After a few solid 5 mile runs this past week, an 8 miler on Saturday and a 6 miler on Sunday, running Boston on April 21st is suddenly starting to look like it could be possible
and not simply a pipe dream.
Key word: POSSIBLE.
Not probable.
Not likely.
I’m not counting
on it.
I still have time to decide. My hotel can be canceled with 24 hour notice, although I will know
my final decision two weeks (or more) before that!
I just want you all to know I am not delusional and I am not
getting my hopes up. But if you were in this situation, I am sure you would be
grasping for a healthy way to make running Boston an option.
I stress healthy. I do
not want to run Boston in pain. I do not want to run it and then be injured all
summer. Running Boston is important to me but it is not so important I want to struggle
with an injury all over again.
Counting today, there are 35 days until the race. That’s not much
time to go from 8 miles to 26.2 miles, but I am sure crazier things have been
done before. And my doctor claims I have a “brand new knee”, so that’s a plus, right!?
Another thing to think about... Boston has a strict 6:30:00 time limit, but that still doesn't mean I can't walk/run it. Even if I ran the first 20 miles at a 10 minute pace (which is about 2 minutes slower than my "normal" pace), I would still have over 3 hours to walk the last 6.2 miles. Or I could run 18 miles and walk the last 8.2. No, it is not ideal, but if I were to find myself in a pickle during the race and wonder whether I should continue running or not, it's good to know I could finish by walking and still make the cut off.
You can see I am looking for any possible way for me to do this race!!!!
Another thing to think about... Boston has a strict 6:30:00 time limit, but that still doesn't mean I can't walk/run it. Even if I ran the first 20 miles at a 10 minute pace (which is about 2 minutes slower than my "normal" pace), I would still have over 3 hours to walk the last 6.2 miles. Or I could run 18 miles and walk the last 8.2. No, it is not ideal, but if I were to find myself in a pickle during the race and wonder whether I should continue running or not, it's good to know I could finish by walking and still make the cut off.
You can see I am looking for any possible way for me to do this race!!!!
Let’s look at the Boston Training Plan I posted back in December…
I was so excited, I even made this cute little picture...

Look at it. It's full of such inspiration and hope!
Then I posted my "Marathon Long Run Training Plan" because I was just
going to run whatever I wanted during the week...

Let's just all take a minute and LAUGH at all this!
We all know those runs didn't happen!
(The Arby's was just once, I swear!)
Last week I was at the point where I felt like I should come up with some sort of plan to see if Boston was even possible. I came up with something, and I think if I can make it through the runs without pain and without getting injured, I could do Boston. Of course this "plan" will probably be altered along the way, but I just wanted to draw something up.
Here is what I figured out, as far as long runs are concerned...
Here is what I figured out, as far as long runs are concerned...
Meg's Really Short Boston Training Plan
Week 1- Long Run = 8 miles (completed successfully)
Week 2- Long Run = 12 miles
Week 3- Long Run = 15 miles
Week 4- Long Run = 18-20 miles
Week 5- Long Run = 12 miles
Week 6- RACE
I'm sure some of you are interested in the nitty gritty mid week runs as well. Don't worry... here it is!
**Note: "Rest" means lower body rest day. I will still be doing my upper body lifting mixed in with this. Also, my mid week runs may change, but I feel like the long runs are non negotiable!
I'm sure some of you are interested in the nitty gritty mid week runs as well. Don't worry... here it is!
**Note: "Rest" means lower body rest day. I will still be doing my upper body lifting mixed in with this. Also, my mid week runs may change, but I feel like the long runs are non negotiable!
Obviously, all this planning could blow up in my face. And it probably will. It's extremely possible that I attempt a 12 miles run on Sunday and realize it's not going to work. But I have to try right!? I will not be happy if I have to pull out of Boston, but at least I will know I gave it a go.
I broke my ankle in September of you remember that? It was a clean fracture and the one rule was no running or anything that would displace the bone. I was crushed. I was one week from the Army Ten Miler and three weeks from the Marine Marathon. I had to scrap the Ten Miler and defer the marathon. Being stubborn, I signed up for the Disney World Marathon in January of 09. I listened to the ortho folks and did not run at all. I did tons of swimming and PT. When I was cleared to run in late November, I had around six weeks to train for Disney. I started slow but quickly built to one 19 mile run. You and Deb ran with me. I went on to run Disney and had my best ever marathon time. It was even good enough to Boston qualify!!!! I think the big difference is surgically repaired knees might be a bit more quirky that naturally healed fractures. The "safe" thing is to defer Boston till next year but that does not make it the right or the only answer. Train until you absolutely have to make a decision and then decide. Be honest about any unusual pain and do what you know will work with you :) good luck!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI DO remember that, Donna. Oh how I remember that! You are an amazing, strong runner. Unfortunately, I can't defer Boston until next year. I would have to re- qualify and all that jazz... and that might be what happens! I hope I bounce back like you did.
DeleteWe runners are so crazy. We are all such planners! I like that you have a very healthy outlook. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. I am sending good thoughts your way!!!
