different because it's much more slow and chill. You can go without the pressure of riding rides and spending a fortune. You can park and just walk into the park where I know with Disney it can be such a trek to even get to one of the parks. I see your point about how can you know you wouldn't like a place if you have never been there, but I feel like there are too many red flags for me to make the commitment to travel down there. If it were like an hour away, maybe I'd be more likely to go see what it's about.
I used to ski as well! My days also are over. I'm too scared I'll injure myself and not be able to run!
This is a fun list! I would say though that when/if you have little kids and they want to go to Disney you might change your mind :)
ReplyDeleteWell the last thing on my list is that I never want kids so... that is out.
DeleteI love this and I love that you know what you want and like in life (or rather don't like)
ReplyDeleteYes! My favorite decisions are the ones that I don't waffle on. It would be terrible to wonder whether or not I wanted kids. What if I ended up regretting either decision? It's not one so easily reversed! Luckily, I know for sure I won't want them so it doesn't weigh on my mind. A lot of knowing what I like/don't like comes with being 36. Although like I said, some of the things on this list I wouldn't have ruled out at like age 23 or something. So hey, maybe once I'm 50 I will change my mind and decide to go to Disney World!!!
DeleteMegan - I agree with your list - although I do have 2 kids and I really do love them and am really glad that I had them. I have learned so much from being a parent (one of my boys is severely mentally disabled so I have learned countless things from him, especially about myself). I am such a caregiver at heart, so I truly enjoy taking care of them and my husband.
ReplyDeleteI cannot imagine enjoying going to Disney - that just ain't my jam. and a cruise freaks me out! being trapped on a boat with all those people really scares me.
Great list! Kristen
I'm glad that you were able to have kids since you wanted them and enjoy them so much! I have no doubt your son teaches you so many things. :) <3 Do you think your kids would like Disney?
DeleteNo, I know they wouldn't like it. The apples don't fall far from the tree, ya know? : )
DeleteI tried a book club and it just wasn't for me. I didn't enjoy the books and hated knowing I had to read it by a certain time. That sounded like school and I'm past that now. I read for fun and I want to keep it fun.
ReplyDeleteI'm the same way!
DeleteI have been to Disney and been on a cruise -- I think you are totally good not going! LOL. I also don't want to run 100 miles. But after all I have been through and w/ my recent diagnosis, I am really fine with 3-4 mile runs. They are great for me. The most adventurous thing I did was ziplining (both Costa Rica and Panama). It was an awesome adventure. I would never sky dive or bungee jump, though! Rick jumped off the Stratosphere in Vegas -- yeah, just watching that was enough for me!! Geeze.
ReplyDeleteOMGGGGGG and you LET him do that!??? I mean, I know we don't "let" our husbands do things but when it's life threatening I feel like we should have a say, right? Paul has zip lined and he LOVED it.
DeleteI went skydiving when I was 20 but its not something I would do now!! Ive been intrigued by going on a cruise but Im not sure if I would like it now. I went on a few when I was a teenager but that was much different. I also dont think book clubs are for me.
ReplyDeleteWow! What made you decide to sky dive? That's cool you did it back when it was something that would give you a thrill.
DeleteI'm with you on the Disney thing. It's great that others enjoy it so much but it's not for me.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever gone?
DeleteI agree with you on the book club thing. I love reading, but I spend so much of my "available reading" time doing all things blogging...my time spent with a book in my hands is minimal (and that's unfortunate). Being forced to finish a book by a deadline would cause me to resent said book and the peeps I was reading it for LOL
ReplyDeleteWe're so alike! While other people probably looooove discussing a book with others and appreciate the deadline.
DeleteSo I totally love cruises and didn't know I would the first time I went, but I kinda get your POV too. I could NEVER do a cruise where you were on the boat for many days at a time like a trip across the ocean- we like to get off the boat. Even two sea days in a row is too boring for me.
ReplyDeleteI tried joining a book club and I didn't like it because people didn't take the book seriously or care. It was really a drinking wine and chatting club. Don't get me wrong, I love drinking wine and chatting, but at least call it what it is ;). I really thought we would discuss the book over the food and beer!
I just listened to an episode of the podcast Happier with Gretchen Rubin and a listener had the same problem with her book club. Like 3 people really wanted to discuss the book and the rest didn't even read the book and just wanted to drink!
DeleteIf I was more calm and less high strung I know I would love a cruise. Perhaps I will chill out someday. I totally see how people have fun on them I have lots of family that cruise all the time.
We took our kids to Disney ... once. They were not amused. :-D We also took them on one cruise. It was fun but not our thing. Maybe I should do a "one and done" post. :-) For me, I will never to a Run Streak, or run a marathon.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah I one and done post would be cool! I think my 50 miler was a one and done. It was awesome and I don't think I could ever top it, so why try!? Also one and done... Vegas!
DeleteSo glad you picked up this post idea... it's so cool to read what other people DON'T have on their bucket lists!