Do not worry, there are no graphic pictures in this post! After Jelly left me a "present" the morning of my last day of school, it got me thinking about all of the kitty's encounters with rodents. I can think of four, but I bet there are many more that I just don't know about!
1. Chrissy's first blood was when he killed a vole outside. We used to take the kitties out to "play" in the back yard. Well, of course Chrissy found a little vole to mess with. I made Paul deal with the situation.
2. Years ago, I heard the cats going nuts in the bedroom. I also heard something scurrying and squeaking. I shut the bedroom door and yelled for Paul to come take care of it. I still don't know what happened and I don't want to! I am assuming a little mouse lost it's life! (Can you see a pattern? I keep making Paul deal with these things!)
3. The BIGGEST rodent issue we ever experienced can be read about in my Domestic Forensics post. Let's just say I woke up to some major blood spatter evidence but no body. A few days later, one of the cats shed a claw that was bloody and had little grey hairs stuck to it. You can see the picture here if you want. I assume they massacred a little rodent. I looked all over the house and still don't know what happened to the body.
4. Last Monday, I woke up feeling extremely happy. It was the last day of school for the summer and everything was magical... until I saw Jelly laying on the rug by the back door. I went over to pet him and when he got up to run away, I saw it. A dead mouse on the rug. I gasped and tried to figure out what to do. Paul was sleeping so I picked up the rug, threw the mouse outside (without touching it), and left the rug by our trash cans. Paul could figure out what to do with it later. I did not find any more evidence until later in the day. Jelly had dried blood on his front legs! Then the next morning when I woke up, I found some little blood droplets on the floor that I missed the day before.
Fun fact: The day Jelly left that little mouse as a present, an HVAC guy from SECCO came to check out our air conditioning unit. It was making a lot of noise. It turned out to be MOUSE BONES in the unit! Ugh!!!
The moral of the story is, our house has become a kill zone for unsuspecting mice.
Can you believe these two babies could hurt a fly!?

Any stories you want to share? Nothing too sad or gross, please!!!
Certainly can't let the cuteness fool you! But I would so happy they are doing their job of keeping the mice and other critters away! So, we always have had a lab and labs like birds so both Cuervo and Macy will bring them to you. And they won't drop them unless it's in your hand. Not fun. One time I was walking Cuervo and all of a sudden I looked down at her and she was carrying a dead bird in her mouth. She obviously didn't kill it but it was laying there and she decided to pick it up and was just casually walking like nothing ever changed. Needless to say, that bird had to wind up in my hand before we could move on with our walk :(
ReplyDeleteOh man, Cuervo!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is disgusting but also hilarious. I can just picture you walking just a beautiful happy go lucky lab with a gross bird in her mouth. :)
DeleteYou are an amazing dog mom. I seriously bow down to you. I don't think I could take a dead bird into my hand!!
DeleteIt was both disgusting and hilarious. I wish I could see a video of my reaction! Thank you, Kristina. Believe me, I yelled "out" and "drop it" a million times but I knew deep down she was just waiting for my open hand.
DeleteMouse bones! Wow!!!
ReplyDeleteCecil has never had an opportunity to get a mouse, but he has had plenty of lizards (I guess this is the difference between PA living and FL living haha). He doesn't seem to undertand when they have died because he keeps trying to play with their dead bodies. UGH. Adam deals with it just like Paul! I can't!
Does he get the lizards outside or inside???
DeleteInside! Where we are now he rarely has an opportunity, but we used to live in a condo with a screened in balcony. He LOOOOVVVVEEEDDDD laying out in the sun on the balcony, but there was a tiny hole in the screen where lizards could get in. Unfortunately they never made it out. RIP!
DeleteEw!! Having lizards in my house would freak me out! Not like I like having mice but I only ever saw the dead one. What I really hate are those thousand leggers. Those are just horrible.
DeleteI actually quite like small rodents (because I'm a nut) so this post makes me sad. Cats will be cats, though! I'm glad Jelly and Chrissy get to exercise their natural instincts and go hunting once in awhile! It might be funny to tally their kills; you have some serial killers a la Dexter on your hands!
ReplyDeleteLOL well only a couple bloody incidents in their ten years so that's not so bad. It makes me sad too, I don't want any of the mice to get hurt.
DeleteAwwww the bunny. :( I would have cried my eyes out.