We didn't take a lot of pictures of this day so I will probably make most of this recap of our last day of vacation short and sweet!
If you have been following my recap, you will remember that we vacation hard, so by Day 5, we were exhausted and homesick. Luckily this was our last day, and it would be a sort of short day because we would be spending the night in a hotel near the airport and would aim to get to bed at a decent hour because we had a 1:00am wake up call to catch our 5:25am flight!
We slept until 9:00am and it was glorious. Then we hopped in the car and headed for the Ghost Town disc golf course near Idaho Springs. We got to take the Peak to Peak scenic byway to get to the course. Honestly, after all the beauty we already saw, the Peak to Peak was just more of the same. I hate to say that by Day 5 we were sort of immune to the beauty, but we kind of were! By this point it was like, "Well duh, everywhere in Colorado is beautiful!"
One thing that put a little bit of a damper on the day was that they were calling for really bad thunderstorms. Hail, damaging winds, and even tornadoes were in the forecast! Did you know that I am terrified of storms like that!? I am. I nervously watched the sky the whole way to the disc golf course.
By the time we got to the course, it looked as though at least the first storm would pass us. I chilled in the car and read my book while Paul played disc golf through a LEGIT GHOST TOWN from during the early gold mining days. How cool is that?
After disc golf, the plan was to hang out with Paul's cousins, who live in Denver, but we were worried about all the storms that were supposed to continue into the evening. We decided it was better to just head straight to our hotel (near the airport) and hunker down for the night. I was homesick and I didn't want anything to derail me from getting on that plane and flying home to my baby boys!
We got situated in hotel and it was really our first chance to watch the coverage of the Orlando nightclub shooting. I am sure most of you felt as enraged as we did to hear about another sick person with access to a powerful weapon causing so much death, destruction, and pain. We watched Anderson Cooper's moving tribute to the victims and I ended up crumbling into a hiccuping ugly cry. I remembered last year we were on vacation when another young gunman opened fire on a bible study group in Charleston. "Why do mass shootings always happen when we are on vacation?" I wondered. Then I remembered... "Oh yeah, mass shootings happen all the time." I'M FUCKING SICK OF IT!!!!
Changing gears now...
We ate dinner at a diner that was a short drive across the parking lot. They served wine at this diner! SCORE! They also had some interesting music playing, including this song, which I am now completely in love with...
Then we went back to our hotel. Paul cuddled up for the night and fell asleep. I wasn't tired at all. I ended up staying up all night until our alarm went off at 1:00. What was I doing? Oh, all kinds of stuff, including writing my state representatives about my support for common sense gun legislation. I'm not sure what else to do but voice my opinion by contacting my representatives, and of course, VOTING.
We left the hotel at 1:30 and began the long, stressful process called FLYING. We had to fill the car up with gas and it of at the rental place. Of course there was a line. At 1:50 in the morning. Then we had to take the shuttle to the airport. Then we had to get in line at the Southwestern counter, except it didn't open until 3:00 and it was only 2:15. By this point, fatigue hit me and I was crashing... hard. Finally we were able to check in, but of course since all the check ins opened at the same time, the TSA lines got kind of long (at 3:15 in the morning) so we had to wait for that.
At last, we were at our gate. Glory, glory, hallelujah!!! I was starving but nothing was open. I saw the workers preparing for the day at the Einstein Brothers bagel place. I asked them what time they opened and they said 4:00. That's wasn't so bad. I closed my eyes for a little while and at 4:00 I walked over to the bagel place.
There were 34 people in line.
I kid you not.
I almost cried. I get very teary eyed when I am tired. Instead I ate some Reeses Pieces I found in my purse...
An hour later we were boarding the plane. Apparently this was the nursery flight. Lots of infants and toddlers aboard. We tried our best not to sit near any kids but it was unavoidable. "We're flyyyyyying!!!!!" a child yelled as we took off. Even in my Ativan haze it bothered me.
My mom picked us up in Baltimore and drove us home because she is the best mom in the world! I barely remember driving home. I was still tired and deep in my Ativan haze!
We had a blast in Colorado, but we were so happy to be home!!!!

Thanks for following along on our vacation recaps! We hope to do some day trips and sneak away to the beach for a few days before the summer is over. Although I never get the urge to go to the beach until later in the summer. Right now, I have no desire to go at all! We'll see.
Can I just say how much I love that you love that song! My mom was a huge John Denver fan so growing up, I heard his music all the time. Can't hear a song by him without thinking of her and her beautiful smile and laugh! Thank you for sharing your Colorado memories with us all. I am so happy you love my state as much as I do.
ReplyDeleteDid he originate the song? I have had a hard time finding information on it! I looked up the chords and right now it is out of my ability to play on the ukulele, but if I actually PRACTICED my ukulele, I maybe would be able to play it!
DeleteNo, check out this info:
Glad you didn't get caught in the storm and your flight went as planned. I absolutely hate early morning flights! The only good thing is that you get home as early as possible.
ReplyDeleteOh man we were so thankful we had no light delays. The airport was full of people who had to stay overnight waiting for a flight due to all the flights the night before getting cancelled. I really felt bad for those people.
DeleteYou know, even though I'm not scared of flying almost everything about flying annoys me. I can totally relate to you tearing up about the queue for the food because that's something I would do too.
ReplyDeleteEven though time has passed since the Orlando shooting, yesterday Adam and I were out to lunch talking about it and I broke into an ugly cry. Adam tried to joke to cheer me up saying everyone else in the restaurant probably thought we were breaking up, but it was hard to stop. There's just so much bad happening in the world right now.
But there is cool stuff in the world too - like I love that Paul got to play on haunted grounds. That's so bizarre in the best way!
There is a lot bad happening in the world. :( Sometimes I watch the news and I am just like, WTF???? :(
DeleteI wonder if people who live in CO get kind of desensitized to the beauty of it all, too. I feel like I get over pretty views really quickly when I'm there in person. I'm like, "Okay, I came, I saw, now can I have a snack and hide inside where there's AC?"
ReplyDeleteHahaha! Oh come on, you need to bask in the glory for just a little bit. :)
DeleteI don't recall a time when that Einstein Bagels wasn't packed. DIA needs a lot more options food wise, and not fast food. I choose the bagels because it's much healthier, but so do a lot of people.
ReplyDeleteWell and also in our gate "area" it was the only thing open. I was so hungry I would have gladly ate something a little more junky like from McDs or something.
DeleteYes, I would have to say coming home was easier especially because I slept better due to being up all night!
ReplyDeleteI know I have become more scared as well. Like at the gym, I envisioned what if someone opened fire on us, what would I do? And of course at school I have cleaned out cupboards where I could fit students in to hide in case there was an intruder. So, so horrible that we worry about this in our country!!! I will say I am never afraid at my house though. I feel very safe here because thankfully we live in a nice neighborhood, not the city or something like that.
You are such a trooper for getting in the plane without food! and then putting up with the screaming kids. I know that I couldn't survive it without a bagel and blasting music in my ears.
ReplyDeleteThat is so nice of your mom to pick you up!
Going to the Beach in October is so much less stressful! Less people, and cheaper prices at hotels! Roger and I prefer to go in September and October.
And it is probably just as warm out! Maybe Paul and I shall look into that!