Week #1 of "Summer Vacation" is in the books, people! Looking back, I really didn't do a whole lot with my first week of freedom. If I had to sum it up, it would go like this:
- staying up really late
- sleeping in really late
- surfing the internet a lot
- reading a lot
- running errands
Super exciting, right? I hope my summer gets a little more lively, but I won't lie- sometimes I enjoy having nothing to do.
Being a teacher, summer is like a whole new world for me. Of course I still teach piano lessons and I still have household and family responsibilities... but not working the normal 40 hours a week has me very refreshed and in a very good mood.
One of the best parts of summer is having much more flexibility in where/when/how I workout.
Things I like about summer workouts:
1. I can do it when I feel like it, not at the ass crack of dawn.
2. I am not usually hungry in the morning during the school year because it is so early. I end up not eating before a workout and I know my workouts suffer. In the summer, I am more likely to wake up hungry, or have time to wait until I am hungry to actually eat breakfast.
3. I don't feel rushed. I have time to stretch afterwards, which is very important for me to get in the habit of doing regularly.
I shared my summer goals last week, but I have to admit, I still feel a little all over the place with my workouts so far this summer. I thought I would share with you my first week of summer workouts. This may become a weekly thing... we'll see!
Summer Weekly Workout #1
(This is a Thurs-Wed re-cap as last Thurs was my first official day of summer!)
Thursday- 8 miles, sub 8 minute per mile pace. (This is pushing the pace for me. It was an effort.)
Friday- 30 min. HIIT on arc trainer, full body lifting
Friday- 30 min. HIIT on arc trainer, full body lifting

Saturday- 5 easy miles
Sunday- 8 miles- 8:25 pace (For me, this is a comfortable pace for this distance.)
Monday- HIIT circuits w/ a 1 mile warm up and cool down

Tuesday- Full body lifting
Wednesday- 6 miles, sub 8 minute per mile pace. (I was trying to beat the storm so my pace got faster as I went along.)
Pros: I got in 2 strength workouts, some HIIT, and kept my mileage to to an average amount- 29 mi total.
Cons: No rest day. I guess that means today is the day.
Is it is good to look back on the week and reflect. I honestly don't feel like taking a rest day tomorrow but it is the right thing to do. Hopefully I will follow through!

How many miles did you run this week?
How many strength workouts do you do in an average week?
Do you keep track of your weekly workouts?
I am so glad you get a couple months to chill out and be on your own schedule. What a super great week of workouts. Balanced + solid. Love it!!
ReplyDeleteI keep track of my workouts on a spreadsheet. Have done this for years and it just seems to work. I strength train 2 x per week (sometimes 3). Weekly mileage varies. 15 in the winter. Less in the summer because I am spending more time on my bike. I have to take advantage of the nice weather and biking! Winter in Colorado means I don't get to do very much biking during that time.
You sound very organized. Do you strength train at a gym or do you have the equipment to do it at home?
DeleteI have a bench/weights plus dumbbells at home. I also have one of those "roman chairs" but can't do a pull up so use it for ab work :) Recently I bought the body pump dvds (from Beachbody) and I love those, too!! I try to keep it interesting :)
DeleteI definitely keep track of my workouts - they are all over my blog ;)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on passing your PT test!
You sure do! Thanks, Tara! :)
DeleteAre you kidding, your first week of summer was perfect lol. Great workout week.
ReplyDeleteI will be around 23 miles this week. I don't have a dedicated strength training day. I try to do lunges and squats everyday during my work day. Seems to be working so far.
Squats and lunges are a runner's best friend! It's cool you can work them into your "work" day. I have been known to drop down to a plank position during lunch breaks.... :)
DeleteNice workouts! Our "easy" pace is really similar. If we're ever in the same state, we should run together!
ReplyDeleteNICE! I am trying to work up my speed. I am not at your caliber, for sure!
DeleteYou forgot to mention your ACE certification as something you knocked off the list in the first week!! By the way, it was so smart to get it out of the way so it isn't looming over you all summer!
ReplyDeletePS: I saw the comment about emailing you ... and I will! I've been so busy this week, but I will definitely shoot you an email this weekend :)
Haha I didn't want to mention that in EVERY blog post but it is definitely on my mind. :) No worries, I know you are busy so you just email me whenever it is convenient for you- no rush! I appreciate you taking the time to help me. :)
DeleteSummer in Florida is a cruel mistress. It's like, I COULD sleep in and do my workout later, but then it'll be pushing 100 degrees with 90% humidity...So I'm still up before the sun! This week I've been pretty lackadaisical though. My allergies have been killing me so I've only run once!
ReplyDeleteThat is DEFINITELY the down side to sleeping in- especially in FL, it seems like! I guess that's why everyone in the north visits FL in the winter??
DeleteYes sometimes it is good to do nothing productive at all! Although I would always use summer vacay for catching up on things that need to be done throughout the year, or getting ahead start on things for the following year.
ReplyDeleteI love the deck of cards workout. I actually did a blog post on that but never posted it. Someday! Enjoy your weekend Meg!
I wish I could be that proactive! I always so I will be but I'm just not. I write my first week lesson plans 2 days before the first day of school hehe.
DeleteThat must be such a great feeling to just do things on your time! I do about 2-3 strength training sessions a week...I kind of count yoga as a mini-strength workout so...:)
ReplyDeleteDefinitely count the yoga as strength!
DeleteWay to go with your workout schedule! I am so MAD at myself because I'm in Charleston for a conference this week and was supposed to get up early to do 5 miles and DIDN'T! This will be the third day in a row that I didn't get a workout in because I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I am forcing myself to get up early tomorrow to "get it."
ReplyDelete"I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off" <---- see at least you have been running!!! No seriously, don't be so hard on yourself, I know you are so busy. But I hope you get up tomorrow and GET IT because you will feel good once you do. :)
DeleteWoop-woop! Here's to a great summer! Enjoy those sleep ins/reading/eating leisurely breakfasts etc. Looks like you still got an awesome week of workouts in! I do like to track my workouts too, but the old-fashioned way or writing them down in my diary and then ticking off/updating them as I go. :)
ReplyDeleteOh I love pen to paper too! Totally my style as well.
Deletemy training/fitness has been terrible the past few weeks. so many things go wrong...sick, hurt foot, lack of interest. you sound so pumped and energized by your summer....here in florida i feel completely the opposite. i'm unmotivated and a little mad at the weather...
ReplyDeleteWhat's wrong with the FL weather??? We PA'ers had the worst summer ever. So much snow and ice. I am so ready for the scorching sun and horrible humidty (NOW I say that hahaha)
DeleteI hope you get a break soon, Karen! I know you work hard and you deserve it.
ReplyDeleteI am going to pick your brain in a week or so when I reactivate my gym membership. :D I need to do some lifting and I really want to be able to do a pull up! :D
ReplyDeleteYes! I look forward to the brain pick. And I can help you do a pull up. :)