Good Monday morning, friends! I hope you had a great weekend. Mine was... eh. I didn't really do a whole lot. And I can't even show you pictures of all the uninteresting things I did because we can't get our camera to work. I think part of the reason my weekend was so ho-hum was because I wasn't really craving/needing a break from work since last week we only had school about two and a half days! (Stupid snow and ice.) I am really looking forward to getting back into my normal schedule.
So instead of a breakdown of each day like I normally do, I am just going to list some random thoughts/things about the weekend. Maybe next weekend we will actually do something exciting, our camera will work, and I will have a wonderful weekend for you to read about...
1. I rediscovered the show Will & Grace. Boy, was that show funny! It's now added to my DVR. (Do you know it airs about 10 times a day?)

2. On Thursday night (I know, not technically the weekend, but I have to share this with you!), Paul cut the biggest butt knot off of Jelly that you ever did see. This butt knot was at least two months in the making. See, Jelly was laying on my lap, on his back, legs sprawled open. He was in a trance. Paul got the scissors and sliced it clean off. We marveled at the huge-ness of the butt knot, then I assumed Paul threw it away. Except he didn't. He put it on the refrigerator...
Lucky for you, we got a pic of it before our camera broke.
3. Paul and I have a new show to watch during dinner. Judge Judy. It's the kind of show that really makes you feel better about your own problems. But sad news. Paul informed me that he's done watching the show. He says it makes him feel dirty. Hmmm...

4. I made a scrumptious pasta salad on Saturday. Ingredients: whole wheat penne pasta, fresh tomatoes, black olives, frozen broccoli, sweet peppers, turkey bacon, lite zesty Italian dressing, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. I add chicken to mine and Paul adds feta cheese to his.
5. I've been struggling with my nutrition lately. Apparently, my hunger and my cravings have not gotten the message that I can't do my normal HIIT type workouts that really keep me in the shape I like to be in. The good news is that I am now able to get on the arc trainer and work for 45 minutes at 85% of the resistance/intensity that I could before my surgery. THIS IS HUGE. I am hoping it helps me get back in the swing of things nutrition wise and I can focus on FUELING my body rather than having a party in my mouth every night. So hopefully, now that I can do proper cardio and low impact interval training, I can get my head on straight again. More on this topic tomorrow...
6. Sunday afternoon was spent attending a Girls on the Run training. I don't know if I told you this, but I will be co-coaching a Girls on the Run team this spring. I'll also post more about this later on in the week!

7. Have you seen the movie Bad Grandpa? Don't. We made it through almost half hour before we shut it off. Honestly, I'm surprised we made it that far! If you never heard it, it's one of those "Jackass Presents" movies starring Johnny Knoxville. Annnnnnd now you're probably laughing at us for trying it!
Sorry for the lack of original pictures! I am sure you were hoping for a couple snapshots of the cats, but no kitty glamour shots until we figure out what is going on with our camera.
I hope your weekend was more exciting than mine!
What's your favorite type of pasta salad?
Do/did you watch Will & Grace?
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
Go on any runs this? Tell me! I can live vicariously through you!
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
Go on any runs this? Tell me! I can live vicariously through you!
Fav pasta salad is with pesto, cherry tomatoes, and tiny chunks of salami. I like it better hot but it's good cold too :) my husband is a little obsessed with it and if I have him do our grocery run he will conveniently come home with extra ingredients so I can make this pasta instead of what I was originally planning.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds very delicious!
DeleteOhh that's so exciting that you'll be coaching Girls on the Run. I've heard such great things about that program and I'm sure you'll have a blast!
ReplyDeleteI have no idea what a butt knot is, but I'm glad Cecil doesn't get them because he would literally kill me if I tried to cut anything off him. He doesn't even like getting brushed, and will grab the brush and try to get all his fur back out of it.... crazy cat!
A butt knot/crotch knot is when their hair gets matted in a clump and you can't brush it out. It needs snipped! My cats are long haired so they get them from time to time. If Cecil is short haired, he may be off the hook for butt knots!
DeleteWill and Grace is one of my very favorite shows. Like Friends, I can quote every single episode, except the very last one. Why? Because I've never seen the very last episode. I missed it when it aired and it doesn't work on the DVD we have. I have a problem with watching the last episode of shows. I still haven't watched the last Desperate Housewives or the last Dexter.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you don't watch the final episodes!!!! You're crazy, girl. Do you at least read about them?
DeleteHaha I love the makeshift pictures - I may have to still that idea, it's much easier than trying to snap pictures while I work out!
ReplyDeleteGo ahead and do it! I take terrible pics anyway so my fake ones are prob even better than the real ones.
DeleteWell I don't have a cat so I read "butt knot," "cut out," and "on the fridge" and basically vomited in my mouth a little. So very glad to see the clarification. :) Meow!
ReplyDeleteI don't like pasta salad, actually - not enough cheese. I do like potato salad, especially Austrian potato salad with oil and vinegar and mustard.
Lol sorry to gross you out! I was debating on whether it was too gross to post about but you know what? My Jelly is so gorgeous that even his butt knots are cute. ;)
DeleteI love GOTR!! I coached last season, but unfortunately don't have enough time to do it this spring. I can't wait to coach again. Enjoy :)
ReplyDeleteAwesome! I hope I enjoy it. I am sure I will. It def is a time commitment, though!
DeleteSo are you back to work already after your surgery? I remember watching Will and Grace! I really enjoyed it back in the day! When I go over to my parents house in the late afternoon they are always watching Judge Judy, it is quite addicting!
ReplyDeleteYup, I had surg on a Thurs and was gonna go back to work Mon but then we had a snow day so it ended up being Tues. It was nice that I had the weekend- I definitely needed that. As you know, teaching isn't a sitting down job!
DeleteI looove Will & Grace!!
ReplyDeleteI've been having issues with the hunger thing too. I really need to figure out why I'm always so hungry so I can eat less!
It sure if funny! I don't mind how much I eat... I just wish sometimes I wouldn't eat so much ice cream at night. And lately I have been grabbing a bag of chips right before bed. WHY? I'm not hungry at that point. There is no reason!
DeleteI love pasta salad! My mom makes really great pasta salad!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome news about GOTR.I wish we had one in our area!
Ohhh I haven't seen Will and Grace in SOOO long--glad you rediscovered it. And no worries I am just now getting used to taking food pics. It's definitely a habit that has to be developed.
ReplyDeleteI always eat my food before I think to take a pic. :)
DeleteWill and Grace! I forgot all about that show. Now I'm gonna have to look it up again. I'm sure it's even funnier now that I've forgotten all the jokes. :) I love the fake pictures, by the way.
ReplyDeleteYeah! It is one of those shows that I loved, but I haven't seen every episode 1 million times so it is still funny.
DeleteHaha I laughed so hard when I saw the butt knot posted to your fridge. If our dogs were able to get butt knots, I wouldn't be surprised if JP did something like that!
ReplyDeleteOur husbands are SICK!