**Note: I realize more than 7 episodes of BB have aired. I AM BEHIND!!!! I'll get the next recap up on Thursday, I promise!**
Episode Four
~ Short Recap ~
Omarosa and Keshia were pissed after Chuck was voted out and they were blindsided. They thought Metta turned on them too, but it turns out he just voted wrong. He thought voting for Chuck meant he was voting for Chuck to stay. No, when you vote in the diary room, you are voting for the person you want to evict.
~ Random Thoughts ~
- Shannon's voice is so affected.
- I really like Mark McGrath.
- Why do the girls wear ugly knee high socks? Why can pretty people get away with wearing ugly clothes? On them, it is "trendy"...
- I just found out the Mettas has been arrested for domestic violence. What a piece of shit.
Like: Ross, Marissa, Mark, James, Metta, Brandi, Ariadna
Dislike: Omarosa
Neutral: Shannon, Keshia
*Note: When I say I like Metta, I mean on the SHOW. He's a piece of shit IRL.*
~ Random pic you need to see ~
Metta in the DR...
Episode Five
~ Short Recap ~
Eviction night! Ross, Marissa, Ariadna, and Brandi all wanted to backdoor Shannon. Marissa won the veto, which meant she could easily take either Keshia or Omarosa off the block and have Ross put up Shannon. But instead of that epic blindside, Keshia begged to go home because her breast milk was depleting and she had a 1 year old daughter at home. Keshia was voted out unanimously.
~ Random Thoughts ~
- What a downer episode. I don't want to watch someone quit, I want to watch a blindside!
- How about Julie Chen throwing shade at Omarosa by coughing in the intro!? Burn!
- What is Ariadna wearing!? That long striped skirt and oversized jacket... I hate how pretty people can wear anything and look good.
- How about Omarosa's Mike Pence comments!?
- Metta in the hot tub was EVERYTHING!
~ Like/Dislike/Neutral ~
Like: Ross, Marissa, Mark, James, Metta, Brandi, Ariadna
Dislike: Omarosa, Keshia
Neutral: Shannon
~ Julie's Outfit ~
It was an A...
Until I saw the shoes! Shiny blue? They should be black strappies.
Episode Six
~ Short Recap ~
The episode started with some back story on Keshia's decision to leave. The HOH comp was golfing and Ariadna beat James by .01 of a second! Immediately after the comp, the house guests started plotting against Shannon and James... who were clueless. Shannon eventually caught wind of the plot and threw herself a pity party. Ultimately, Ariadna decided to not go for the backdoor and nominate Shannon and James from the get go.
~ Random Thoughts ~
- I think I love everything about Omarosa. I love hating her, I love laughing at her, I love being annoyed by her, I love being entertained by her, I love watching her play the victim, I love watching her stir shit up, I love watching her be ridiculous... Guys, I am ENTERTAINED by Omarosa!
- It is hilarious when they play the "dummy music" for Metta.
- Metta cockblocking Shannon by not leaving the HOH room was a GREAT TACTIC!
- Apparently James comes off as a big douche on the live feeds, and he comes off a little douchey on the show, but I really think he is a nice guy and I loved his pep talk to Shannon while she was crying in bed.
- What in the world was Ariadna wearing at the nomination ceremony?
- Omarosa looks AWESOME in her black and white dress she wears in the intro.
~ Like/Dislike/Neutral ~
Like: Ross, Marissa, Mark, James, Metta, Brandi, Ariadna, Omarosa
Dislike: Shannon
Neutral: None
Episode Seven
~ Short Recap ~
Shannon was very hurt to be nominated for eviction. The house guests consoled her and she cried. Shannon and James both fought hard to win the Black Box veto and James ultimately came out on top. Omarosa stirred things up by lying to James and then lying about lying. Even so, when James took himself off the block, Ariadna went with the safe choice and put Mark in his place. At the live eviction, the house guests were surprised with messages from home. Shannon was voted out 5-1 (Brandi voted for Mark) and the infamous wall HOH comp began before the show ended.
~ Random Thoughts ~
- When Omarosa came into the bedroom and Shannon asked her to leave, she said, "I will not be dismissed," and it was hilarious. LADIES we need to be more like this!
- Omarosa is so condescending and it is hilarious.
- I love that the producers are having fun with the show just like they do in the regular seasons. The bit with Marissa and Ross watching James shower was hilarious.
~ Funniest parts of the episode ~
- Metta and his owl was EVERYTHING!
- Brandi combing her hair extensions during the James/Omarosa fight.
- Metta in the DR blaming Shannon for not evicting him week one so he could go home and see his wife.
- Omarosa losing her pants during the veto comp.
~ Like/Dislike/Neutral ~
Like: Ross, Marissa, Mark, James, Metta, Brandi, Ariadna, Omarosa
Dislike: Shannon
Neutral: None
~ Julie's Outfit ~
I love it all! I know this picture doesn't do it justice.
But what is the weird dot on the upper left side of her necklace? Why is that there?
Tell me your thoughts on Celebrity Big Brother so far!
Did you like Julie's blue shirt?
What do you think of Omarosa?
Who are you rooting for?
I actually did love Julie's blue shirt - but I was fixated on that strapless bra she had underneath it because it was sheer! I did not care for the silky dress. Made her chest look floppy :) I would not want to get into any sort of confrontation with Omarosa. She can really make you feel shamed no matter if you are right or wrong! She is fierce! I want Ross to win.
ReplyDeleteI did not notice the strapless bra! Yah her chest did look floppy. Okay, maybe I don't like the pink dress haha. Right now I was Ross or Ariadna to win.
DeleteI have not seen Big Brother, but help me understand... is the goal to get people eliminated? and be the last one left? how do they win? what do they do while they are there? just hang out?
ReplyDeleteI don't like that second dress on Julie, it looks like a nightgown for sleeping... so very 2005.
I swear the second dress looked better in person! I have a blog post ready detailing why you should watch Big Brother and what it is all about. I'm going to post it within the next two weeks. It will answer all your qs! But the short answers are- yes, you vote people out of the house and you want to be the last person left. :)