We had a three day weekend due to the Easter holiday so since Thursday was my "Friday", I'm including it in this post!
My workout was an upper body lifting session, but I can't remember exactly what I did because I waited to long to type this up! You know I am a creature of habit, so picture what I do for all my other lifting sessions and that's probably what I did- minus the glute stuff, to be nice to the pain in my ass!
Work was so busy. It was beautiful outside and I just couldn't wait until 3:40 so I could go out into the beautiful sunshine!
Does your S.O. send you funny texts or emails throughout the day? Paul sometimes comes up with a zinger. I got an email with this picture attached. The text is below...
"March 24th, 2016 - Water bowl incident at 10:52am. Suspects: Christmas and/or Jelly. The water bowl was moved 3 feet away from it's normal position. This happened 8 minutes before their feeding time. An act of rebellion?
Detective Cooney: I think this was a 2 man job. Christmas and Jelly both moved the bowl off of the towel. Jelly took it from there. Notice, there wasn't a lot of water on the floor. Only a swift and agile kitty like Jelly could move the bowl 3 feet without spilling a lot of water.
Christmas and jelly will plead their case in kitty court soon."
He is so funny!!!
After work, my friends came over for Girls Night. We are all music teachers, so we had a lot of things in common to talk about. Unfortunately, there are no pictures because I was having too much fun to take pictures!
I slept hard on Friday morning and didn't crawl out of bed until Jelly woke me up at 11. After some coffee, I geared up for my "test the waters" run. I am excited to tell you that I was able to run 5 miles with zero pain before, during, and after the run.
After my run, Paul and I went to our favorite diner for breakfast. Then we walked off the bacon with a beautiful 5 mile hike on the Appalachian Trail. We started at Boiling Springs and did an out and back. Despite being on chemo, he has been feeling really good. He's trying to incorporate exercise back into his life.
When I got home, a package had arrived!
My friend Donna sent me Bernie Sanders socks! My feet are Feelin' the Bern!!!
That evening, I had dinner and a puzzle!
Hot air balloons pair well with a turkey burger salad.
I slept hard again but managed to roll out of bed at 10. Then Paul and I headed to the Conewago Trail. The plan was for me to run 8 easy miles and him to walk 4 miles. I ended up only running 6 and walking 2 due to feeling that pain in my ass. It wasn't a pain that was unbearable to run through, I just wanted to be cautious since my race is a week away.
I was feeling down about it, but Paul cheered me up. "It's good you stopped," he said. "Today's run isn't important but your race is important," he said. I can always count on him for support.
I will be honest, I was a little blue for the rest of the day. Paul was hanging out with a friend and I was at home alone. Normally I like alone time, but that pain in my ass had me worried and being alone just had me blue. I was craving a vanilla milkshake so that is exactly what I got. A yummy end to a yucky day.
You will notice I always wear this "outfit". It is my favorite pjs outfit. When I sleep, I take the pants and sweatshirt off and just wear the nightie.

My brother called me in the morning and I got to talk to him, so that was a nice treat! He informed me he started barefoot running, which is quite interesting. He only does it in the grass though. He says it gives him zero aches and pains. This is not something I am going to try anytime soon, but I am thrilled that it works for him!
Then instead of running like I wanted to, I had a lifting session at home.
Pull Ups- 1x4
Band Asst. Wide Grip Pull Up- 4x6
Row- 4x8x25lb, 1x10x25lb
Bicycle Crunches- 5x40
Band Asst. Neutral Grip Pull Ups- 4x8
Stability Ball Pull Ins- 5x15
Bicep Curls- 5x10x20lb
Plank w/ Row- 5x10x10lb
Easter was celebrated at my parent's house, as it is every year. They still get us Easter baskets and mine had some electrolyte jelly beans in it!
There was an egg hunt. My nieces, Ellie and Clementine rocked it in their new Easter hats!
On our way home, we stopped to visit my Grandma. She has been working on a puzzle that she just could not seem to finish. She had a couple pieces in the wrong spot, so I helped her fix it up and she insisted I finish it because she had quite enough of it. My Grandma is the person who got me into puzzles. Ever since she sent Paul and I home with a 100 piece puzzle a little over a year ago, I have been addicted! I dedicate my love of puzzles to her!
When we got home, we ate dinner, watched Survivor, and I did a puzzle (of course!). Can you think of a better way to end a long weekend I can't!
If you celebrate, what did you do on Easter Sunday?
Have you ever hiked on the AT?
What is the craziest pair of socks you own?