Once upon a time, I wrote a post called Physical Therapy Sucks!
At the time, I was going through some knee issues and was prescribed PT. I lamented at how my PT made me do the same exercises at the facility that I did at home. I was annoyed that I had to drive to the facility 3xs a week and do the exact same stuff I could do at home. Oh, and pay the $20 copay too, of course.
It was basically a post of me WHINING. Which I'm allowed to do because it's my blog.
The post got a lot of comments from readers who agreed that physical therapy is not fun but it's sometimes a necessary evil of being and athlete. We all grumble when we have to do it and support each other.
Then I got some downright nasty and hilarious comments from several different people who only identified themselves as "anonymous".
Here are some of my favorite comments on that post!
(Note: I did not correct any grammar or spelling in the comments, they are presented to you as they were written.)
"$20 to get a complete and accurate diagnosis for a dysfuntional pattern that would have ended up as a hip or knee replacement 30 years from now? What a rip off please take your money and spend it on iTunes. We will be seeing you in P.T down the road anyway good luck"
"Youre not gonna see a different in a week if you spent your whole life doing something to your body. Or even the past 6 months. What do you think PTs are supposed to be, magicians? You want to do exercises at home? Tell the therapist. The only reason they have you down as three times a week is cause its on the script."
"No one is making you go to physical therapy. It is a recommendation by your MD at best. It is not mandatory. Just go for an initial eval get a treatment plan and do your shit on your own and not get better. Or just get a cortisone injection or a medrol pack and suck it up. So you had an inflamed plica, big deal. You have to exhaust conservative options (like PT) before surgery anyway. Get a clue....."

Is there a blog post you wrote a long time ago that you get flack for?
Haha that's pretty funny that you keep getting so many comments on that post! I don't think I have any posts like that, I just get alot of spam on old posts.
ReplyDeleteI get a little spam but not a whole lot...
DeleteThat's hilarious!!! I guess you tapped into some underground PT network and they're pissed ;) I honestly don't look at anonymous and troll comments. They go straight to spam and I never even read them.
ReplyDeleteI know!!! PTs can be pretty brutal with their commenting. I think they were just butt hurt about the title.
DeleteHaha! That's great! I never understand why people feel the need to fight via comments on the internet. It's such a waste of time. I don't have any posts like that, but I think I would enjoy it if I did.
ReplyDeleteLOL I think you would enjoy it too! The first time I got a bad comment it actually hurt my feelings but now I think it's funny.
DeleteHahahahaha!!! Do people not realize what a blog is? We are allowed to say what we want, how we feel etc. No shame in that. But to get so offended that someone has an opinion is funny. :)
ReplyDeletePTs must be an angry bunch. :)
DeleteWell, now I don't feel like a total creeper... !! for reading your old post and wanting to comment, then noticing that it's from 3 years ago! There are other creepers doing worst than me!
ReplyDeleteLOL! Go for it! I was wondering who has been reading my old posts! I suppose it is you ??? :) I am sure some of them are embarassing.
DeleteHa ha! I love that you shared those comments. I have to delete a comment here and there from time to time but I do that because they're not just offensive to *me* but to my readers as well, and it's my job to protect them in my space. These comments are so angry! Why are people so angry?!?! I don't get it.
ReplyDeleteThat makes total sense. I would maybe have to delete a comment that was rude to my readers as well. These are just funny so they're okay by me.
DeleteWow, defensive much?!? You got some PTs really riled up, Megan. While I will say I do agree w/ their comments the delivery and tone leave much room for improvement. Could have been way better stated but I think that people "hide" behind anonymous comments and are just very defensive and rude. But I will say this did give me a giggle. Get over it people--sheesh!!
ReplyDelete"While I will say I do agree w/ their comments the delivery and tone leave much room for improvement." <---- YES!
DeleteI thought the only people who read my blog back then were my mom and grandma. I must have been wrong!
If the only comments you keep getting on that older post are negative, do you know that you can turn comments off for that particular post?
ReplyDeleteI've one that for some real old posts. Not because I was getting negative comments but because I was getting spam. If you turn comments off you still have your post up and others can read it but you don't have to subject yourself to their rude comments.
I did not know you could to that! Thanks for letting me know. I kind of think the vitriol is funny so I am going to leave it for now, but if it ever starts to bug me that is good to know.
