Thank you to Amanda @ Running With Spoons for this Thinking Out Loud link up! Sometimes my TOL posts are random thoughts and sometimes they have a theme.
Today's theme is....
We have a lot on our plate this summer, but I thought I would share some of my personal goals I have for myself this summer. I'll check in with you in July and let you know how I'm doing! Here are some things I hope to achieve...
I started studying for this last summer. I will be taking my exam this summer. I don't know how long it will take for me to get my results. Even after I pass my test and am a certified personal trainer, I will have to purchase insurance, develop a business plan... all that fun stuff. I am excited and nervous!
We are dedicated to helping Christmas to STOP PEEING EVERYWHERE. One step we took is purchasing Feliway, which will hopefully work. Also, I think he needs some more play stimulation from us. He gets a lot of love and attention but not a lot of play time. This is getting fixed! I already started having one play session with him a day, but when I have more time this summer, I want to do 3 play sessions!
I feel like I was in the best shape of my life last May/June and then it just went downhill from there due to my knee. I know I can't always be in the best shape of my life, but I want to get back there! I have had too many rest days and too many mornings on the arc trainer. I want to run up hills, jump rope, and do burpees like all the cool kids!
I am sooooooo MIA with my friends during the school year since my primary goal every evening is to put on my pajamas as soon as possible. I just don't understand people who can actually go out and do things on a "school night" (or a "work night"... whatever it is!).
I was really speedy. I want to be speedy again. That is all.
Somehow, I have to balance my need for speed, hills, and jumps with the healing of my knee. I just have to take things one day at a time and listen to my body.

PS. Note: I am officially on SUMMER VACATION TIME, meaning, I will rarely be up in the 5 'o clock hour to post my blog! I will post it whenever I wake up in the morning. Could be 7 am... could be Noon! That is the beauty of summer vacation. But I still plan to post every day, so do not fear if my blog is not posted first thing in the morning (I know it's the first thing you check for, before you pee, feed your fur babies, or get coffee!!!) it is coming eventually!)
What are your summer goals?
Summer goals... lose these last few pounds I have been fighting with... and run longer distances....
ReplyDeleteYou can do it!
DeleteOnce you earn your certification do you plan on working at a gym, or just connecting with private clients? Is it something you're going to do during the school year or just during the summer? So many questions! Why am I so nosey? :)
ReplyDeleteYou can be nosey! I plan to work with private clients- either training them or writing programs for them. Also, I was thinking outdoor group classes, as that would be a more economical way from most to get in a good workout with a trainer. I don't want to work at a gym because I need to be able to set my own schedule (Since I already have a job AND teach private piano lessons.) I want to start off with just one or two clients and see how I like it. If I really like it and I think I could get a lot of clients, I could scale back on piano lessons and take on more PT clients... It's so up in the air and I have no clue what to expect! I will do it during the school year too but I will have to take on less clients as I don't want to be working all day every day.
DeleteMost of my plans this summer revolve around work and business... I'll be graduating from my health coach training program in July, and I'm planning on starting my own practice so I've been trying to sort out the details with that. So much work. But also incredibly rewarding :)
ReplyDeleteThat is very exciting Amanda! Are you done with a lot of your work or are these last few weeks tests and crunch time?
DeleteYes yes yes, working on getting back to being speedy and getting in better shape. A big part of that will be adding lots more weight lifting to my schedule, as in going from 0 times each week to 3 or 4.
ReplyDeleteLifting def helps my speed too. It' hard because lifting still irritates my knee. I am trying to accept that squats and lunges are a few months away for me!
DeleteI love your Summer goals! What a great idea for thinking out loud thursday (I might have to copy you:) ). I know what you mean about bouncing back from knee surgery.. that was me about 3 years ago. I didn't expect it to take so long! That's great about your ACE cert... I have been thinking about a personal training cert for a while now. My main summer goal is to focus on my ironman and stay healthy during the training process!
ReplyDeleteSteal away! Yes this whole knee thing... it's interesting, I can run a marathon on it now, no problem, but I can't do squats or lunges. Good luck at your race this weekend. :)
DeleteThis is super exciting news for you! You will make such a great trainer.
ReplyDeleteAnd yay for summer vacation. A nice perk of being a teacher!!
My summer (general life) goal right now is to find the perfect balance of training (running, swimming, biking + weights) to keep me injury and pain free. I was doing awesome then had a hip issue in April and then it feels like the wheels came off :( I really have to let go of my ego and just listen to my body so I can not only heal, but maintain without injury.
Injuries suck and I can totally empathize with you. It is such a fine balance. When I was just coming off my knee surgery and was able to ease back in, I was so frustrated because I felt like I had all the energy and motivation in the world to go balls to the wall, but I couldn't or my knee wouldn't get better. Letting go of ego is hard. I'm with ya.
