Wendy@ Taking the Long Way Home wrote a post about being cautious. It is really
inspiring and you should go read it. In a comment, I told her about one of my
favorite poems. It’s called Dust If You Must. I have it hanging on my classroom
door and would like to post it here for you to read today.
Dust if you must, but wouldn't it be better,
To paint a picture or write a letter, Bake a cake or plant a seed, Ponder the difference between want and need? Dust if you must, but there's not much time, With rivers to swim and mountains to climb, Music to hear and books to read, Friends to cherish and life to lead. Dust if you must, but the world's out there With the sun in your eyes, the wind in your hair, A flutter of snow, a shower of rain. This day will not come 'round again. Dust if you must, but bear in mind, Old age will come and it's not always kind. And when you go and go you must, You, yourself, will make more dust. |
seriously get tears in my eyes every time I read this poem. The last line is so
powerful: “And when you go and go you must, You, yourself, will make more dust." It just gets me.
My takeaway from this poem is: Don't live your life the way you think you "should" live it. Live it the way you want to live it.
We only have one shot at this crazy life. I don't want to get to the end of it and think, "I wish I would have done (fill in the blank) but I was too afraid." There is no next time. This is it!
A couple years ago, Paul and I decided that we were going to live life in "high def". We would no longer feel bad about spending money on trips and experiences because those are things we will never look back and regret. I mean seriously, has anyone on their deathbed said, "Gee, I never should have taken that trip to the Grand Canyon."
We only have one shot at this crazy life. I don't want to get to the end of it and think, "I wish I would have done (fill in the blank) but I was too afraid." There is no next time. This is it!
A couple years ago, Paul and I decided that we were going to live life in "high def". We would no longer feel bad about spending money on trips and experiences because those are things we will never look back and regret. I mean seriously, has anyone on their deathbed said, "Gee, I never should have taken that trip to the Grand Canyon."
I know that for everyone, work can get monotonous, the weeks can drag, and we can easily end up being too busy to do the things we really care about doing. I think it is important to pause and remember that this is OUR LIFE and we should live it exactly how we want!