Sex and the City is a mindless show I love to hate to watch. I love to hate Carrie's clothes. I love to hate how immature a bunch of 30 something (and one 40 something) women can act. I love to hate the cheesy dialogue and the cheesy sex and all the stuff that I'm sure was cutting edge 15 years ago, but it isn't anymore.
I didn't watch Sex and the City when it originally aired. I was WAY too young. Plus we didn't get HBO. These were the days before On Demand, Redbox, Netflix, and Amazon Prime...
So now, Sex and the City is a guilty pleasure I have been DVRing and half watching while I blog, unwind from the work day, or when I'm just plain bored.
I find myself fast forwarding any story arc that involves Miranda, as her stories are usually boring to me (especially after she had her kid) and her boyfriend Steve is super gross (in my opinion).
I fast forward half of Charlotte's story arcs because even though I think she is lovely and not annoying at all, a lot of her arcs are boring or just plain silly.
Now Samantha... I LOVE Samantha! I honestly think she is the most mature out of all of them.
And now for Carrie. I HATE CARRIE!!!! She is immature, self absorbed, selfish, and a cheater. Oh, and she's a horrible dresser.
1. She acted extremely immature in her relationship with Big. Actually, she acted immature in practically all of her relationships.
2. Her stupid, self serving apology to Natasha after getting caught sleeping with Big. First of all, the only reason she apologized was to make herself feel better. Second, she tracked down Natasha at lunch to deliver the pathetic apology in that highly inappropriate newspaper dress.
3. Bullying Charlotte and making her feel bad for not giving Carrie her engagement ring so Carrie could pay for her apartment. Hmmm... let's see... Carrie saves no money, wastes it on $500 shoes, and then can't afford to buy her apartment? Nope. Don't feel bad for you. But I do feel bad for Charlotte. It is not Charlotte's responsibility to fix Carrie's financial problems.
4. Making everything about HER. It doesn't matter what sort of problem one of her friends has. Carrie finds a way to put the spotlight back onto her.
5. Inviting Big to Aiden's country home. Carrie complained the whole time she was there, then the second her ex-boyfriend calls and needs someone to talk to, she invites him up to AIDEN'S house so they can talk. (Oh, this is after Carrie already cheated on Aiden with Big.)
I'm sure there's a lot more I could add to the list.
But I shall continue mindlessly watching Sex and the City. I like getting annoyed by Carrie. She's like my Mr. Big... I keep going back for more!
Who is your favorite character on Sex and the City?
Tell me about an episode when Carrie annoyed the crap out of you!