ReplyDeleteHaha I haven't planned for anything in sooooo long! Thanks for the positive vibes. :)
DeleteThis plan doesn't look insane to me at all. It's not as if you lost a lot of fitness and are starting from the bottom. Your knee is, but the other parts of you are not. I also know that you know your body well and listen to it closely (so many athletes don't). So I wouldn't be worried about you pushing too hard.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I see missing is any sort of rest before the marathon, but I know that super speed isn't your goal. I did my first marathon at a 12:30 pace. Yeah, you read that correctly. I can WALK faster than I ran it. LOL But, I finished in just over 5:30 or something (do math, I don't). If you just want to finish . . . I think you can. Easily. I mean, right before that first marathon, I barfed and had vertigo at the end of the ONLY 20 miler I had ever done. I was too terrified to do anything else and so I stopped running from that point on to the marathon. I didn't die or injure myself. The aftermath wasn't pretty, but it was done. :D
I think you can handle this. And I think your plan is solid. Barring anything unforeseen, I think you've sooo got this.
Thank you for your input! Honestly the mid week mileage I pulled out of my ass. I think my knee standing the long runs is the important part. As far as rest, do you mean maybe my last long run shouldn't be 12 but more like 8?
DeleteHow do I make this notify me when you post?! I need to figure this out.
DeleteI don't look at midweek mileage. I didn't even see it in your plan! Haha! Seriously. That first marathon I ran? I ONLY did long runs. Stupid, but it works.
Yes to the last long run being a bit shorter. BUT, that's totally up to you. I'm saying that you COULD shorten it and be perfectly fine. You know your body best and you know how you work training for a marathon best. :D You've so got this!
I am not sure- there COULD be a little box asking if you want to be notified, or maybe blogger does not offer this. OR maybe I have to enable it somehow but I don't know how! Haha. I plan on writing a blog post listing all my blog design/format/techy questions that I don't know how to do. I google stuff but half the time I do what they say and it doesn't work!! I did something similar for my first marathon- ellipticaled all week and did long runs on the weekend. I will definitely take into consideration a shorter last run. Normally it is only eight miles. If my 20 feels good, I guess there is no point in doing a 12, right?? :)
DeleteI am in the exact same position as you except the race I was training for has a strict 6 hour cut off and I am scared to death. My mind says I could do it even if I have to hobble, but my body says otherwise. It's hard to make that decision. I have my fingers crossed that this all works out for you!
ReplyDeleteDangggg what race are you training for? I am sorry I mix you sisters up and I don't always know who is commenting! I know one of you is doing Boston, right?
DeleteHave you thought about maybe doing a walk/run for Boston, meaning run a mile, walk a quarter, repeat or maybe a little walking every few miles??
ReplyDeleteYup, definitely a possibility. I never did a race that way before but I could practice it with my 20 miler.
DeleteThanks for the suggestion!
DeleteThat is kind of how I have been running lately... I think in the long run (pun intended!) it will be much better for me and that I can possible do longer distances at some point. Good luck. I know you have the determination to do whatever you set your mind to!
DeleteI think this seems like a fair plan, especially for someone who is already in fairly good condition. Could I do it in this short a time? No way. But I think you've got the right mindset (health first!) and determination.
ReplyDeleteIf you can't run it this year, can you defer to next year? Will they let you?
Thank you Ali, I value your opinion! Unfortunately, I can't defer. I'd lose my $$$ and have to re-qualify... which I may have to do. I just don't want to- waaaah!
DeleteThank you for sharing your full training plan! I think it looks absolutely realistic given your current fitness/running level.
ReplyDeleteAlso, just a random thing but I clicked through to your first blog post and I am really bad about washing my fruit first too. The only fruit I always wash are grapes! Oops.
I was wondering what you would think! I wish I had a running coach to tell me what to do! Oh I got so good at washing my fruit and veggies this past summer but now I have reverted to old habits. My mom would kill me!
DeleteMeg, come help me plan and organize! This plan is very realistic. You are such a well seasoned athlete that I believe you can definitely finish the marathon whether it be run or run/walk. I would do the exact same thing as you if I were in your position. Good luck on your runs this week :) I'm so excited!
ReplyDeleteThank you Heather for the confidence boost! I think you have your runs planned perfectly, though! ;) I so hope my knee cooperates on these runs! But most of all, I wish I didn't obsess about it 2/47!
DeleteI think that it's great you're being so positive and have put together such a good plan, which does seem doable to me. The way I always see it is you can always try and if you can't, you can't...but at least you tried!
ReplyDeleteYup, if I have to pull out, I want to at least know I was making the right decision!
DeleteYou should do what works for you and it looks like you are. The plans look great! I hope you will be able to run and I am so happy that you are being wise about your training. You are so honest and have thought this through. If you have to walk, that is great! You are doing Boston and if you can't do it this year, there is ALWAYS next year! Do what is in your heart! I love how you said you don't want to run Boston just to be injured all summer - such a wise decision! Cheering you on!!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I just have to listen to my body and hopefully it will tell me what I can or can't handle. :) Thank you for rooting for me. :)
DeleteI really hope it works out for you!! I really do! I just did my first beach run in nearly two months since the half marathon. Felt so good to be out there again despite feeling just a tiny bit of pain in the calf/shin. The good news is does feel like it's healing. No long pavement runs for me anymore! :)
ReplyDeleteThis is AWESOME news, Tonya!!! I am so glad you are clearly healing. I'm very, very excited and happy for you!
DeleteThank you for the encouraging words! Yes, taking my time and going easy is very important. I don't think I could go hard and finish.