It was a weekend of family, fitness, and trails!
On Saturday morning, I met my dad and brother at Sherwood Drive for a run on the AT. The plan was to go North for as long as conditions allowed and then turn around.
My dad brought some cleats along for my brother and I to try. The ones he gave me just wrap around my shoes. I loved them! I've worn cleats before and they were clunky and falling off of me. I couldn't even notice I was wearing these.
The cleats were definitely crucial as there were many parts of the trail that were icy. I would not have been able to enjoy the run at all if it wasn't for the extra traction. And Dad is letting me keep the cleats. Thanks, Daddio!
The temps were brisk but the trail was beautiful and surprisingly runnable. I hauled ass to the top of the Cumberland Overlook and waited for Tyler and Dad to catch up.
Then we continued up the mountain and down the other side just a bit. The snow was really deep on the other side of the mountain and it didn't look like it was going to be much fun to run in. We decided to turn around and head back to the car.
My Garmin hadn't even hit 6 miles so I figured I'd do a couple loops of my neighborhood when I got home. But as I drove home and relaxed in my heated seats, I realized I just had a really hard run up a mountain and I did not need to run two extra miles. I should just go home, shower, eat quiche, and relax. So that's just what I did!
On Sunday afternoon, I picked Debby up and drove us over to the Conewago Rail Trail. We didn't want to hike through snow and ice, so the rail trail it was. It wasn't too cold, and Debby is a fast walker, so we were booking it!
Around mile three, I wanted to turn around. My hip flexors were sore and my back hurt! Walking is no. freaking. joke. Why can I run for hours and feel fine, but walking for an hour and a half kills me!?
Debby could have kept going, so I felt a little bad holding her back. She is training for the Lucky Charm 10k right now and she is going to kill it!
On Sunday afternoon, I picked Debby up and drove us over to the Conewago Rail Trail. We didn't want to hike through snow and ice, so the rail trail it was. It wasn't too cold, and Debby is a fast walker, so we were booking it!
Around mile three, I wanted to turn around. My hip flexors were sore and my back hurt! Walking is no. freaking. joke. Why can I run for hours and feel fine, but walking for an hour and a half kills me!?
Debby could have kept going, so I felt a little bad holding her back. She is training for the Lucky Charm 10k right now and she is going to kill it!
It was great to talk to Debby and she helped me sort a lot of stuff out! What would I do without this wise sister-in-law!!??
What's harder: walking or running?
I do a marathon walk every year, which goes on the route of the Boston Marathon. That ish is TOUGH, and I know people who are runners who've done it and say they'd never walk that far again. Personally the 10 miles of mental anguish the one time I ran a marathon was much worse, but I can see where they are coming from :-)
ReplyDeleteDanggg so you walk a marathon? I can't even imagine walking that far. This may be a dumb question, but do you train for that by doing a lot of walking instead of running?
DeleteI've done it every year for 11 years, I think! Although one year I only did half. That's not a dumb question at all; I personally don't train specifically for the walking, mostly because I don't enjoy walking that much, haha. Being in running shape is super helpful, and I'll accept a little extra soreness instead. I just don't feel like anything I'm willing to do could properly train me for 8+ hours on my feet.
Delete"I just don't feel like anything I'm willing to do could properly train me for 8+ hours on my feet." <---- I get you!!!
DeleteI can relate! I am more sore from walking fast than when I run. Did you know that there are actually marathin walkers out there! There is actually a technique to it and it's all in the hips!
ReplyDeleteIs Debbie going to speed walk to 10k or run some of it? She will have a blast! It's a good course!
Oh Debby has been training hard, she is prob going to run the whole thing! It makes sense the technique is in the hips... my hip flexors were SORE!
DeleteYou had some beautiful views! Walking definitely seems to use different muscles and long distance walking definitely makes me sore in different ways.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, I was wrecked.
DeleteWhat spikes are those? They sound awesome. Way to go Debby! What a rockstar. I think walking fast is more difficult than running! I do both on my "workout days" (i.e. not swimming or cycling).
ReplyDeleteI have no clue... he got them at the grocery store! You and Debby could prob walk for miles together.
DeleteWhat a fun family outing! :) I live vicariously through you when it comes to family fun stuff.
ReplyDeleteWell thanks for following along on the adventures! I live vicariously through your food making. :)
DeleteI did a walking challenge this past summer that was marathon-distance, but, well, walking. And by the halfway point I was ready to bail. I was going down this steep slope with lots of little rocks that I was trying not to slide on, and I was lameting how if I was running I'd be nearly done but I still had another 5 hours to go (yeah, I'm a slow runner).
ReplyDeleteGranted, I did recover from that challenge faster than a marathon, but still, I pledged I'd only ever run that distance again ;)