Thank you to Amanda @ Running With Spoons for this Thinking Out Loud link up!
This is the post where I just talk about random shit and hopefully you will find it entertaining...
1. After Thanksgiving, Paul and I decided that there was no reason we should have to wait until next Thanksgiving for more turkey. So we bought one for .49 cents per pound, and the other day, Paul roasted it!
Not bad for his first foray!
I ate the two legs pictured for dinner. I call that day, "The Day I Ate Too Much Protein."
At least I have a reason to be eating the leftover homemade cranberry sauce
my Auntie Eileen gave me at Thanksgiving! Open faced turkey-cran sandwich!
2. I think I am too late in asking for this for Christmas, but isn't it so ME!?
3. Paul and I drink seltzer water now! I am about as addicted to it as I was to diet soda. So please don't tell me it is bad for you, or I will be sad.
4. Hey, there's actually a reason I feel like I want to bite Jelly and say things like, "I want to eat you, Jelly!!!" See, I am not crazy! Check out the article:
This is Jelly. Admit it. You want to EAT HIM!
5. During our game of Quiddler last night, Paul managed to spell the most epic word we have ever spelled during a game of Quiddler...
I don't care how old you are, that is FUNNY!
6. A couple years ago, I banned myself from shopping at Weis Markets. I temporarily lifted the ban after about a year of not shopping there. Well, as of 4:19pm on December 12, 2014, the ban has been REINSTATED INDEFINITELY. "I'll run into Weis," I say. "It'll be quick," I say. FALSE. The only thing slower than the checkout lines at Weis is my computer.

Tell me something random... Think Out Loud!
Do you ever want to bite/eat your baby or pet?
Are you a fan of seltzer water?
Do you hate Weis like me!?
Okay so I do tell Lola I want to chew her up to pieces....so I'm normal? Lol. Matt and I are also hooked on those waters. We call them 'fancy' water as apposed to normal water. We are so weird.
ReplyDeleteYES! And you know what? Sometimes I want to eat Lola too. :)
DeletePaul looks so proud of that turkey! I can't eat the legs, wings or skin of a turkey because it reminds me too much of the actual animal. I am probably crazy! Actually I must be crazy because I have never wanted to eat Cecil.... but I definitely do the smooshy face thing all the time becauseTHAT FACE! So cute! I totally want to do the smooshy face thing to Jelly too :)
ReplyDeleteAwwww I do the opposite of smooshy face... I stand behind and like pull their faces back. They love it though. :)
DeleteI get the part about it looking too much like an animal. I told Paul I didn't want to see the turkey before it was cooked or carved because I didn't want to be reminded that it was an animal! Once it is dismembered it is fine though. :)
Oh no, I love Weis Markets! We have a glorious Weis here and I always joke that it's my "go to" store because i've found lots of neat Christmas presents there over the years. I know you are thinking how can you find present at a grocery store, but I some how do. Why are you banning? -M
ReplyDeleteThat is cool that you can find presents there! I once got Paul a shirt at Giant. It was in the ice cream aisle. :) I am banning because they only ever have 2 lanes open and no baggers, which means it is sooooo slow. Also, they have A LOT of expired food on the shelves and bugs in the donut display. GROSS. Maybe it is just our local Weis??? But it is pretty bad.
DeleteThat is too funny! I bought my husband a tall Steelers cup that came with a Steeler's T-shirt inside of it ( that was 10 years ago and he still uses the cup every day)! That is really sad about them having expired food ( and bugs). I never buy donuts so I have not checked the display at ours. However, I do know there are some Weis that are really old and dilapidated and would not make for a pleasant shopping experience. I need to bring you to the Weis Markets here ( they have lots of check out lanes)! Now on the other hand, our Dollar Tree sound like your Weis. I have never been in there when there wasn't just one cashier working and the line is always SO long!
DeleteThanks to your post I now want turkeyyyyyyy!!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI love Ruffles With Love. I seriously need to purchase one of their tanks - I just love 'em!
Hope you are enjoying your favorite holiday season!
Thank you Heather! :) Go get a turkey and make Gun Show cook it up for you. :)
DeleteI'm a huge fan of seltzer water too! It's a great way to satisfy the craving for something bubbly without being full of sugar and chemicals. And as long as you don't have any kidney problems so that your body can filter out the CO2, then there's nothing wrong with drinking it.
ReplyDeleteThat is good to know! I don't think I have any kindey problems. It reeeeeeally makes me burp though. Like, BIG, HUGE BURPS.
DeleteLove that apron! I've heard its common for moms to want to gobble their children up. That's crazy there was a study done. I don't want to eat my cat but I do want to squeeze him to death when he is being super cute. Is that kind of the same thing? I've never even heard of Weis!
ReplyDeleteI am pretty sure Weis is just a PA thing! They have not gone national. No big surprise because they SUCK!
DeletePolar has some interesting flavors of seltzer--apple ginger, thumbs down, chocolate mint--well, the kids like it! I like cranberry lime.
ReplyDeleteWe just finished our leftover turkey. We will take a turkey break before roasting the next one...
That shirt is funny, I guess I shouldn't expect many presents this year...
HAHAHA it took me a minute to get why you said you won't get many presents...
DeletePaul wanted to cook up the second one and I said NO we gotta wait at least two weeks so we don't get sick of turkey!
I haven't played Quiddler is years but Paul definitely wins for best word ever!
ReplyDeleteI thought so!!! :) :) :) I am glad you get our sense of humor!
DeleteI don't even know what Weis is - is it like WalMart?
ReplyDeleteThat running tank is super cute!!
It's a supermarket but I think it is only in PA.
DeleteI love that tank, and oh my goodness... your cat, haha! SO cute!
ReplyDeleteThanks :) I mean, I think he is cute but it is possible I'm biased.
DeleteI LOVE seltzer water. It's sugar free, isn't it? And no artificial sweetners/flavors. I say it's good for you!
ReplyDeleteThat picture of Jelly is HILARIOUS.
You got it! But if you think reeeeeally hard you can make it taste sugary ;)
DeleteThat is such a great point about Turkey. I think we associate it so much with Thanksgiving and large group gatherings that most of us don’t even think to cook one up and have it for leftovers a million different ways. I need to do this, ASAP.
ReplyDeleteDo your cats handle the Christmas tree and décor pretty well? I’m trying to figure out how to get through Christmas with all of the ornaments still in tact.
I hate seltzer water for some reason, but my husband has a serious addiction.
They actually do NOT handle it well. When they were younger, they did. We had 2 Christmas trees and all was good... maybe one or two mornings where we woke up and an ornament was on the floor. (That pic was actually from like 3 Christmases ago.) Now that they are older, they get into EVERYTHING and since they are on diets, they want to EAT everything. I had to cut back on my greenery this year because even though I hang it around doorways, Christmas (one of my cats) can get on counters and get to it!
DeleteBest. Word. Ever. I am a 12-year-old boy at heart and anything like that makes me laugh too hard. Queef is one of those words that make me cringe, like squirt and moist. One time, my friends and I tried to create the most foul sentence we could with the words that make us gag. We came up with a fantastic one. I won't post it here, but it was pretty phenomenal. We were all over 21 at the time......
ReplyDeleteAlso, I don't think seltzer water is bad for you at all. I got my mom a SodaStream for Christmas a few years ago and it's the best present she's ever received. She uses it every single day because of her addiction to seltzer water.
I never heard of a soda stream, I am guessing it carbonates your water for you!?
DeleteDang I would love to hear that sentence. :) Paul and I get great joy when we can spell words like taint and queef during quiddler. :)