At my first appointment on Wednesday, Dr. Olivetti didn't seem too concerned with what was going on.
At my second appointment on Friday, he adjusted me and I told him "It kind of hurt". This concerned him. He said I may have a disc problem and that is why my hip/glute hurts.
WTF?? I do not have a disc problem. He told me not to run or jump or do anything over the weekend until he saw me on Monday.
Yeah right. Over the wekeend I did a walk/run, push ups, pull ups... I knew I didn't have a disc problem. Call me stupid if you want, but the only reason he thought I may have a disc problem was due to me saying the adjustment hurt. (I don't know why he adjusted me anyway. I will not be letting him do that again.) Are adjustments actually supposed to feel good?
I have lots of wonderful runs coming up. I still may be running a trail half at the end of May. And I want to run while we are on vacation in June. So I am going to really baby my body and stick with lots of walking and an occasional walk/run for now. I would hate to be injured while we are on vaycay and miss running in Colorado, Santa Fe, and San Diego!
Okay, time to go learn all I can about the TFL!

Do you think adjustments feel good?
Ever experience pain in your TFL?
I am glad you don't have a disc problem! I have had lower back (SI joint) adjustments about 4 x in my life and they have all turned out really bad (back spasm). I don't ever get them anymore. One time my upper back needed adjustment and that felt awesome. But basically I stay away from the chiro. Yes, I have a very tight TFL so I feel your pain there. You are being so smart. Seeing the big picture. I am taking a few days off from running now, too, since Monday I hyper extended my knee while stepping off the curb. Hoping to just cycle, swim and weights this week and get back to it on Monday. I know a lot of people run through pain/discomfort but I have done that before and it never is a good idea for me. We can motivate each other during this time and know that by end of May things will be back to normal (fingers crossed).
ReplyDeleteI don't know enough about chiro to trust them to adjust me. I mean, I want to UNDERSTAND it before it is done. The first time he adjusted me it happened so quickly I didn't even have time to think "should this be happening?" you know what I mean. The main reason I see my chiro is for ART and because he knows a lot about physiology as it relates to sports so I totally trust him on that front.
DeleteMy main motivation to be cautious is VACATION! It is less than a month away and I want to run in Co, NM, and CA!!
I know how you feel! And always good to have a motivation to really get healthy. I only walked all last summer and that bummed me out cuz I love running in the summer. That is my motivation to get healthy and get the back of my knee not screaming at me. We can do it!!!
DeleteI've never been to a chiro and had an adjustment but it doesn't sound like a fun experience. I'd rather get a massage ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that it's really not a disc problem - that's annoying that he jumped to that conclusion based on a generic comment. If it was me I probably would have gone home and freaked out all weekend!
I think he was just being cautious, which I guess is a good thing because I know you don't want to eff around with the back. But based off just my one comment, it was a little much! I freaked out for half the day Friday and then I decided that I knew more than he did HAHAHA.
DeleteMy best friends dad is a chiro so he used to randomly adjust us all the time. It always freaked me out, especially when he adjusted our neck! I'm so glad it's not actually a disc problem!
ReplyDeleteOoh that is weird... was he allowed to do that?
DeleteI actually like getting adjustments! But it did take some getting used to, and they never hurt. To me it just feels like a good back cracking. My chiro also does this thing where he pulls on each of my legs. When I stand up and walk out of the office I feel like I have grown 6 inches.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting. I know some people swear by it but I have no plans to let him adjust any part of me ever again! It's just not my thing.
DeleteDid your blog just really make me identify pictures of sushi to prove I wasn't a robot? LOL! That's a first!
ReplyDeleteUgh I am sorry it is making you do that stupid ID thing. I have to do that on other blogs too! Did it just start making you do that? I am so not tech savvy.
DeleteI don't think it does it when I comment from my google account but I think when I commented yesterday I wasn't signed in or something. It had never made me do that before, but sometimes I have to do the captcha thing.
DeleteGlad that you kind of know what's going on now. I don't think adjustments are ever fun.
ReplyDeleteHaha yeah. I always feel like I only "kind of" know what's going on.
DeleteIt sounds like your chiropractor is a little bit confused! Have you thought about getting a second opinion? It sounds like his diagnosis is changing every time you see him. I'm glad that you don't have a disc problem though, that would be really bad!
ReplyDeleteYeah I was getting skeptical after my second time there. I had an appt. yesterday and since I have seen a noticed improvement and he didn't feel tension, he gave me the go ahead to only come back if it starts to feel worse. But I think if it does get worse, I am going to go somewhere else. Now, I have to be accountable and not do too much too soon or else it WON'T get better.
DeleteOMG this is only the second time ever I've heard of TFL!!! My masseuse used to work on mine a lot last year when I was marathon training and I had to practice saying it! My lingo for dummies translation when I'd try and explain it to someone was: "Tensor Facial Latte" .... LOL. This was the only way I'd come even remotely close to remembering the name.
ReplyDeleteOh believe me, when my chiro said it I was like... What is the TFL???
DeleteThat was my thinking too. I mean, would someone with a disc problem be able to do push ups, planks, pull ups, shoulder press, etc, with no prob?
ReplyDeleteHi Meg! It's good that your chiropractor was able to identify what was wrong with your body. You must be pretty scared when he said that you might have a back problem, though it’s good that it was eventually found out that what you have was a tightening in your TFL. You are right on your plan to ‘baby’ your body a bit to give it ample time to rest and recuperate. Take care!
ReplyDeleteDerek Sparks @ ForgeyChiropractic05