Kristen @ Sweat Courage started a new blog series- 10 Day You Challenge.
Today is 7 Wants!
Obviously, there are many serious things I want. A clean bill of health for Paul, world Peace, my cats to live forever... you know, that type of stuff. I will instead go the more practical, tangible route and tell you about some actual "things" I want/need.
1. A new lawn mower. We have been borrowing our friends' lawn mower for the past several weeks but we need to get our own. The one I am using now is electric- which is very interesting. I am actually getting really good at navigating around the two long extension cords I need to mow my lawn. My neighbors probably think I'm crazy but I have mastered the art of flipping the flippin' extension cord out of my way! When we get a new one, an electric one isn't out of the running- it's much lighter to push!
2. A pull up bar for at home. If I had one, I bet I could get away with only going to Planet Fitness once a week. Think of all the episodes of Nancy Grace I could catch up on if I could do pull ups at home!
3. Mizuno Wave Rider 15s. Unfortunately, they don't make them anymore. I hated the 16s and didn't even try the 17s. Maybe I should try barefoot running? Just kidding. But seriously, I need to figure out my shoe situation within the next month or so.
4. More cats and/or dogs. I love my cats with all my heart, but there is always more love to go around! I would love to get two more cats and a dog. The only problem is, the cats would get insanely jealous seeing the dog go outside to use the bathroom. And I am not sure I want to put Christmas and Jelly through that! They don't even like when Paul and I go outside. They feel jilted.
5. A motor home! Okay, I am going a bit over the top with this one but I don't care! How awesome would it be to travel around the country with Paul and the cats all summer long? We would have the time of our lives!
6. I want to move to Colorado. We love it there.
7. Front row tickets to a Madonna concert. It has been my dream since high school! However, I have been lucky enough to go to two of her concerts... just not in the front row!

If you could have front row tickets to any concert, what would it be?
If you could have any piece of gym equipment for you home, what would you pick?