DeleteThat's exciting for you that you are going to get your ACE Certification. I think you would be great at it. My sister has that certification along with some other ones to teach certain things but she has had to cut back as well because of her full time job. I know she would like to do it full time at some point in her life but its a lot of work to start a business on your own. Especially when you are young and don't have all the financial backing you would need. Good luck to you. I think it would make you a great side business. And I think outdoor classes would be great. Our boot camp did some outdoor classes called "Mayhem at the park" they were free classes in the month of may and he attracted a lot of new clients this way. ( Ok, sorry such a long comment).
ReplyDeleteYou're right, it would be really risky for me to do it full time. I need the stability, health insurance, and retirement that comes with my teaching job. Also, call me lazy, but I would hate to have to hustle for enough clients to make it a full time thing. I'm a lazy personal trainer already. :)
DeleteI'm glad I'm not the only teacher who sleeps in during summer. My friends always tease me that I'm like a teen...but I like my beauty rest! I'm rarely out of bed before 10:30am unless I'm running that morning.
ReplyDeleteIt's so true that we can't ALWAYS be in peak shape, but it's a good goal to want to work back there. I wish I could always be in my best shape lol.
Also, congrats on being sooo close to getting your ACE cert.!! The more I blog, the more I want to become a personal trainer, but I can't take myself seriously enough to try. Like, who wants a trainer who runs a 10 minute mile?! lol
DeleteThanks Ali! If someone would pick a trainer based on how fast their trainer can run a mile, that would be soooo misdirected. It's more about the knowledge the trainer has to help someone reach their goals as well as being a motivator and cheerleader. Since you're a teacher, you already have those qualities! You will find this interesting- in my studies, there were several chapters that were almost like an educational psychology class.
DeleteMy #1 summer goal is to stay healthy and stick to my marathon training plan! Still a long road ahead!
ReplyDeleteI am excited to follow your journey. :)
DeleteCan't wait for your ACE Cert, you are going to do great. Uhg potty training for kids and pets is so time consuming, good luck. I am with you, I "try" to get into my pajamas as quickly as possible as well lol.
ReplyDeleteYou mean I have to do something before I get to read your posts for the next few months?? WHAT??
I am sorry, I need my beauty rest! ;)
DeleteCreating fitness goals to balance injury is MY goal too. Sometimes I feel like I'm on point and other times not so much. Also-good luck with your ACE certificate. That's so exciting.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your goal! Just listen to your body. Sometimes I have to force myself to do that...
Deletei want to use this summer to regain fitness and speed too! share your plans so i can tag along. please :), i want to be a cool kid too!
ReplyDeleteWhat you mean I need to have a PLAN to reach my goals???? LOL jk. I don't have any fancy plans. I just want to start lifting lower body more as my knee allows as well as doing as least one or two shorter tempo runs per week. When I force myself to run fast, I naturally get faster. Oh and I want to do plyos as my knee allows as well. This all depends on my stupid wonky knee!
DeleteSo jealous you get a full summer vacation! Enjoy and hope you meet your goals!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Tonya! It is definitely a perk to have 8 weeks off. I am thankful for that
DeleteReconnect with friends is clutch! I will take after you on this and make an effort to regroup with some people. :)
ReplyDeleteSometimes it's hard because everyone is so busy, but seriously, I haven't seen one of my best friends in foreverrrr. There's no excuse.
DeleteIf I lived in Pennsylvania, I would definitely hire you as a personal trainer! I am planning on being RIPPED in a month! OK, maybe not RIPPED, but having more muscle tone...
ReplyDeleteNICE! Let's see some pics of those guns in a month ;)
DeleteI'm ACE certified and when I took my test it was online and within a couple of minutes of submitting my answers I had my results. Good luck on your test!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat do you teach?
About the results- that is awesome and scary at the same time! If I don't pass and find out right then, ugh that's going to be so disheartening! I teach elementary general music and choir.
DeleteLOL - love your little "PS" .... take advantage of your being able to sleep late in the summer time and know that I will be jealous as I will still be getting up early for work HAHA! :)
ReplyDeleteI definitely don't take it for granted!
DeleteIt is so hard to keep up with everything in your own life and then have the energy to socialize. There was never a "moment" that caused my injury.. I didn't fall or twist it or anything. It was just a nagging knee pain APPARENTLY caused by a plica, but looking back I think it was actually IT band issues. I had so many posts about what was wrong with my knee but most of them were WRONG. I eventually had a plica removed. It's frustrating because I feel like my knee hurts just as much now as it did before, that's why I think it was actually IT band stuff. Ugh. Anyway, here are two links that tell a little bit of the story: http://meggorun.blogspot.com/2014/01/glorrrrrrry-glory-halleluuuuuuuuujah.html http://meggorun.blogspot.com/2014/01/knee-scope-update.html