Thanks to Snowmegeddon, I got a lot of lifting done this week as well as treadmill runs. This gal isn't afraid of the COLD but she is afraid of the SLIP!
Saturday- Lifted back @ home. We were snowed in!
Band Asst. Pull Ups- 5x6
Bicycle Crunches- 4x40
Row- 5x10x25lb
Band Asst. Pull Ups (Neutral Grip)- 4x8
Stability Ball Pull Ins- 3x15
Bicep Curls- 3x10x15lb
Plank w/ Row- 3x10x10lb
Sunday- Lifted chest @ home. Day #2 of Snowmageddon. I did it in a weird ladder style...
Chest Press- 15x15lb, 12x20lb, 10x25lb, 8x30lb, 8x30lb, 10x25lb, 12x20lb, 15x15lb
**Note: My left arm is stronger than my right arm! My right was shaking during the last two reps of my 30lb lifts.**
Push Ups- 10, 8, 6, 4, 4, 6, 8, 10
Bicycle Crunches- 4x40
Shoulder Press- 4x10x20lb
Stability Ball Pull Ins- 4x15
Tricep Dips- 3x15
Chrissy is my personal trainer.

I decided to read during rest breaks. Maybe that's why I didn't really break a sweat...
Monday- Boy was I sore from two days of lifting and shoveling! I braved the roads and drove to Planet Fitness for a treadmill workout.
Tuesday: My plan was to go to the gym and run again, but there was black ice on the roads so I decided to stay home. It was too soon to lift again, so I did a circuit workout at my house. It was exhausting!
Wednesday- Steady state treadmill run. 5 miles @ 8:19 pace. I cooled down with a little bit of walking. I was bored the whole time. And I was in pain! Those kettlebell swings from the day before kicked my ass!
Thursday- I scoped out a loop in my neighborhood that wasn't icy so I got to run OUTSIDE! The other good part is that I got to do it in the bright sunshine because we had a two hour delay. The bad part about this run is that every step was torture. Those kettlebell swings gave me some long lasting DOMS!
Avg Pace: 8:37
Splits: Pretty consistent.
Friday- A 3 miler and a short upper body workout @ home. I have to admit something. I didn't plan on running that morning but I "felt fat". Feeling fat is a horrible reason to run, but I did it. Even though the reason for my running wasn't good, my actual run felt great. What a difference a day makes when you have DOMS!
Splits: 6:49, 8:14, 8:13
What is up with my first mile? I think there was something wrong with my Garmin, I am serious. I felt good, but I don't think I felt that good!
Unassisted Pull Ups- 4 <--- need to work back up to 7!
Band Asst. Pull Ups- 4x6
Row- 5x10x25lb
Bicycle Crunches- 4x40
Stability Ball Knee Tuck- 3x15
Bicep Curls- 3x10x15lb
Band Asst. Pull Ups (neutral grip)- 3x8, 1x6

How were your workouts this week?
Do you ever run extra when you "feel fat"?