DeleteI too turn off comments on all posts older than idk maybe a couple months. For spam reasons. Like anything else there are good PT's and bad. I personally had such a bad one I stopped going. It's never a good sign when the first thing out of their mouth is "you need to stop running".
ReplyDeleteYeah, that is not a good sign. I have since had a really good PT who analyzed my gait. Great info! Like you said, there is good and bad everything.
DeleteDid your physical therapy eventually help? I am in the process of having to go through physical therapy and I have the EXACT same thoughts right now. I want to discontinue the treatment because of how time consuming. Not only that but I'm doing exercises that I do at the gym or my home. I'd like to get the opinion from someone who has had to get PT done on their knees like I do
ReplyDeleteI say talk to your PT and if you are truly doing the exercises on your own, see if you can come in once a week or something for exercise progressions.
DeleteI am a Physical Therapist :) I'm not an angry person I swear hahah I always try to add new exercises for my patients so they don't get bored or plateau. A good PT would make sure patients don't feel they can do everything on their own at home.... By always progressing the exercise program ... But if a patient becomes independent with their program I only have them come 1x per week or as needed because as a former patient myself I hated that copay! i think you just needed a better PT :)
ReplyDeleteYay it's nice to hear from a PT! I did need a better PT. I have since had a great PT. I do some of the exercises I learned for maintenance. You sound like just the type of PT I needed but also, I should have spoken up. I didn't know enough to speak up at the time.
DeleteHa! Love this post. I do dislike the whole PT thing because 1) I really don't have time to schedule hour long appointments several times a week [yes, I know, who's got time to be injured??] and 2) my PT visits are all out of pocket payment due to high copay. The comments from those people are valid, but that doesn't mean you have to like PT! haha
ReplyDeleteI'd rather just have exercises I could do at home! I didn't know that was an option. I'll have to ask for that next time I go in!
Yes! Just go in and be like, look, I don't have the money for this but I promise I will do the exercises at home.
DeleteOh my goodness! I love my physiotherapist dearly and going to her does reassure my mind, and also my body I guess LOL. I cannot believe people actually row nasty comments on your blog! I don't think I have gotten any comments that were really rude or negative before. If I did I would probably cry LOL!
ReplyDeleteHaha it did hurt my feelings at first but then I had to remind myself that whoever was commenting didn't know how to spell, and clearly they didn't read my whole post because my complaints were VALID, I just needed to either speak up or get a different PT. Back then at the young age of 31 (HAHAHA) I didn't realize I could ask for a different PT. Now I am 33 and sassy and would not stand for a PT that wouldn't even talk to me. Seriously. Some days I would go in and just do my thing and she wouldn't even say hi to me. Awkward. I should have gotten another PT. My bad.
DeleteIt sounds like you have a really good PT! Does she have anymore appointments??? :)
I really can't believe people wrote some of those things on your blog!!! I am referring to the negative ones. No one is forcing them to read your opinions. Why do they feel the need to comment? This is a space where we can vent and complain. You know what? We put ourselves in PT because we do things that beat the shit out of our body and then when we can't do the thing we love, we are upset. Of course we bitch about PT.We are there when we are at our crankiest. I would tell those people to go EFF THEMSELVES.
ReplyDeleteBUT, the entertainment factor on those comments is high. So there's that.
That's my philosophy, just laugh at the meanie comments. :)
DeleteThat is hilarious that people are STILL commenting. I actually have similar feelings about PT when it involves just working with an assistant on exercises. I would rather do the exercises at home and use the PT appointment for one-on-one time with the PT. Whether it's massage or some other form of treatment that I can't get at home, that's why I go to PT.
ReplyDeleteYup, I am with ya. I understand some PTs may be skeptical whether or not people really do the exercises on their own... I get that, and I am sure it is a concern for them. But if we say we are doing it, they should believe us.
DeleteI really don't get why people take the time out of their day to leave rude comments to a stranger whose blog they will probably never read again.
ReplyDeleteI've only ever gotten two rude/weird comments on old posts. I replied to them just because, why not, but I don't get WHY those people felt the need to comment on really old posts with their BAD opinions! ;)
Well, as the legendary T Swift said... Hatterz gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate!