Remember how I promised you a proper weekend wrap up this week? Well, you're about to get it! Caution: This post is pretty long. In fact, if you decide to just scroll through and look at the pictures, I wouldn't blame you!
Happy Monday!
Friday started with a 2 hour delay. Delays always are a little weird... my eating is off, my timing is off... it's just strange. The students celebrated Valentine's Day in their own classrooms, but I did get some treats dropped off in my room! Look at this cute sweet tart box a student decorated for me...
And look at this cute poster a student got me! They sort of know I love cats. I hung it up behind my desk right away!

After work, Paul gave me my Valentine's present. (I left him his card before I went to work in the morning.) It was a Powerpoint presentation with pictures of us and the cats. It also had really sweet things written about us and our life together. I bet I was the only gal who got a POWERPOINT for Valentine's Day!
Our big Friday night plans were grocery shopping (What else!?) and Kohl's. I had a 30% coupon, and even though we didn't need anything, we just had to go and look around. We left with nothing, but we almost left with a Keurig.

And now, Paul and I are in the midst of "The Great Keurig Debate of 2014." Long story short, I want one and he doesn't. I researched the pros and cons of the machines and to me, the pros far outweigh the cons. With my coupon, I could get one for about $80. Paul is against it, but gave me full "permission" to get one if I want one. I can tell he thinks it's a waste of money so I am going to think about it some more. If any of you have strong opinions about Keurigs (good or bad) please feel free to share!
When we got home, we had our nightly scotch & Deal date.
Then we made homemade "healthy" General Tso's chicken! Chicken breast, broccoli, sweet peppers, quinoa, and Wegman's General Tso's sauce! This is going to be my dinner from now on until we run out of ingredients.

When we were grocery shopping, we got some amazing ice cream, which I ate too much of for dessert. I went to bed feeling fat and depressed. Not good. I am not doing as much cardio as normal but I have not decreased the amount of ice cream I eat. For shame.
The bane of my existence...
The view from our window.
I counted shoveling my sidewalk and driveway as a warm up for my workout that afternoon. Then I headed to Planet Fitness. Look what is new there...

Stair climbers. I'm sure you've seen these before.

It's called the Crossfit 360. It has kettle bells, medicine balls, resistance bands, monkey bars, ropes, TRX suspension thingies (Don't know the proper term!), a trampoline, cables, and adjustable platforms to jump onto!
My workout did not include any of the new equipment except the medicine balls. This is what a girl with a bum knee does at the gym...
I know I talk about lifting heavy weights. This is heavy for me. Believe me!
After the gym I was sad to see we didn't have any chicken made. No chicken? No problem!
Mmm... 1 whole egg, 3 egg whites, broccoli, tomato, and deli turkey.
I then put on my "nice pajamas" because I knew I would probably be in for the day. Remember how I said I enjoy seeing pictures of other bloggers on their blogs? Well here is a pic of me. I'm in my jammies 90% of the time so that is probably why I don't include pictures of myself all the time! But here ya go!
I use the term "nice pajamas" very loosely.
Oh, you noticed I have pictures now? We realized our video camera also
can take still photographs! Lucky for us! Now we don't have to buy a new camera!
Oh, you noticed I have pictures now? We realized our video camera also
can take still photographs! Lucky for us! Now we don't have to buy a new camera!
After my omelette (and sweet potatoes, not shown) I'm going to be honest with you. I got depressed. Ever since my knee hurt after my stint on the arc trainer on Friday, I have gotten really down in the dumps about my recovery. I was feeling pretty low Saturday afternoon. Part of it is that I have so much energy and no way to expend it. I mean, my workout was hard. I was tired when I left the gym. But after a shower and food and a few minutes on the couch, I'm ready to go again. Well, my lower body was. But I can't do anything but lay on the couch. Ugh. It feels like every day is the couch.
A phone call from a friend put me in better spirits. We were invited to their place for dinner on Sunday night. I headed to the kitchen to make The Best Pumpkin Cookies You Will Ever Eat to take with us. They turned out better than normal, but I have no clue why, since I used the same recipe I always use!
Saturday night was rough. My husband had a rough night, to say the least. It's times like these when I realize my stupid knee and "feeling fat" and wanting a Keurig are the DUMBEST THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT in the grand scheme of things. I type my Weekend Wrap Up as the weekend goes along, not all at once on Sunday night. And when I went back and read all of the stuff I wrote earlier in the day on Saturday, I wanted to delete it all. Why the hell am I complaining up the small stuff when all I need is a healthy husband, the kitties, a job, and a warm bed?
My husband still didn't feel great Sunday morning, but started to improve throughout the day. However, all plans were cancelled. No dinner with friends, no gym, no anything. We just holed up in the house and took it easy for the day. Don't worry, I took good care of him and waited on him hand and foot. I'm not a nurse, but I'm really good at fetching things and making my man feel comfortable! Let's just say we watched a lot of Seinfelds.
While he napped, I took my mind off things by going to CartoonizeMyPet. Check out my creations...
Do anything fun this weekend? As you can tell, ours was a wear your PJs type of weekend...
Do you have Keurig? What are your thoughts?
Have you seen Boogie Nights?
You're totally going to Cartoonize your pet now, right?
We have a keurig, I need it in my life. Honestly, I drink 1 cup of coffee a day and he drinks maybe 1-2 a week so it's perfect for us. It can be uneconomical if you drink a ton but it's fantastic for single cups. My in-laws and parents and sister-in-law have all bought them since becoming obsessed with ours.
ReplyDeleteI do drink a lot of coffee but I was thinking of only using it for the mornings when I can savor a cup... not when I chug one on the way to the gym. :)
DeleteWe had a "comfy" type of weekend too! I guess that's just what you do when you have all this snow lurking outside. I don't drink coffee so I don't have Kurig but we did have one at work and I would use it sometimes to make chai tea!
ReplyDeleteOoh I wish we had one at work!
DeleteMy husband loves his Keurig. I don't drink coffee but I like to have apple cider. I love using the Keurig because it warms the water up. I like it better than warming the water up in the microwave.
ReplyDeleteI hope your husband is feeling better!!
Also - thank you for your comment on my last post. It was very sweet and thoughtful!
ReplyDeleteI meant it!
DeleteI also love my pj's! I am in them 98% of the time since my job is Alice and she does not care what I look like.
ReplyDeleteI need a job like that! But I do wear leggings to school and they *feel* like pjs to me. :)
DeleteI definitely spent most of my weekend in pajamas too, and I went out for coffee with my running partner from home in sweatpants and a tshirt. No shame. Also, I have a single-cup Keurig brewer and I absolutely love it! Hope you have a great week. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Marissa! PJs rock!
DeleteI have one of the Mini personal Keurig's. They don't have a water reservoir. You simply add water to your cup, dump it into the machine and it makes enough coffee/tea for that sized cup.
Adam doesn't drink coffee or tea, so this is perfect for me since all I ever need is one serving. I think it's the cheapest of the Keurig's too at less than $100. I really love it.
On the weekends I live in my running clothes :) After I go running I just put on a clean running outfit. I'm pretty sure running tights are just the best things ever invented. I wish I could live in them 24/7!
Hope your husband is feeling better today!
I saw the mini ones but the regular one was only $20 more so I figured if I got one, I might as well get the reg one. But I don't think I'm going to get one for now. Maybe I will wait for next Christmas or something. :)
DeleteI have a Keurig as well. I love mine, but my mother hates using it. She has to have a gigantic cup of coffee, which means she has to make two regular cups, though. I also have a basket for my own coffee and never spend money on the K-Cups. My dad has one as well and they do use the K-Cups. It's pretty nice for tea.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info! I enjoy a gigantic cup of coffee so maybe it's not for me...
DeleteWe never had delays when I lived up north. How do those work?
ReplyDeleteThat omelet looks seriously amazing. And I love your PJ pics! I love staying in pajamas all day.
I'm sorry you've been feeling bad about your recovery. It totally sucks and can make you feel like a bump on a log, but you WILL recover and you'll come back stronger than ever. Don't give up hope! Maybe you can try swimming or pool running in the meantime?
If the weather is bad and they want to delay school opening to give the plow trucks time to make it safer, all staff and students will get a call saying we'll operate on a 2 hour delay... so instead of being at work a 7:55, I go in at 9:55. And we don't have to make up delays. If we have off an entire day for snow, we make up the day.
DeleteI really wish I could make you feel better. :) When I am down I hug Lola. She always understands.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't live without my keurig. For real. And, I have a poster just like that except with dogs wearing hats and scarves...lol. super cute! I think that powerpoint was the sweetest gift ever!
That's funny that you have a similar poster! My kitty cats make me feel better, too! And wine. ;)
DeleteI'm torn on the keurig thing. One the one hand, there are so many options and you can add a lot of variety. On the other hand, I drink a LOT of coffee, so I'd feel super wasteful throwing away all those little plastic cups. And I also like only having to prep my coffee once for the morning.
ReplyDeleteI heard that they have reusable ones that you can put your own coffee in!
DeleteI like your nice pajamas ;) But seriously. I imagine two hour delays are weird but I wish we had that some days! I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend!
ReplyDeleteOh yah, I should'n't complain at ALL about a delay. 2 less hours of work and 2 more hours of sleep?? Yes please!
DeleteI think the Keurig is a great concept, but it wouldn't be worth it FOR ME. I don't drink a lot of coffee anymore (I drink Eboost in the morning) and I just have the cheapest 2-cup coffee maker. I would say if you LOVE your coffee it would be worth getting. My friend had a french press and I swear though that was the best coffee I ever had.
ReplyDeleteI had to comment just to tell you that I love my Keurig. We have the one that you pictured. My husband was like yours, not convinced it was a good idea but agreed to go along with it. And one week after we got it, he said he wanted one for his office. You can get the reusable coffee pod and save some money. But one warning is that it's so fun to use, I actually drink more coffee than I used to.
ReplyDeleteUh oh... I already drink a lot of coffee! :)
DeleteLa Fitness Hours