Logging food is not for everyone. Certainly not for a year and a half straight. But logging answered a lot of questions for me, such as...
Am I eating the right amount of calories? I like to fall within a certain range
depending on my workout for the day.
What is my macro nutrient breakdown? Again, I aim for a certain range for each,
depending on my workout for the day.
Logging also held me accountable. Each and every night I had to stare in the face the number of calories I consumed via ice cream.

Ummmm... why did I never think to do this?
Over the past few months, I have gotten very lax with my logging and eventually stopped. There are several reasons for this. First, I was super busy, and some nights I chose 5 minutes of extra sleep over 5 minutes of logging food. Second, I was a bit stressed and didn’t give a damn about keeping track of my calories for the day.
I've come to a realization during these past couple months of not logging. I normally fall within my desired range of calories and macro nutrient breakdowns whether I log my food or not. I have established good habits, eat a lot of the same foods, and have developed a routine. That being said, I have allowed more of a variety into my diet now that I don't log. But I still eat chicken breast out the wazoo. That will never change!
I have seen no significant change (for the worse) in my performance, energy level, and body over the past couple months, so I think my nutrition has been pretty good, even if I’m not logging.
I have seen no significant change (for the worse) in my performance, energy level, and body over the past couple months, so I think my nutrition has been pretty good, even if I’m not logging.
Slowly, I am letting go of this “control” thing I have with my food. I think logging was very helpful to me for a long time, but I no longer feel bound to it. I think it has served its purpose for me, and I am sort of organically just letting the habit fall to the wayside. That is not to say I won't ever log my calories again. But for now, I don't feel I need to. Plus, it is more fun to allow myself to eat a larger variety of foods!

(Ha! I wish! I still would rather be in control!)

Have you ever logged your food?
Do you find it to be helpful to you are does it make you obsessive?
How yummy does that Pop Tart ice cream sandwich look?
How yummy does that Pop Tart ice cream sandwich look?