I was freaking WIPED OUT from all the fun we had on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
This weekend was all about relaxation, ukulele practice, and SLEEP!

On Friday morning, I got to test out one of my Christmas presents from my parents... a "The View" mug circa 2007! (They go flea marketing/antiquing and find the craziest stuff!) The View is one of my favorite shows, so this was a cute gift and a nice surprise!
I swear there are days I don't wear my reindeer pajamas. I do have other pjs, I promise.
I love Barbara and Joy!
I was supposed to lift today, but it was beautiful, so I ran instead. Bad idea. My legs were so tired, and it was clear just a mile into the run why it was supposed to be a lifting day and I should have stuck to my plan.
That afternoon, Paul met his nephews and niece at a nearby park for a Nerf gun battle. He takes these events very seriously...
While he had fun with his family, I headed down to Big Lots to score some 50% off wrapping supplies. I now have enough tissue paper to last the next seven years!
It was a chill night for us. I got Paul Jeopardy for Christmas, so we played that on his Xbox. Then I started watching Twin Peaks, recommended to me by Kristina. What a QUIRKY show. In the first episode I cried three times, laughed about ten times, and wondered, "Do they KNOW they are being over the top!?" every two minutes.
I got in the habit of watching Twin Peaks a lot this weekend. When I watch, I turn the Yule log on the television so it is all cozy. So from now on when I have Yule log/Twin Peaks time, I will indicate it by using this picture:

Saturday morning was UKULELE TIME. Paul tuned it up for me and I managed to learn some strumming and changing from the C chord to F chord. Jelly does not like the uke. He doesn't flip out, but whenever he sees me with it, he just turns around and calmly goes under the bed. Christmas, on the other hand, likes to sniff it.
Then I went to the gym. It was super crowded, and I have lots of stories about my experience... which I will share tomorrow! I did a mish mash of back and legs. It was too crowded to do my normal routine in my normal order, so this is what ended up happening...
The rest of the night consisted of more uke practice, getting my ass kicked in Jeopardy, and this...

Early Sunday morning.... What else!?

We met up with Paul's cousin Allison and her family for breakfast at Panera. We stayed so long that by the time we left, the lunch crowd had come in!
It was quite a warm afternoon, so I ran in shorts! I also lifted chest and shoulders. Just a short little at home workout.
Then for the rest of the night....
Yes, I am addicted.

Do you play a musical instrument?
Have you seen Twin Peaks?
Have you seen Twin Peaks?
Score any after Christmas deals!?
Way to keep up with your workouts during this crazy, crazy time! A 2007 The View mug might be one of the most random gifts I've ever seen but I bet you were delighted!
ReplyDeleteI played violin from 5th grade through the end of high school. I miss it, but after high school I just didn't have time for all the practice anymore.
I avoid after Christmas shopping. I've already spent enough money, thanks!
I totally understand about the no time to practice thing. I play the piano, but at this point, I only play for/at work. I just don't have the desire to sit down and practice and don't want to MAKE the time!
DeleteI was so excited when I saw on a previous post that you also use the Yule Log! Sometimes my appleTV or Netflix freezes and I say "that's probably because so many people are using the fireplace station now!" LOL. Lola and I pair the Yule Log with the Good Wife. ;) A great combo!
ReplyDeleteMy great Uncle Jack gets us the weirdest/most random gifts. Well this year, he got me like a 8 cd set of Christmas music- except the last CD is just the yule log! So I have it in my DVD player on loop so whenever I turn on the tv- BAM fireplace! Uncle Jack doesn't know how good he did this year as I am thoroughly enjoying my yule log!
DeleteSo excited that you are watching Twin Peaks! It is totally over the top .... and the final episode is just CRAZY! I can't wait for you to see it, haha! I really need to re-watch that series!
ReplyDeleteI started re-listening to Serial over the weekend with Adam during our drive to my moms. I am now more convinced than ever that Jay did it. I feel like everything he says Adnan says/did is really what he said/did. And I feel like during the one episode where he was like, "i'm just feel bad" that he was apologizing for killing her by accident!
I saw your email but I haven't opened it yet, I know it must contain really good information and I need to read it when I can give it my full attention!!
Oh yeah! PS: Twin Peaks its getting revived in 2016! Showtime ordered 9 episodes!
DeleteIt is just all the Serial locations plotted out on Google Maps. Kind of cool to see everything in relationship to everything else. :) I started relistening to Serial too but only got to Ep 6 and had to stop. It's just so obvious he is innocent that it was making me mad. Those blogs I read and that I sent you... they did way more research than SK.
DeleteI SAW that Twin Peaks was coming back. I wonder if it is going to be the same story or different? They should redo the series, SHOT FOR SHOT like they did with Vince Vaughn in the newer version of psycho hehehe. Did you watch Fargo, the TV series? Very good. Kind of Twin Peaks-ish but not as over the top and a lot scarier. Although, there was a scene last night that scared the crap out of me and Jelly!
Hey Meg-Head on over to Amazon.com and get one of these handy tuners. You'll have your uke tuned in two seconds. :) BTW, I'm sure you know this but after awhile your uke will stay more in tune. http://www.amazon.com/Snark-SN6-Clip-On-Ukulele-Tuner/dp/B004Z17008 PS, you can play Amazing Grace with just the C and F chords. In case you were dying to get your first song in instead of just strumming. :)
ReplyDeleteI wanted to look up how to play Amazing Grace! One of my students played/sang it for us at school and she made it look so easy. So of course I'm like, "Okay, well if a 9 yr old can do it...." hehehe. Gonna work on that one!
DeleteOh didn't mention it but also learned G7- very very slow on all these chord changes but I can slowly bang out Oh My Darlin' Clementine with C and G7. I have a niece named Clementine. :)
DeleteThat was the very first song we learned too!
DeleteMy friend the music teacher has a uke that he brings on every adventure. There have been several days where we have sat on the beach, in the forest, or just simply on his bed and he's taught me some songs. He even recorded us one day. I am completely terrible and he makes up lyrics so it's hilarious. I really love the uke and I REALLY love it when he pulls it out and plays it while we are hiking.
ReplyDeleteYour friend sounds awesome! I want to be able to just whip it out and play it.
DeleteI love that Paul dressed in all camo for the nerf gun fight. He has to be the best uncle ever! I've never even heard of Twin Peaks but I'll have to look it up!
ReplyDeleteIt is sooooooo 1990 :) I was too young to watch it when it originally came out.
DeleteI've never seen Twin Peaks...will need to check it out :) When I was younger I played the piano but I'm not gifted in that area at all. I tried to self-teach myself the clarinet a few years ago (that lasted about 6 months) lol
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of anyone trying to teach themselves the clarinet. That is AWESOME. I started clarinet in 4th grade. Not a huge fan of the instrument but nevertheless glad I played.
DeleteOoh slippers! I just wear really fuzzy socks but now I think I need a pair of slippers.