Happy Monday!
I hope you had a great weekend.
My weekend was freaking awesome!

Normally I wake up very excited on Fridays but this morning I was a little nervous. We were having a surprise baby shower for a colleague and I wanted it to go off without a hitch. Then later on in the morning I had a formal observation by my principal. Luckily the baby shower and my observation went well. Now I don't have to worry about those things anymore!
How cute are these cupcakes? They were made by a staff member at our school!
She is so talented!
Oh, I went for my morning run in shorts because it was so warm out!
Work was crazy as normal. Not bad crazy, just "elementary school crazy".
I was so excited to go home and relax. I had blogs to write, a puzzle to finish, news shows to catch up on, and cats to cuddle!
Luckily, the cats came through for me! This was my reward for a crazy day!
From our latest trip to Buddy Boy.
Do you put BBQ chips on your salad?
We were so excited to watch the two hour episode of Big Brother but I was so tired and just did not want to stay up that late! Paul was a good sport and we decided to watch it in the morning.

Jelly woke me up at 5:31 for food! Thanks, Jelly! So I got up and did my favorite morning activities... blogging and catching up on the news!
This was the first Saturday in a long time where I had absolutely nothing on my agenda. I was thankful.
Of course that doesn't mean I didn't do anything. I went for an 8 mile run, cleaned the whole house, and finished a puzzle I was working on, and started another. We watched the two hour episode of Big Brother from the night before as well.
My run was warmish and sunny. Look what I found laying in the middle of the road... a drumstick!
And I saw a dude taking down his Christmas decorations. "Not yet!" I pleaded with him as I ran by. He laughed.
You're probably wondering why I didn't have Godspell rehearsal this weekend. Well, I quit. It's not a long story but it's not a story to tell on this blog. If you know me in real life, I'll tell you what went on in private. But the short story is I am so relieved to be out of that unhealthy situation.
Later on that night, Paul and I opened a bottle of wine, played cards, and watched the snow fall!
My SIL introduced us to a new game called Set. We always play it first because we're so bad at it and once we have a glass of wine, we really can't even focus and play it anymore!
Then we made dinner and watched Paranormal Activity 2. I don't believe in ghosts, but ghost movies SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF ME! Why!? It doesn't make sense.
For dinner, I had two bags of popcorn, butternut squash soup, and salt.
What a day! I had absolutely NO PLANS but then when I woke up I decided I'd drive up to Millersburg (my hometown) to run and go out to lunch with my mom!
Good morning, Jelly!
Good morning, Cumberland Road!
My run was awesome. I planned on 8 miles but I did 9. My hammy hurt after but it was my own fault. I really pushed my pace so I wouldn't be late for my lunch date!
My mom and I ate at The Wooden Nickle. I had french onion soup, half of my club sandwich, and several wings. I love running long and then eating well!
Then I went up to visit my Grandma. It was her birthday. She's 89 and mighty fine!!!!!!
On my way back home, I stopped to see my Grandma and Pappy and we ended up talking for 2 hours! Time flew because we were having such good conversation.
When I got home, Paul and I ate dinner and watched Paranormal Activity 3. Again, I was too tired to stay up and watch Big Brother...
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
Have you ever played Set?
Have you tried Apothic Red?
Did you get snow?
Have I asked enough questions?
Have you ever played Set?
Have you tried Apothic Red?
Did you get snow?
Have I asked enough questions?
I ran out of croutons the other day so I put Sun Chips on my salad and it was amazing!!! Those cupcakes are adorable and I am so glad the baby shower went well. We had TOO much fun this weekend. My husband and I got out for our first date night. We went to dinner and a comedy show. It was excellent. I will see you at school on Wednesday!!!
ReplyDeleteSun chips are so good! Good idea!!! Wow Wednesday? I think you have music first thing in the am. Can't wait to see ya!
DeleteI love your black and white shirt you wore on Friday. Friday was suppose to be the start of our "winter break" and we aren't suppose. To have school today either but here we are! Make up snow days!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed watching the snow fall on Saturday night and was surprised to. See it all melted by Sunday!
Thanks! It's actually a dress/tunic type thing and the whole thing is that cool black and white pattern. I haven't worn it for a couple years but I got a lot of compliments on it yesterday so I am glad I didn't get rid of it. :)
DeleteGood for you - I can't even watch scary movies anymore! I used to LOVE them, but not anymore. I'm not sure why! And also, I bet you are very relieved to have quit the play. Sounds like it was not a good place for you, so good that you aren't part of it anymore. I had to make a big decision this week too (well "big", in a relative "not big" kind of way). I turned down coaching the 5K program this spring. I had so many pros and cons going, but in the end I turned it down. The decision felt right, so that's a relief for me! Feels so good to make a choice!
ReplyDeleteI'm okay with scary just not GOREY. I think that's why the ghost movies are the ones I go for because there's never any gore. I'm glad you feel like you made a good decision in regards to coaching!
DeleteI've never put chips on a salad but maybe I will try it... it would be a good way to add crunch without say, croutons. Those cupcakes look amazing too!
ReplyDeleteI feel you on quitting Godspell. I have no clue for the reason and don't necessarily need to know, but always know your worth (not just money but also, emotional worth). I was looking at a freelance type job doing social media for a local running organization and they didn't want to pay me what I was worth- basically wanted me to volunteer and be "paid" with free race entries. Nope, not happening. Some things are just not worth our time and effort no matter what. Happiness is #1!
You can always count on Meg Go Run to give you tips for unhealthy salad toppings. :)
DeleteI agree, Happiness and DIGNITY is #1. This was bad, believe me... pretty bad.
If I need snuggles, Allie always comes through. I think she wanted me to stay home today because it's cold and snowing. When I left this morning, she was curled up next to a heat vent.
ReplyDeleteAwww cats have the life, don't they!?
DeleteLOOK AT ALL THAT SNOW! It seriously looks so beautiful. Such a contrast from the weather here. Today Adam and I walked to the beach and it was sunny and hot out. The beach was packed with people sunbathing and swimming!
ReplyDeleteThe boys cuddled up together is adorable. That's what I miss most about having multiple cats, but having just one means Cecil has to cuddle with us! :D
It was beautiful! It's the perfect kind of snow... heavy and pretty but then melted right away so we could all go about our business the next day. :) While sometimes it sucks to have very cold weather, I do like that we get to experience all 4 seasons. We will be sunbathing again eventually....
Deletehow did your observation go ? is that like your evaluation?
ReplyDeleteI started adding tortilla chips to my salad, I love the crunch and the saltiness from them.
We got snow at my parents, but it was less than here. We went to breakfast for my niece's birthday on Saturday, I love going out for breakfast!
I think my observation went well but I have my post observation meeting next week so we will see. Yes, it is like our evaluation. They watch a 40 minute less and rate our entire teaching year on it. Haha.
DeleteMmmm what did you order for bfast?