This is my lunchtime routine on a work day...
(If you missed my morning routine you can check it out here!)
(If you missed my morning routine you can check it out here!)
My last class of the morning ends at 11:45 am. At that point, I have all the students lined up and I start putting my materials away from their lesson and start getting materials out for my class after lunch. Once their teacher comes and picks them up, I sink into my desk chair and check my email. I just kind of zone out for a few minutes, relishing the peace and quiet.
If I have any "personal" business to attend to, I do it now. I'll text Paul, pay bills, comment on a blog or two... whatever. I just need to veg!
Around 11:55, I trek upstairs to the faculty lounge. I get my lunch out of the fridge. I either have chicken and broccoli, chicken and sweet 'taters, or chicken, broccoli, AND sweet 'taters. I don't mind having the same thing each day. I am so hungry that I couldn't care less.
I warm my lunch up in the microwave and relax with the other teachers that are eating their lunch. Most of the time I just listen to them chat. I know, I know, you are probably thinking- wait a minute, you are a big mouth, why aren't you talking!? Well, my lunch time changed and I now eat with teachers I don't know as well, so most of the time I just listen.