Thank you, thank you, a million thank yous for all the comments on my post on Sunday. I am getting a second opinion, as pretty much all of you suggested.
I am seeing a doctor who specializes in shoulders/knees/sports medicine at the Bone & Joint Institute in Hershey. Time to go for the big guns, right!? My appointment is not until July 14th, but what's another two weeks in the grand scheme of life?
I appreciate everyone's comments- they really validated all my feelings of anger, frustration, confusion, and exhaustion. I hate calling doctors offices. I hate going to appointments. I feel like I am bothering people. I know, that is dumb. But that's how I feel. And I can tell many of you know what I am talking about as far as the pain in the ass of going to different doctors and getting a second opinion.
As if I didn't need another reason to be pissed off at OIP (the place I went in Camp Hill- aka, my "first opinion"), when I called to get my medical records transferred to my new place in Hershey, I was transferred to a recorded message that said they do NOT accept verbal requests for patient records. You have to have a doctor's office fax a cover letter explaining why they need your records. If you would like the records for yourself, well, you have to leave a message and they will talk to you directly about obtaining those.
I understand the confidentiality thing, but HOLY MOLLY it's as if they don't want you going somewhere else with your medical records!!!!!!
Maybe I am just jaded at this point. (Haha- MAYBE!?)
Anyway, thanks again for all of your comments and moral support. I promise I won't talk about my knee until after my appointment in July.
One more question though- I guess I should wait to schedule physical therapy until after I get my second opinion, right?
Hope you are all having a great week!